Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 446 Lair (Part 2)

"It's almost raining now." Wang Xiaofeng felt the drizzle falling gently on his face and said lightly: "I have already asked the villagers. There is only one entrance and exit in this village, so they must be in this only place. Ambush at the entrance of the passage.

After all, this is the only chance to stop us. If we really escape, Wuhun Palace will definitely issue a wanted order and impose martial law on the surrounding villages and towns.

In this way, if the people behind the scenes want to cause trouble again, the time cost will skyrocket. Therefore, he will not let go of this opportunity to ambush us. "

Ma Hongjun rubbed his hair and asked doubtfully: "But we don't know where their lair is?"

“Even vampire bats cannot escape the habits of normal animals, such as loving darkness and hating sunlight.

Caves, large trees and abandoned houses may be their nests.

However, considering the huge body of the Vampire Bat King and the huge number of vampire bats, their lair must be a cave. "

"The only place that meets the conditions you mentioned is there." Ma Hongjun looked around, and then his eyes fell on the dark mountains more than ten kilometers away.

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, and then walked towards the mountains in the distance: "Come on, Fatty, we don't have much time."

Although it is not clear why the person behind the scenes controlled the monster and spent a lot of effort to keep the entire village in captivity.

But sometimes you don’t need to know too clearly, as long as you know that what the other person did is wrong.

(For example, xx dumps x waste.)

The mountains next to the village are not high, only about three hundred meters high, but they are extremely steep, as if a sharp sword is thrust into the sky.

This has also resulted in very few trees on the mountain.

Wang Xiaofeng gave Ma Hongjun a fourth soul skill, and the two began to search from both directions.

Within a few minutes, Wang Xiaofeng heard a whistle. His forward leaning body suddenly stopped, his figure flashed, and he immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

The disadvantage of using whistles to convey messages is that when you receive the message, the other party will also hear the whistle that should not occur.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng's judgment was not wrong. The vampire bats were not at home.

"Xiaofeng, here it is." Ma Hongjun saw Wang Xiaofeng's figure and waved quickly.

"Shh, keep your voice down." Wang Xiaofeng came to Ma Hongjun's side and patted his round belly dissatisfied: "Have you forgotten what I said before! Be cautious! Be cautious!"

Ma Hongjun felt that Wang Xiaofeng was being too cautious. He waved his hand carelessly: "It's okay. I've already checked and there are no vampire bats around."

Wang Xiaofeng took a deep look at Ma Hongjun and didn't bother to talk to him anymore. Anyway, he had already reminded him what needed to be reminded.

After all, Wang Xiaofeng is not qualified to force his ideas on others.

"Look, that's right there." Ma Hongjun walked forward.

Not far away, there is a bottomless mountain stream. About a hundred meters down, on the mountain wall of the mountain stream, there is a cave four meters wide and high.

The red mist lingering in the mountain stream is slowly billowing, giving off a fishy smell.

Occasionally, a small black shadow can be seen quickly flashing out of the mountain stream, and then quickly flying into the dark forest like an ordinary bird.

Due to the color of its body, it was almost difficult to detect in the night, but with enhanced vision, Wang Xiaofeng discovered that this small black shadow was a vampire bat.

"Fat man, you are really good. You found me in such a remote place."

Ma Hongjun raised his neck proudly: "I've always been lucky."

The two of them applied odor-eliminating herbs to themselves, took obstacle avoidance pills, and then slipped down silently on the vines like agile cheetahs.

Without the cover of trees and gravel, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun finally saw the cave where the vampire bat group was at close range.

The four-meter-long and wide cave is neither too big nor too small. It is dark inside, but there is a faint light emanating from it, making it look quite mysterious.

However, there are many knife-like marks around the entrance of the cave.

Perhaps due to the passage of time, these knife carvings have become extremely blurry. If Wang Xiaofeng had not had sharp eyesight, he would not have been able to spot them.

On the way, vampire bats came and went from time to time. Fortunately, after the soul skills were enhanced, the two of them had sharp enough senses and hid in advance every time.

"finally reached…"

Wang Xiaofeng smiled excitedly, and used his toes for the last time on the mountain wall. His figure flew through the air, and finally landed firmly in front of the cave.

Ma Hongjun followed closely, but it seemed that due to his weight, he jumped halfway and his body began to fall. Wang Xiaofeng could only quickly summon the gourd vine and pull him up.

"Oh, I was scared to death. I thought I had to use soul skills." Ma Hongjun lay on the ground and took a breath.

Wang Xiaofeng complained softly: "Fat man, it's time for you to lose weight."

"Next time I will definitely..."

The two of them walked in the quiet and dark cave, with a faint chill lingering around them.

It can only be said that it is indeed the nest of vampire bats, it just knows how to find a place.

Relying on the gourd to absorb sounds and sound waves, the two of them directly avoided the patrolling vampire bats.

Soon, the two came to the depths of the cave.

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