Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 453: We meet again in the falling flower season

Before dawn, there was chatter and laughter around the tent, as well as the sounds of chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep. They mixed together and made Ma Hongjun so noisy that he couldn't sleep at all.

"So annoying!"

"Xiao Feng, I should have moved farther away yesterday..." Ma Hongjun got out of the sleeping bag irritably and wanted to complain, but when he turned around, he saw that Wang Xiaofeng, who was supposed to be lying next to him, had long since disappeared.

Just as he was muttering in his mind, a head stuck into the tent.

"Hey! Fatty, you're still sleeping in. Get up quickly, the city gate is about to open."

"Just come, come!"

Wang Xiaofeng withdrew his head from the tent, turned around and looked at the lively people not far away, and couldn't help but stretch.

He didn't sleep at night and just practiced outside all night. After all, when walking outside, it is necessary to be on guard against others, and someone must keep watch at night.

The darkness gradually dissipated, the stars disappeared, and the crescent moon disappeared.

With wisps of golden light piercing the silver-gray veil, the sun finally came out.

A piece of fish belly white floated in the eastern sky, and the earth gradually became brighter.

Boom! !

With a huge roar, the huge suspension bridge began to slowly lower itself, and the city gate slowly lifted up.

As soon as the suspension bridge was lowered, people rushed over with a roar, and a lot of people gathered at the city gate in an instant, at least hundreds.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun hurriedly followed, and within a few minutes, hundreds of people lined up behind them.

Ma Hongjun looked at the endless queue in front of him and behind him, and said blankly: "This is the first time I have seen such a long queue."

"It looks like a lot, but it's actually very fast."

Ma Hongjun nodded confusedly, and sure enough, within half an hour, it was their turn.

The soldier sitting behind the table asked without raising his head:


"Wang Xiaofeng."

"Where are you from?"

"People from the Tiandou Empire."

"Registered, please pay ten copper soul coins."

Wang Xiaofeng followed the example of his predecessors and took out ten copper soul coins and put them into the iron box next to him, and then got a bamboo sign.

"Fighting is prohibited in the city. Also, this sign can only be used for three days. If you want to stay in the city after three days, remember to come to the city gate to pay."

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the bamboo sign. A large word "tan" was roughly engraved on it, and the expiration date of the bamboo sign was engraved on the bottom.

"I see."

Wang Xiaofeng took a few steps forward and saw Ma Hongjun hanging the bamboo sign on his waist with great interest.

"Look, I'm handsome!"

"No, it's so earthy that it explodes."

Wang Xiaofeng put the bamboo card into the soul guide and didn't want to deal with this fool.

After walking through the long city wall and entering Tanding City, Wang Xiaofeng realized that he had underestimated this city.

The dazzling array of products is dazzling and dizzying. The sound of selling one after another is endless. The aroma that hits your nostrils is endlessly memorable.

The prosperity is comparable to Soto City.

Ma Hongjun smelled the fragrance coming from the shops on both sides of the street, wiped the saliva that was about to flow, and asked, "What should we do next?"

Wang Xiaofeng walked forward and said without looking back: "First find a hotel, and then have a big meal."


The two of them walked on the avenue, following the flow of people. Soon, Wang Xiaofeng saw a familiar hotel.

The hotel is three stories high. Although it doesn't look too big, the exterior decoration is completely silver-white. The entire hotel building is in a simple and elegant style, giving people a feeling that the more they look at it, the better it looks.

"There will actually be a branch here?"

Ma Hongjun looked at the big characters on it and couldn't help but read: "Yue...guang...liquor...shop, this name sounds pretty good. Are we going to stay here today?"

"Forget it, there's nothing here..."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and shook his head. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a haunting voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"We're already at the door, why don't you come in."

Wang Xiaofeng's body suddenly stiffened and he looked at the Keren in front of him in disbelief.

Nitya has long hair shawl, is dressed in white, and has a gold ribbon in her hair. When the sun shines, she looks like a fairy descending to earth, shining brightly.

Nidia stepped forward and waved her slender palm in front of Wang Xiaofeng's eyes.

"Idiot, have you seen enough?"

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