Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 444 Untitled

At this time, Ma Hongjun, who was a step behind, finally ran over.

"My old waist." The old village chief held his waist with one hand and slowly slid off Ma Hongjun's back.

Then, he also saw the very miserable scene in front of him. His pupils shrank and he couldn't help but take a few steps forward to get a clear view. Unexpectedly, his feet slipped and he fell directly to the ground.

"Grandpa!" Ma Hongjun quickly stretched out his hand to help the old village chief up, but he didn't expect that the old village chief ignored him and let the rain wash over his body with dull eyes.

"This...this, Honggui, Xiaodaozi, Azai...all five of them are dead?"

The death of the five people seemed to be the last straw that broke the weight. The old village chief's eyes completely lost color, and his whole person was like a pile of mud.

"People can't be resurrected after death. Grandpa, you'd better look away." Seeing this, Ma Hongjun could only say a few words of comfort without hurting.

After all, people cannot be resurrected, and he didn't know these people at all. He had seen scenes more miserable than this, so Ma Hongjun didn't feel any emotion in his heart.

Only Wang Xiaofeng would feel angry because he was a human being but was killed like this.

Wang Xiaofeng wrapped the bodies of the five people in silk cloth and placed them in the spirit space.

"Fat man, let's go back." A toneless voice sounded.

Ma Hongjun shuddered. This was the first time he saw Wang Xiaofeng so angry.

Dugu Bo almost poisoned him before, but Wang Xiaofeng was able to put the matter aside in front of Dugu Bo with a smile. Of course, outsiders don't know what he was thinking in his heart at the time.

In the underground space, several young adults were patrolling.

Suddenly, there were some slight noises in the dark passage, and they subconsciously raised the simple spears in their hands: "Who is it?"

(Everyone has a martial spirit, but not all of them are suitable for fighting, and if the martial spirit is destroyed, it will also be fed back to the body)

Tap tap tap…

The sound of footsteps gradually became clearer. Several people swallowed and couldn't help but tighten the weapons in their hands, but took a few steps back.

Just when their heartbeats were in their throats, the figures of Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun appeared from the weak candlelight.

"Don't be nervous, it's us."

"Ah, it's Master Soul Master!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, quickly put down their weapons, and walked over, "Why didn't you see the village? By the way, Master Soul Master, have you found Azai and the others?"

"Old village chief, alas, something unexpected happened." Ma Hongjun turned his head and gestured to his back, and then several young people saw his thin body blocked by Ma Hongjun's fat body.

"Old village chief, what's wrong with him?"

Wang Xiaofeng, who had been silent all this time, sighed: "It's a long story, let's go back first."

"Yeah, this is not the place to talk." The leading young man nodded quickly and asked the others to get out of the way and let Wang Xiaofeng and the others in.

The underground space is not big, and soon, the news of Wang Xiaofeng's return spread.

"Is my son back?"

"Where's Azai, are you back?"

Several old women hurriedly rushed into the crowd, and then saw five long strips wrapped in white cloth in the center of the open space.

"Fellow folks, I still have some food here. It will be enough for everyone to eat for a month." Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the dry food piled into a hill not far away.

These foods were the ones he had placed in the Wuhun space before and were specially stored in case of accidents when he was trapped somewhere.

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted: "Master Soul Master, are you leaving?"

"Yes." Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "We are not the opponent of that monster, so we can only find an opportunity to leave here first, and then go to the nearest Wuhun Temple to seek help."

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