Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 454 Xiaoyu

Wang Xiaofeng was a little at a loss and couldn't help but poke the girl's flawless face: "I'm not dreaming."

The next second, there was a pain in my waist.

"Ouch, it hurts. Why are you pinching me?" Wang Xiaofeng pretended to be in pain and rubbed the injured area.

"See if you are dreaming." Nidia said innocently. If it weren't for the cunning look in his eyes, Wang Xiaofeng would really believe it.

Ma Hongjun, who was standing aside and shining brightly, looked at the two of them helplessly. It was obviously a stage for three people, but he could only be reduced to the background.

Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? Please stay tuned…

"Fat man, what are you thinking about there? You're going to have a big dinner."

"A big meal, a big meal!" Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up, and he immediately put aside the trivial matter of being ignored. What could be more important than a big meal?

As soon as Nidia walked into the Moonlight Hotel with Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun, a girl trotted over in a hurry.

"Miss, you ran too fast and didn't even wait for me." The girl gasped and said.

The girl was only about fourteen years old. Although she was not stunningly beautiful, her childish little face had a very mature figure. Her tall chest attracted the attention of others as it moved up and down.

After the girl finished complaining, she saw that her young lady was holding the arm of a handsome young man very intimately. Her eyes suddenly flashed with the color of gossip. She bowed down very respectfully and said, "Hello, I am your maid, Xiaoyu." , you must be my uncle."

"You girl, what are you talking about?" Nidia blamed Xiaoyu, but secretly gave a thumbs up, "Xiaoyu, you did a great job."

"Ah, not yet." Wang Xiaofeng touched his head, "My name is Wang Xiaofeng, nice to meet you."

"By the way, I didn't bring any gifts when we met for the first time, so I'll give this to you." Wang Xiaofeng took out a very simple bag from the soul guide and handed it over. It contained dried leaves of ginseng doll. , you can hang your life in times of crisis.

"Why are you standing there? Hurry up and put it away. This thing is precious."

Xiaoyu put it away in a daze. To be honest, this was the most ordinary-looking gift she had ever received.

As soon as Nidia saw Xiaoyu's somewhat reluctant look, she knew what her maid was thinking. This girl really had blind eyes but could not recognize treasures.

"A distinguished guest is here, why don't you hurry up and arrange a room?"

"Oh, I'll go right away."

Xiaoyu nodded in realization and hurriedly ran to the backstage, shouting: "Uncle Feng, the lady is here with her uncle and asks you to get the two best rooms."

Ma Hongjun, who had been invisible all the time, couldn't help but laugh out loud. Sure enough, there was a maid just like the master.

"I'm sorry, this girl has been spoiled by me." Nitya's face was a little red, she was so embarrassed by this girl, she had to educate her when she went back in the evening.

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, I think Xiaoyu is very interesting."

The Moonlight Hotel in Tanding City is indeed not comparable to Soto City. Both the facilities and prices are much higher.

Ma Hongjun and Wang Xiaofeng devoured the delicacies in front of them, feeling that they had been eating only pig food in the past three months.

"Slow down, be careful not to choke."

When the basin-sized dinner plates were stacked one meter high, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun slowed down their eating.

An hour later, the two finally stopped holding chopsticks in their hands.

"Are you the reincarnation of a starving ghost?" Nitya glanced at Wang Xiaofeng angrily. Two of the chefs in the hotel were exhausted by them.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled awkwardly: "Hey, who made your food so delicious?"

After having enough wine and food, Nitya said goodbye and left.

She knew that Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun had been working very hard these past few months, so even though she wanted to stay by Wang Xiaofeng's side, she still let them go back to their room to rest and recuperate.


The door is closed.

Ma Hongjun looked at the soft big bed in the room and jumped up happily, "This bed is so soft. If I had had this bed when I went to vent the evil fire before, I could have done it at least twice more."

"Fat man, are you feeling aroused?" Wang Xiaofeng knew that this was just Ma Hongjun's talk and he was unwilling to go if he was really asked to go.

Maybe this is the legendary return of the prodigal son?

"It's not like you two keep throwing shit in front of me." Ma Hongjun curled his lips, "I've decided, I'm going to find Boss Dai now."

"Now?" Wang Xiaofeng glanced outside, where the scorching sun was shining brightly.

Ma Hongjun thought for a while: "Well, let's do it tomorrow. I'll get tired of the food in this hotel first."


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