Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 467 Seeing the Power of Faith Again

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng caressing the rough city wall like a pilgrim, Nidia curled her lips.

She used to pass by and look at the earthen wall every year when she worshiped her ancestors, and she was used to it.

(After Zhou Wangfu became successful, he moved the palace to Xingluo City. He only came back for a few days every year to worship his ancestors.)

Only my idiot boyfriend would be interested in such an old antique.

She would not have thought that Wang Xiaofeng's state of mind at this moment might be a little different from what she imagined.

Where Nidia couldn't see it, the gourd on Wang Xiaofeng's waist was emitting a gleaming white light.

What Wang Xiaofeng saw was a super city wall built by the power of faith.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but touch it with his hand, but his right hand went directly through it, and the thick golden color directly covered his wrist, as if he was stuck in a golden quagmire.

"This, this, this, how much faith does it take!"

If the power of faith on the stone statue in the center of Wuhun City is one, then it is conservatively estimated that there are at least 10,000 here. The exact number can only be guessed. Anyway, Wang Xiaofeng can't see it at a glance.

With the help of Wuhun, he was almost blinded by the golden light.

Faced with such a large treasure, Wang Xiaofeng naturally would not sit still and wait for death. The little power of faith he had gained from the stone statues in Wuhun City had long been destroyed by him.

He originally thought that after he learned Liuwa's invisibility soul skill, he would secretly go to Wuhun City to steal some.

The time to realize the freedom of faith is now!

Wang Xiaofeng grabbed the gourd with his right hand, pointed it at the Wall of Sighs, pinched out the seal with his left hand, and under the infusion of soul power, a suction force suddenly appeared at the mouth of the gourd.

After sucking for a while, Wang Xiaofeng found that no matter how much the gourd sucked, the power of faith on the Wall of Sighs was deeply rooted and could not be sucked at all.

Even when the gourd's mouth was pressed against the wall, not a single bit of the power of faith on it was absorbed.

Nidia looked at Wang Xiaofeng dancing, and several question marks suddenly appeared in her head? ? ?

Is this a large-scale atavism site for humans?

Should she record it so that when the two of them quarrel later, she can take it out and laugh at each other.

Just do it.

Nidia was rummaging through the soul tool for the recording soul tool she had bought from the auction house at a huge price when she saw Wang Xiaofeng stop his strange movements.

Instead of stabbing the gourd at the wall, he sighed, sat on the ground, and kept drawing circles on both sides of his head with his hands.

Wang Xiaofeng really found out the problem by learning to circle his head with "Yixiu".

Of the seventeen possibilities that come to mind, two are the most likely.

One is that the power of faith on this wall is not an ownerless thing.

There are big bosses setting it up here, leaving it here intentionally for some kind of change over the ages.

Don’t there usually be plots like this in novels?

The second type is related to a phenomenon that Wang Xiaofeng observed in previous experiments.

The power of faith is not without attributes. On the contrary, it will transform into different attributes (emotions) according to each person's inner desire.

For example, the ray of faith obtained from the seven people in the academy gives people the feeling of cruelty, destruction, pain and lust.

The power of faith obtained from the Wuhun City stone statue is very pure, giving people the feeling of hope, mercy, forgiveness, and surrender.

The Wall of Sighs should represent pure protection.

The protective will given by the warriors of the Star Luo Empire became the power of faith, covering the Wall of Sighs, protecting the country from generation to generation.

Unable to get such a treasure, Wang Xiaofeng was out of sight and out of mind, so he picked up Nitya and fled from this heartbreaking place.

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