Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 452 I still don’t understand why this chapter was blocked

Wuhun City.

The Pope's Palace, which was originally smashed into ruins by Tang Hao's hammer, was rebuilt again after three months.

The glittering golden dome is exactly the same as before, reflecting the warm golden light.

Inside the Papal Palace.

"The verdict has been handed down."

Bibi Dong looked at the seven people half-kneeling in front of her, and said calmly: "Zhang Ping, Sun Kai, Qiana... the four of you, lower your salary to the third level, and start from now on as deacons of the Wuhun branch. .”


"As for the three of you, you will have to go to Death Canyon to practice for three years according to the previous punishment."

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. If you can advance to level 60 in Death Canyon early, then I can let you come out early, and you can choose the number of years you want for the sixth soul ring."

"But if you can't satisfy me in three years, then don't come back!"

boom! !

Heavy pressure suddenly fell on Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan, causing their expressions to change.

The other four people who were also half-kneeling on the ground glanced at them curiously. They didn't know why the faces of these three people suddenly became so ugly.

"Okay, hurry up and set off. Don't keep people waiting." Bibi Dong waved her hand, and the pressure suddenly disappeared. Hu Liena and the other three quickly got up and left through the side door.

The other four people didn't dare to stay longer, so they quickly left.

"Then Your Majesty, it's time for me to leave." Ju Douluo looked at the excitement, bowed slightly, and then disappeared in a flash.

As for Ghost Douluo, it was rare that he did not leave with Ju Douluo.

Bibi Dong glanced at him indifferently: "Elder Ghost, what do you have to report?"

Ghost Douluo placed a secret scroll on the table: "Your Majesty, this is the latest news collected about Shrek."


Pope Bibi Dong put down the tea in his hand, turned his gaze to the secret scroll placed on the table, and opened it with a wave of his hand.

There was still no news about Tang San and Tang Hao, which was within Bibi Dong's expectation. If the father and son wanted to hide, it would be impossible for the Spirit Hall to find them.

As for Xiao Wu, I heard that someone had seen a girl's figure deep in the Star Dou Forest five days ago. She looked like a ghost and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Soft Bone Rabbit Martial Spirit, it seems you are the rabbit that escaped in the first place."

Bibi Dong smiled slightly. In order to enhance her soul power, she slaughtered many soul beast tribes in the Star Dou Forest, including the Soft Bone Rabbit tribe.

Of course, because she was not very strong at that time, she was not able to kill them all, and some fish slipped through the net.

Unexpectedly, many years later, one of the little rabbits who escaped would turn into a hundred thousand year soul beast and even transform.

I just had a headache as to what Nana should choose for her seventh soul ring. She was really sleepy and I gave her a pillow, so let her live a few more years first.

After confirming Xiao Wu's position, Bibi Dong seemed to be in a better mood and continued to flip back.

After Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing returned to the Star Luo Empire three months ago, Dai Mubai did not start fighting for power. Instead, he began to retreat to hit the level 50 bottleneck. He has not yet come out of isolation. Currently, everything is handled by Zhu Zhuqing.

Ning Rongrong was taken by Ning Fengzhi and began to get in touch with various things in the Qibao Glazed Sect.

And Oscar, who left the Qibao Glazed Sect two months ago, could not escape the attention of Wuhun Palace.

The latest information shows that this talented food-type soul master has now arrived in the northern part of the Tiandou Empire and opened a sausage shop in a town called Khaki Town. It has been open for a week now. According to visual inspection, it is only a short time ago. It will not be closed during these hours.

There is also a line of small words marked at the end: I often invite the mercenaries in the town to drink, as if I am deliberately making friends with them.

Bibi Dong's pupils dilated slightly, and she fell into memories.

She could tell at a glance that Oscar was looking for a solution to break the rules of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Xiaogang, Xiaogang, if you had been as determined as this child, that would be great.

Bibi Dong quickly came back to her senses from her memories, and turned the page again with a slight movement of her fingers. The 'big things' done by Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun suddenly came into view.

After reading ten lines at a glance, Bibi Dong frowned slightly.

Does this happen again? This seems to be happening more and more since the Divine Examination began.

Bibi Dong stood up and looked across the Pope's Palace to the Douluo Palace on the top of the hill.

Angel God... Xiaoxue, I really hope you are the one who can stop me in the end.

She can't look back anymore, and she doesn't want to look back!

Although Tanding City is a remote small town, it benefits from its unique geographical location (border line). Therefore, although it is a small town in name, the entire city is actually very large.

This time, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun finally understood what Wangshan meant.

This walk took a long time, and the city was clearly in front of them, but it was not until the sky turned dark that they finally arrived at the city.

The moat surrounded the city, and it was too dark to see anything else, but the reflection of the river water in the night could still be seen.

The suspension bridge in the middle had been closed up at this time, and many merchants and villagers who had not been able to enter the city in the afternoon began to look for places to rest around.

The merchants who had the conditions would naturally not aggrieve themselves and set up tents one after another, and even the unlucky ones had sleeping bags.

The villagers who don't have the conditions can only wrap up their clothes tightly and find a flat place to make do for the night.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun definitely would not wrong themselves and found a place where there was no one around.

Wang Xiaofeng sprinkled some insect repellent powder and started to set up the tent.

Ma Hongjun took out some dry wood from the soul guide, arranged it regularly into a triangle shape, and then casually sprayed some flames to burn it.

Wang Xiaofeng took out a large pot, then took out a large piece of meat, and lightly threw it into the large pot. His right hand flashed a few afterimages with cyan light in mid-air, and the whole piece of meat suddenly turned into dozens of small pieces of meat. .

Fill the water, add the aniseed, cover the pot and wait.

Gu Gu Gu Gu…

As time went by, the aroma of food gradually filled the surroundings. Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng found a relatively remote place, otherwise he would have encountered the much-loved show-off and slap-in-the-face part.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun were like starving ghosts reincarnated. They finished their dinner in a few seconds, and they still felt they were not full. They ate another five kilograms of pancakes and two kilograms of dried meat before they were almost satisfied.

The meal at noon could only be said to be a filling for the stomach. Wang Xiaofeng originally thought of going to the city for a good meal in the evening, but he did not expect that the journey was beyond his expectation, so he did not have time to enter the city.

But it doesn't matter, I just saved money for tonight's accommodation, and by the way, I finished eating the dry food piled in the soul guide and replaced it with a batch of fresh dry food.

As expected of me, where can I find such a good thing that kills two birds with one stone?

Ma Hongjun glanced at Wang Xiaofeng and knew that he was enjoying himself in misery again.

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