Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 466 The Wall of Sighs

Snapped! !

A huge sound came from Wang Xiaofeng's thigh.

But I saw Nidia covering her right hand, her whole little face wrinkled up, as if she was wearing a mask of pain: "Ah, it hurts! Your muscles are too hard!"

"You're asking for trouble."

Mainly because Nidia was caught off guard and her body automatically tensed up.

Wang Xiaofeng held back his smile, grabbed the other person's slightly red hand, and used his soul power to warm it up.

Nidia raised her snow-white neck and deliberately avoided Wang Xiaofeng's mocking gaze.

As long as she is not embarrassed, Wang Xiaofeng is the one who is embarrassed.

Sure enough, Nitya didn't reply. Wang Xiaofeng, who felt bored, stopped teasing her. He manipulated the gourd vine with his free left hand and put the freshly picked wild vegetables and already prepared bacon into the boiling pot.

Next, you only need to wait for an hour, and the stewed bacon with wild vegetables will be ready.

You won't be hungry just eating roast rabbit meat, especially for soul masters of Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia's level.

Even though Nitya had burped just now, she would be able to digest the food in her stomach within half an hour.

Wang Xiaofeng unconsciously poked the fire with a stick, and sporadic flames flew everywhere.

After meeting my parents next, I will definitely stay and stay with them for a while.

And he also needs to settle down and absorb the gains from the elite competition. He can take this time to teach Nidia Gluttony and Shunpo.

"...Xiao Fengzi, Xiao Fengzi!"


Wang Xiaofeng subconsciously turned his head and saw Nidia looking at him angrily with a puffy face.

Alas, the old habit happened again...

As long as he is in a safe environment, he will fall into a state of distracted thinking (commonly known as daze), which is an old problem.

The biggest problem with this problem is that it is easy to ignore the people around you. The advantage is that distraction is easy to generate inspiration.

Fortunately, this old problem will only appear occasionally when it is safe and quiet, and will not appear during battles.

Otherwise, even if inspiration can be generated, Wang Xiaofeng will reluctantly correct this problem.

Inspiration can appear at any time, but you only have one life.

When I was young, I would occasionally be impulsive and do some very irrational things due to excess hormone secretion. Now I feel like I have cerebral palsy just thinking about it.

Now that he is almost past that age, and with his improved cultivation, hormones can no longer affect him, and he is ultimately responsible for his own body.

Wang Xiaofeng, Wang Xiaofeng, is online again.

Having been with Wang Xiaofeng for so long, Nidia naturally knows that he has an old problem that cannot be changed, and she is just pretending to be angry.

Listening to Wang Xiaofeng's hard-core coaxing style, Nidia felt deeply that she had a long way to go, and she generously forgave him.

I have already begun to make plans in my heart on how to train my boyfriend.

Looking at Nidia who was smiling again, Wang Xiaofeng silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Coaxing a girl was more of a headache than fighting the Soul Emperor.

"By the way, you just said..."

Nitya could only repeat what she just said: "Why would my uncle and aunt live in a desolate place like Zhenhun City?"

But as one of the six major border cities of the Star Luo Empire, there have been too many battles around Soul Town City. The ground has been turned over countless times, and several mountains have been flattened.

This caused the climate to begin to change, rainfall began to decrease, and the originally fertile land slowly turned into a barren desert.

Zhenhun City is the only oasis city within a hundred miles, but even so, the residents inside have slowly moved away.

Only the elderly, some orphans and relatives of the soldiers still lived there, as well as the Fourth Legion of the Star Luo Empire.

Generally speaking, the climate is dry and not suitable for fertility.

In front of Zhenhun City, there is a circle of khaki long dragons, standing in a winding and twisting circle.

The khaki stone strips and long bricks are strong and durable under the wind and sand.

The city wall that was originally three feet high is now less than one foot high.

Any young man with nimble hands and feet can easily use his strength to climb over.

But such a short city wall has created too many legends.

A hundred years ago, Xingluo's former general Chu Cedong used 100,000 soldiers to hold back the 400,000 Tiandou army here for three days and three nights, killing tens of thousands of enemies. And bought time for the Xingluo Empire to finally counter Bao Tiandou's army. In the end, only a few hundred thousand people remained in the 400,000-strong army.

Fifty years ago, a beast wave occurred in the Star Dou Forest. A soul beast that had failed to break through for 100,000 years breathed a sigh of relief, and led the endless ferocious beasts to push hundreds of miles overnight, with overwhelming power, but was finally beheaded by a strong man in front of the Wall of Sighs.

Fifteen years ago…

ps: I haven’t finished coding yet. I’ll collect enough 2,000 words of free prostitution monthly tickets first, and I’ll change it back later.

The light blue sky was cloudless, and a few birds were flapping their wings, bathing in the breeze. The air flow in their hands seemed to be docile chasing and playing with their companions, so happy. Suddenly, a black shadow rushed past them like lightning. Before they could react, the powerful air flow swept them away. Although their natural control of the air flow saved them from fear of their lives, the strong air flow still made these birds dizzy. By the time they came to their senses, the unknown object that attacked them had long disappeared. The birds couldn't think of the reason in their little minds. They thought that a powerful spirit beast had occupied this area, and they hurriedly fled the area. "This is what it feels like to fly!" Nidia cheered happily as she looked further and further away.

The light blue sky was cloudless, and a few birds were flapping their wings, bathing in the breeze. The air flow in their hands seemed to be docile chasing and playing with their companions, so happy. Suddenly, a black shadow rushed past them like lightning. Before they could react, the powerful air flow swept them away. Although their natural control of the air flow saved them from fear of their lives, the strong air flow still made these birds dizzy. By the time they came to their senses, the unknown object that attacked them had long disappeared. The birds couldn't think of the reason in their little minds. They thought that a powerful spirit beast had occupied this area, and they hurriedly fled the area. "This is what it feels like to fly!" Nidia cheered happily as she looked further and further away. The light blue sky was cloudless, and a few birds were flapping their wings, bathing in the breeze. The air flow in their hands seemed to be docile chasing and playing with their companions, so happy. Suddenly, a black shadow rushed past them like lightning. Before they could react, the powerful air current swept them away, and they were naturally able to control the air current.

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