Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 455: Brother is on the way here

This is a mansion that covers an area the size of three football fields.

Spacious space, sunny lighting, everything you need. Being able to afford this house naturally means that you are either rich or noble, and have status and influence.


A young man was wiping a folding knife he had just bought for a large sum of money with a handkerchief.

The man is dressed in white, with a light fur belt, and a very dashing demeanor. He looks to be in his thirties, his eyes are slanted, and his face is handsome, yet heroic.

The blade of the folding knife in his hand is dark red, with some traces of blood flowing in the depths. Judging from the appearance, this knife is worth a lot of money.

"Master, Master!"

Suddenly there was a cry outside the house, and after a while, a boy hurried in.

"Although you disturbed my interest, and I really want to kick you out of the study... but for the sake of you having been with me for more than ten years, I will give you one minute to explain the reason for disturbing me." The man stopped The movements in his hands, his gaze like a sword piercing the servant, frightened him so much that he turned pale and his legs trembled.

"Young Master, Manager Yan of the Moonlight Hotel sent word that he saw the third lady opening two first-class rooms for two strange young men, and that she had a close relationship with one of the men."


The man's expression changed, and with a few crisp sounds, the valuable folding knife in his hand was suddenly broken into several pieces.

The sharp blade left no trace on the slender palm.

"Give me a horse and my armor! I want to see which little brat dares to seduce Third Sister!"

"Yes, Master."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't realize at all that he had gotten into big trouble. He was now shopping with Nitya.

Naturally, Ma Hongjun was not going to be a light bulb. Hen, who was very discerning, ran away from the beginning, not knowing where to look for delicious food, leaving Wang Xiaofeng to enjoy the world between the two of them.

Nitya walked in front and went to check out interesting shops when she saw them. Occasionally she would ask Wang Xiaofeng for his opinion.

Including but not limited to clothing stores, cosmetics stores,

In one afternoon, Nidia and Wang Xiaofeng visited all the shops around the Moonlight Hotel.

However, the harvest was also gratifying. Not only was Wang Xiaofeng's bracelet soul guide fully loaded, he even had more than a dozen large bags in his hands.

Wang Xiaofeng only felt physically and mentally exhausted. Although he still had plenty of physical strength, shopping was really a torture for him.

"Wait, wait a minute, we have been shopping for two hours, why don't we take a rest first."

"Ah, I just walked around a little bit." Nitya said without saying anything, but she glanced at the sky and saw that the sun had completely set.

The crescent-like moon replaces the work of the sun, and you can feel the cool radiance when you look up.

Nitya pointed not far away, "Okay, there happens to be a food truck over there, let's go there to eat."

"Ah?" Wang Xiaofeng didn't wait for him to come back to his senses.

But Nitya walked over, ordered several dishes skillfully, and then ordered two portions of rice, one large and one small, and placed them on the small table where no one was sitting.

Wang Xiaofeng put the things aside without being polite, picked up the lunch box and started eating.

Nidia suddenly laughed, letting out a silver bell-like laugh.

"What's wrong?"

Nitya pointed to the potato stew in the bowl: "It obviously tastes very ordinary, but when I see you eating, I feel it tastes better."

"Humph, you just think I look ugly when I eat." Wang Xiaofeng picked up the food a little faster, but he thought of a question, "By the way, why did I buy so many things this time?"

"These are bought for my uncle and aunt."


Wang Xiaofeng choked on the food in his mouth.


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