Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 447 Ice Grass

The cave was much deeper than expected, and Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun walked this way for more than ten minutes, plus they had to stop from time to time to avoid vampire bats.

Although his eyesight has been enhanced, there is no light, so he can't see or see, so Ma Hongjun has been following Wang Xiaofeng closely.

However, the person in front of him suddenly stopped.

Ma Hongjun couldn't hold back his body, and finally hit Wang Xiaofeng's back firmly.


Wang Xiaofeng didn't move at all, but Ma Hongjun was shaken back a step by the force of the counterattack, "Why did it stop suddenly without making a sound?"

"There is no road ahead." Wang Xiaofeng looked around and pointed at an unknown object emitting a bright light in the corner: "Fat man, look, what is that?"

Ma Hongjun opened his eyes wide and looked in the direction of Wang Xiaofeng's finger for a long time before he could barely see that the dark corner over there was a little bright.

Ma Hongjun seemed to have thought of something. He waved his hands excitedly and whispered: "This must be the adventure that often appears in front of the 'protagonist' in novels."


Wang Xiaofeng shrugged and did not dare to speak too loudly. After all, this cave with extremely low temperature was a bit unusual in itself.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng walking forward, Ma Hongjun followed closely.

Soon, Ma Hongjun saw the fluorescent things clearly. They turned out to be several flowers and plants.

Looking at these flowers and plants, Wang Xiaofeng's pace unknowingly became faster.

Ma Hongjun's luck seemed to be a bit too much today.

"Is it really a good thing?!" Ma Hongjun followed closely.

Ma Hongjun didn't know these things, but Wang Xiaofeng was different. He had memorized all the treasure appraisal illustrations that could be found on the market.

The leaves of this grass are white and red, and the white branches are covered with little ice crystal-like objects.

What emits fluorescence is the small fruits on these ordinary-looking flowers and plants.

"It's indeed Ice Grass!"

This strange flower and plant, called iceberg grass, is extremely difficult to find in the outside world. Wang Xiaofeng has been looking for it for more than a year, but he didn't expect to find it here.

The fruits produced by the ice grass can temper the soul power of ice attribute soul masters, making their soul power more solid, and even have a chance of causing certain benign mutations in the martial soul. It can be regarded as one of the treasures of ice attribute soul masters.

But what Wang Xiaofeng valued was not its fruits, but its leaves.

The leaves of iceberg grass are used as the main medicine to brew a medicinal soup that can reduce the chance of becoming possessed.

The Baji series of soul skills have been stuck at a bottleneck for a long time, and the rest require a lot of experiments. However, these experiments must be carried out in the body, so they are very dangerous, and there is a high probability of going crazy.

If you are not careful, it may turn into a body bomb and explode with a bang.

For the sake of his life, Wang Xiaofeng must be fully prepared.

With these few iceberg grasses, the Baji experiment can continue again.

Watching Wang Xiaofeng carefully take out the small jade shovel, carefully dig out the soil next to the Ice Spirit Flame Grass, and finally put the soil and the soil gently into the jade box.

Ma Hongjun couldn't help but ask: "Good thing?"

Wang Xiaofeng nodded slightly, "It's priceless."

This was naturally of great value to Wang Xiaofeng, but Ma Hongjun obviously got it wrong. His eyes were shining as he took out the same jade shovel from the soul guide, and started digging with a groan. .

Wang Xiaofeng didn't want to disturb his mood. Soon, these ice grasses were all absorbed into Wang Xiaofeng's martial spirit.

Of course, Wang Xiaofeng still left some roots for the ice grass. As long as the strange environment of the cave is not destroyed, the ice grass can still grow again.

Ma Hongjun patted the dirt on his hands: "When the time comes, I will sell it, but don't forget my share of the gold soul coins."

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips: "Don't worry, I won't be greedy for your money."

Ma Hongjun obviously tasted the sweetness, and he still had some unfinished thoughts and began to explore around.

Wang Xiaofeng no longer disturbed his exploration, and moved his eyes away from the stone door. With the help of his night vision, he looked up and down at the surrounding stone walls.

There are some vague carvings on the stone wall. Although the carvings are now blurred, Wang Xiaofeng can still see some figures on them. Presumably, these figures should be the seals of the cave owner.

The traces on it seem to be a unique way of luck. The owner of the cave must have carved them specially to avoid losing the inheritance.

Unfortunately, after so many years, the carvings have long been blurred. Wang Xiaofeng was not an archeologist in his previous life and could not analyze anything, so he could only visit it as an ancient mural.

It’s my birthday today. I’m a little late coming home from the barbecue.

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