Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 451 Follow-up

Because they wanted to confirm whether the vampire bat group had really left, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun stayed here for a few more days. After getting rid of the vampire bats around them that had not had time to escape, Wang Xiaofeng felt relieved and left quietly with Ma Hongjun.

In the end, Ma Hongjun's phoenix flame failed to completely change the cave dug by the ancients, and the cold atmosphere filled the depths of the cave again.

Wang Xiaofeng dropped a few drops of moon slurry on the place where ice grass originally grew, hoping that new life could break out of the ground again.

The three men pretending to be bandits were still crouching on the rarely visited path.

"It's strange, I haven't heard from you for a long time."

"How about we go back to the village and check out the situation?"

Listening to the whispers of the two companions behind him, the man who had been staring at the trail suddenly turned his head and yelled: "Do you want to make a joke with the lives of a whole family?!"

"Boss, let's just talk casually." The two of them explained in a nonchalant manner.

"Remember, that adult is not someone we can discuss casually." The leading man pointed at the birdcage hanging on the branch with his eyes with some fear. The bird was not...

Huh? Why aren't the bird's eyes red?

Although he felt a little confused, the vampire man's power was already deeply rooted in people's hearts, so the man did not dare to make any small moves and acted as a sentinel honestly.

It wasn't until three days later that they saw a row of armored Wuhundian soldiers approaching, that they realized that the mountain that had been shrouding the village was really gone.

A few days later, the village was officially renamed Saint Village, and two stone sculptures with unclear faces, one thin and one fat, were erected in the center of the village to commemorate the two soul masters who had saved the village.

The time came five days after Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun left the village.

After walking through endless wilderness and an uninhabited desert, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun finally arrived at the border between the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

Even if you take the official road, the scenery along the route is still beautiful. There are fields and shady green trees everywhere, and there are also many farmland with farmers passing by. After all, the eve of the Ear Grain Festival is the busy time for farming.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the surrounding scenes leisurely. Every scene he saw turned into accumulation and settled in his mind, waiting for the moment of explosion.

Ma Hongjun, on the other hand, held the sweet potato he had cheated from the little kid in both hands and ate it deliciously.

The clatter of horse hooves sounded from behind, accompanied by the shouts of the riders and the sound of whips.


As the sound approached, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun hurried to the side to hide. A moment later, three horses ran across the road in a row, and the horses' hooves brought up a puff of smoke.

"It's amazing to have a horse!"

Wang Xiaofeng summoned his soul power and waved his hands to blow away the smoke. Ma Hongjun's response was even simpler, as you can tell by looking at his full mouth.

The incident on the road did not disturb Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun's interest.

At noon, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun stayed at a farmer's house. After having a meal at the hospitable farmer, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun continued their journey.

"Hey, the child's father, since when did I have a Gintama Coin in my pocket?" The aunt touched her pocket and took out a Gintama Coin.

"Are you crazy about money? How could you possibly..." The honest man looked at the Gintama coin in his wife's hand, with question marks on his face? ? ? ?

When did his family have such a large amount of money?

After passing a fork in the road, Ma Hongjun looked at Wang Xiaofeng who was empty-handed but did not stop and asked: "Xiaofeng, we didn't go the wrong way, right?"

"You're right, you can just follow me without any worries."

Wang Xiaofeng had already carefully touched the paperweight's engravings. He didn't have to worry about finding the wrong path along the official road for the time being, as long as he kept going in an easterly direction.

Sure enough, as Wang Xiaofeng said, they took the wrong path. Just before the sun was about to set, a huge city slowly appeared in front of them.

"Known as the fortress that has never been breached, Tanding City is here!" Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the city in the distance with a smile.

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