Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 448 Fierce Battle

However, Wang Xiaofeng still discovered a few inconspicuous scratches on the top of the cave.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin thoughtfully. It seemed that this was where the Vampire Bat King stayed.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was admiring the wisdom of thousands of ancient people.

"Wow!" Ma Hongjun suddenly exclaimed.

Wang Xiaofeng subconsciously raised his head and glanced at the gourd floating above. Huh, luckily he had expected it.

"Fat man, what's wrong with you?" Wang Xiaofeng said angrily.

"Xiao Feng, look at that!" Ma Hongjun pointed at the ground not far away in horror.

Wang Xiaofeng looked in the direction of Ma Hongjun's finger. On the ground, a withered skeleton sat on it. The deep-set skull fell on the pale thigh bone. This appearance, in this quiet atmosphere, looked very strange. There's something eerie about it.

But for Wang Xiaofeng, who often stays in the dissection room, these can only be regarded as pediatrics.

Wang Xiaofeng walked over and inspected it carefully, and found that the appearance of the skeleton was very similar to the five villagers who had been sucked dry before. However, because it had been a long time, a layer of skin was missing to cover the outside.

Next to the skeleton, there are several skeleton bones, but they are not as complete as this one.

"The identities of these bones are most likely the soul masters who came to help the villagers before."

From great soul masters to soul masters, it can be seen that the soul masters sent by Wuhun Palace and the city lord are getting stronger and stronger.

The soul master level is already considered the mainstay of the entire soul master world.

However, even the Soul Lord has lost news here, and the Wuhun Palace will definitely increase the danger level of all related tasks related to this village.

However, because there is too little oil and water, and because this task requires at least a Soul Sect level or above to solve it, Wuhun Palace's decision not to send anyone to handle it is also predictable.

And this means that the villagers in this village have lost their use value.

Therefore, the villagers who have been kept in captivity, except for those who have difficulty collecting food but are not in danger of life, are suddenly attacked by vampire bats.

Their value has been drained, and the last bit of value is food.

Wang Xiaofeng said in a deep voice: "Fat man, we must completely deal with the people behind the scenes and the Vampire Bat King this time. We must not hold back! Otherwise, not only this village will disappear, but the surrounding villages will not be spared either!"

Ma Hongjun nodded. He knew that Wang Xiaofeng was afraid that he would be used to competitions, suddenly change, and suddenly become unfit for real fighting.

"Don't worry, I won't hold back." Ma Hongjun promised, patting his chest.

After seeing such a scene, Ma Hongjun did not continue the fun of treasure hunting.

After briefly observing the surrounding environment with Wang Xiaofeng to ensure that there was no secret passage to escape, he hid in a dark corner, forming an angle with Wang Xiaofeng and lurking.

Tick ​​tock tick…

Time passed by minute by minute, but Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun were very patient and did not move. Even if a vampire bat flew by and dropped an unknown black object on them, they did not move.

One hour, two hours...

Just when Ma Hongjun started to feel impatient and wanted to turn around to communicate with Wang Xiaofeng, a slight complaint suddenly echoed in the dark passage.


Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun felt a flash of excitement in their hearts.

"Where did these two young boys go? I was following them with my 'Twin Phantoms', but they actually lost me. It's really weird."

Before the people arrive, the sound comes first.

A few seconds later, the Vampire Bat King flapped its huge wings, glided past quickly like lightning, and then landed silently on the ground not far from Wang Xiaofeng.

"Send out all the vampire bats and find them. I have a hunch that as long as I suck their blood, I can make up for the last weakness!"

A black shadow jumped off the Vampire Bat King's body, and the breeze surrounding him blew up his cloak, revealing the shadow's pale face.

The blood-red eyes were emotionless, the cold body exuded the aura of death, and the delicate face was abnormally pale.

In this environment with no light at all, Wang Xiaofeng could see the true face of the mastermind behind the scenes.

The Vampire Bat King seemed to be dominated by this man. He nodded slightly in a humane manner and emitted sound waves from his mouth that were difficult for ordinary people to hear. Soon, a crashing sound came from outside the cave.

This was the sound of flapping wings of a group of vampire bats. Judging from the sound, the number was definitely more than three times that of the last time Ma Hongjun encountered them.

"We must not let two..."

Sorry h, because two colleagues who were relatively popular with me have resigned in the past few days, so there have been a lot of dinner parties in the evening, and I haven’t seen you for a long time.

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