Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 465 Escape

The light blue sky was cloudless, and a few birds were flapping their wings, bathing in the breeze. The air flow in their hands seemed to be docile chasing and playing with their companions, so happy.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed past them like lightning.

Before they could react, the powerful air flow swept them away. Although their natural control of the air flow saved them from fear of their lives, the strong air flow still made these birds dizzy.

By the time they came to their senses, the unknown object that attacked them had long disappeared.

The birds couldn't think of the reason in their little minds. They thought that a powerful spirit beast had occupied this area, and they hurriedly fled the area.

"This is what it feels like to fly!" Nidia cheered happily as she looked further and further away.

Something called freedom welled up from within her.

From a young age, no matter what he did, he could not escape the supervision of his servants, and he had no life of his own at all.

Now, finally, the free air is sweet.

Nidia was so complacent that she forgot that she was still flying at high speed. The soul shield she should have been concentrating on maintaining was cut open by the strong wind because of her momentary distraction.

Wang Xiaofeng concentrated on maintaining the gourd's high-speed flight. Although he discovered something was wrong when the soul shield became thinner, he did not remind him that Nidiya was obviously older than him, but he still caused problems from time to time and was frizzy. The one who is impatient is that she is so well protected that even if she suffers a little loss, it will make her memory long.

The powerful air flow suddenly rushed into this opening, continuously impacting the delicate body, causing Nidia's expression to change.

This pressure was nothing to Wang Xiaofeng behind her, and it was less than half of the pressure from Zhao Wuji's soul power.

But this is a bit too much for a weak and beautiful girl like her, who although she usually exercises her body, is only at the level of a normal soul sect.

Nidia quickly mobilized the soul power in her body, and spent a lot of soul power to barely close the gap before the hole was too wide.

The strong wind continuously hit the soul barrier she created, causing ripples.

From the time the gap appeared to the time it was filled, in just ten seconds, Nidia found that her body had been numbed by the impact.

This forced her to waste her soul power again, using it to warm her paralyzed body.

The heat flowed through the numb body, the numbness faded away, and Nidia took control of her body again.

When she first took off, Nidia still had enough energy to wrap her soul power shield around Wang Xiaofeng, but now, she had to cover her soul power only in front of her.

She could no longer care about what was behind her, because she had just discovered now that only two-thirds of her soul power was left, and flying at high speed in the air would consume too much soul power.

This is just because she is only responsible for eliminating wind resistance, and the soul power consumption of Wang Xiaofeng, who is responsible for making them fly, is so exaggerated.

The continuous strong wind caused her soul power to decline visibly. In just half a minute, her soul power was only half left.

While Nidia numbly maintained the soul shield, she suddenly found that her speed had slowed down significantly.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up Nitya, took instant steps, and soon fell to the ground from a height of 100 meters.

With her feet stepping on the thick ground, Nidia came to her senses belatedly, a trace of fear flashed through her smart eyes, it was safer to be on the ground.

But the feeling of flying in the sky is also very good, which is really confusing.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Nitya's changing expression and pinched her soft cheeks in a funny way: "Let's worry about it later, it's not safe yet."

On the surface, the bodyguard has been thrown away, but in the dark, the old man who is at least Soul Emperor level and is responsible for Nidia's safety cannot be underestimated.

"That's right, Grandpa Feng will come if you don't go away." Nidia's expression changed. No one understood the old man's tracking ability better than her.

She had run away a lot in the past, and there were times when she managed to get rid of the bodyguards, but in the end, before she could be happy for five minutes, she was caught again by Mr. Feng.

Wang Xiaofeng confirmed his location, picked up Nidia in the right direction, and quickly disappeared into the dense forest.

Five minutes later, a

"Oh, today's young people are really amazing. With their self-created flying soul skill, they can fly five kilometers in two minutes."

Mr. Feng looked around and soon found several footprints left by Wang Xiaofeng on the trees, in all directions.

"It's a small trick." Mr. Feng waved his hand gently, a breeze blew up, and his nose moved slightly, actually trying to distinguish the residual smell of Nydia in the air.

After a while, Mr. Feng stopped expressionlessly. Wang Xiaofeng didn't know what trick he was playing, but the smell of Nidiya remained in all directions.

"This kid, I underestimate him."

But this was not a problem for him, as soul rings suddenly appeared on his body, and the seven soul rings carried a terrifying aura, overwhelming the void.

The fifth soul ring shines, and transparent figures emerge from the void one after another.

The fifth soul skill, wind clone, can create and maintain five clones with one-third of the original strength for five minutes.

Of course, you can also sacrifice the strength of the clones to increase the number of clones.

After a while, there were densely packed transparent figures standing in the dense forest, which made people's scalp numb just by looking at them.

Mr. Feng looked at the hundred clones in front of him and waved them out, "Let's see how you escape from my grasp."

Mr. Feng planted a flag on himself nonchalantly, then sat cross-legged on the ground, silently waiting for the good news.

five minutes later…

As the clones continued to disappear, until the last clone disappeared, no useful information was brought back, as if Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia had never appeared.

Mr. Feng stood up with an ugly expression. He didn't expect that in his later years, he would fall into the hands of a junior when he was trying to catch Feng Yi.

Wang Xiaofeng took Nitya for a long trip around Xingluo.

Only after he was sure to get rid of all the pursuers, Wang Xiaofeng took Nitya towards the city where his parents were.

It wasn't until evening, when they entered a dense forest, that the two of them stopped to rest.

Although the days of hiding around were tiring, the smile on Nitya's face did not diminish.

Wang Xiaofeng went to hunt two hares, and Nidia clumsily started a fire.

Soon, the two hares turned into dinner and entered their stomachs.

Nitya covered her mouth and let out a big burp. Seeing Wang Xiaofeng's eyes turning around, she blushed and quickly found a topic: "The road we are taking now is not heading towards Xingluo City."

"I never said to go to the Imperial Capital." Wang Xiaofeng smiled and handed a bowl of warm water to Nidia.

Hearing what Wang Xiaofeng said, Nidia suddenly felt dizzy: "But, didn't you go around in a big circle just to see your uncle and aunt?"

Wang Xiaofeng touched Nitya's head in a funny way, but the other party avoided the greasy hand in disgust, "It's not like only Xingluo City has Prince Zhou's Mansion."

Nitya suddenly understood and slapped Wang Xiaofeng's thigh hard.

"Soul Town!"

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