Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 449 Blood Frenzy

The face of the man who looked like a vampire changed slightly, and he immediately controlled the sticky bloody soul power around his body and wrapped himself from head to toe, forming a protective film that was completely isolated from the outside world.

And due to the influence of unknown forces, these blood-like soul powers have become both viscous and elastic, just like rubber.

As soon as he made a defense, the next moment, his field of vision was completely occupied by white light, and after that, the hottest flames erupted!

boom! ! !

The terrifying roar suddenly resounded throughout the cave.

The terrifying flames instantly swept through the surrounding airspace, and the oxygen in this area was instantly consumed, forming an artificial hypoxic environment.


Ma Hongjun looked at the world of flames in front of him and breathed out the black mist gently: "This special flame package is definitely enough for them to have endless aftertaste."

Very few people can survive his Phoenix Flames unscathed, especially the Super Phoenix Fire Line that has been enhanced by Wang Xiaofeng and his own soul skills.

Maybe the people inside have turned to gray.

But soon, reality slapped Ma Hongjun hard.

A ball of fire shot out from the raging flames, instantly distancing itself from the burning area.

The surrounding flames were gradually dispersed by scarlet light, and the huge body of the Vampire Bat King was gradually revealed.

But it didn't look good, its whole body was trembling constantly, its body was scorched black, and its two wings faintly exuded a wonderful fragrance.

"Damn it, you damn..."

The man riding on the Vampire Bat King gnashed his teeth and cursed Ma Hongjun for his sneak attack and his lack of martial ethics.

At this time, his condition was also very bad. His black robe had already turned into ashes under the extremely high temperature, his simple shirt was in tatters, and his originally smooth blond hair was like grass, as if he had crawled out of a slum.

But before he could curse a few words, a huge gourd shot right in front of him.

"Depend on!"

The vampire man quickly closed his mouth and suddenly injected his soul power into the second soul ring. The little blood left in his body suddenly boiled and flowed out from the tiny pores.

Under the influence of the soul skill, this mass of blood immediately weaved into a huge net, covering the gourd directly.

Under Wang Xiaofeng's surprised gaze, the gourd carrying a huge impact was not only unable to cause any damage to the blood net after being enveloped by this weird net, but was instead bounced back by a powerful force.

Bang! !

Under Wang Xiaofeng's control, the gourd shrank rapidly, but the mini gourd still made a big hole in the ground.

"The ability to control and change blood..."

Wang Xiaofeng frowned subconsciously when he saw this scene, and suddenly realized why the other party would trap the villagers.

Obviously, this soul master's martial soul can use a large amount of blood to a certain extent to establish a home field advantage for himself.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly felt lucky that he did not fight him in a place with many villagers.

It doesn't take much thinking to guess that he may have had a backup plan in the villagers' bodies.

Although he resisted Wang Xiaofeng's attack, the vampire man's face became even paler. He took out a jade bottle from somewhere and drank a few sips.

Ma Hongjun felt bad, his soul ring shone brightly, and the phoenix flame spurted out again.

The sound of the high temperature scorching the air sounded very permeable, and the dazzling white light even made the vampire man unable to open his eyes, but he was not in a hurry, because at this time, he had already filled up his state.

"The fourth soul skill, blood punch!"

A large ball of blood mist suddenly spurted out from his body, and then quickly condensed into a ball of blood floating in the air.

In just one second, hundreds of tentacles covered with sharp spikes stretched out from the blood mass, lashing out like a whip.

Although Phoenix Fireline has a restraining effect on evil and evil things, there is a problem. Talking about restraint regardless of measurement is just a hooligan.

After only three seconds, Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire Line could no longer suppress the large number of tentacles. He could only ignite himself with flames and turn into a huge flaming phoenix to wrap himself.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Ma Hongjun breathed out flames to resist, which greatly increased the aura of the vampire man. For a moment, the surrounding area was eroded by low temperature, and the ground as hard as steel was torn apart by the tentacles, and the air was filled with a large amount of dust and gravel.

But unfortunately, these attacks, which in the eyes of others are extremely powerful and almost impossible to catch, are not even a threat to Wang Xiaofeng.

He was seen with his hands in his pockets and a look of ease on his face as he dodged the stormy attacks.

These attacks seemed to be in slow motion in his eyes, and the enhanced reaction ability of the fourth soul skill allowed his body to make movements in time.

In comparison, Ma Hongjun's flaming phoenix was getting darker and darker as it was continuously whipped by the tentacles.

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