Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 468: Soul-Suppressing City

A round sunset clung to the ridgeline of the desert, making the earth dark and revealing a layer of deep red.

The dry Populus euphratica and the corrugated yellow sand are all reflected in dark red. The rich colors form a magnificent picture between heaven and earth.

In this molten desert, a huge city slowly appeared in front of the two of them as Wang Xiaofeng continued to approach.

But when you look closer, you can see that the towering city wall has long since collapsed, and countless broken walls, bricks, wood, earth and stone houses and buildings are lined up among them. Wang Xiaofeng, who saw this scene for the first time, stopped unconsciously.

Is this the Soul-Suppressing City? Why is it a little different from what he imagined.

There is also the so-called oasis. Apart from sand, there are only shabby houses and not a single bit of green.

Nitya covered her mouth and smiled: "In your imagination, Soul Soul City should have towering walls, inside which are the suffocating army and happy residents, and there is a beautiful lake in the middle?"

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng nod as he should, Nidia sighed, "Although Soul Town City has never been breached by enemy troops and beast tides, due to climate change, Soul Town City has encountered several unprecedented huge sandstorms. .”

"The oasis was swallowed up smaller and smaller by the sandstorm, and the pressure on the water source was getting bigger and bigger for the people in Zhenhun City. Even daily drinking water became a problem. In the end, people walked and escaped, and slowly... It became what it is now.”

Looking at the dilapidated environment around him, Wang Xiaofeng nodded in agreement. Human beings destroy the environment, and in the end it bites back on themselves. Human beings are too insignificant in front of nature.

But to make the environment look like this, one can imagine how brutal the previous battles were.

Wang Xiaofeng fantasized about the war scene where Soul Emperors were everywhere and Soul Saints were inferior to dogs, and suddenly it felt a little boring.

After all, this world is still partial to science, and all those with high levels of cultivation have been involuted, leaving only those like masters who can't advance to the next level and have no choice but to pursue the research route.

The path of a soul master is still narrow after all.

Nidia patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder and woke him up from his thoughts: "Let's go, the real Soul Soul City has to go further."

Nidia led Wang Xiaofeng deeper into the ruins. After crossing a huge sand slope, a towering black city suddenly came into view.

Good guy, this is still a city within a city.

It looked like it was not far from the city on the sand mountain, but it still took the two of them more than half an hour to reach the black city wall.

This also shows how huge the Soul Town City was in its heyday.

The city wall is made of black stone. With Wang Xiaofeng's knowledge, he can't tell what kind of stone it is. The wall is neither high nor thick, only the height of a two-story building.

There were four soldiers standing at the city gate, but judging from their crooked stance, they looked old.

"Stop! What are you doing!"

As soon as the two approached, the soldiers guarding the city spotted them and stopped them.

The soldiers glanced at the male and female travelers in front of them with suspicious and strange eyes.

Wang Xiaofeng was no longer surprised and faced the other party's scrutiny calmly, but Nidia was different. She always felt that he was taking advantage of her openly, so she shrank and hid behind Wang Xiaofeng.

When the older soldiers saw Nidia's actions, they knew that the other little bastards had gone too far, and they coughed twice to remind them not to go too far!

One of the dumb ones restrained his gaze and touched his helmet sheepishly, but the other two seemed not to hear, and still stared straight at Nidia behind Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled slightly, and the next second, a strong pressure suddenly fell on the two soldiers.

Bang bang! !

Under the horrified gaze of the veteran, the two companions were seen kneeling directly on the ground.

The old soldier still doesn’t know what’s going on, he’s been kicked on the iron plate! He quickly knelt down and said, "Sir, please calm down!"

I kept cursing secretly in my heart: These two idiots, even if they want to die, they don't know how to find a place farther away. Now it's okay, they have dragged him down.

"Get up, it has nothing to do with you." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand gently, and the veteran felt a force coming from under his body, and his body was directly lifted up by the force. He looked at Wang Xiaofeng with more and more awe.

Darling, the strongest soul master he has ever seen is the Soul Master. He can't even lift people up in the air without using his martial soul. Moreover, he still looks so young. He won't meet any young master from a big sect. Bar!

Little did Wang Xiaofeng know that he would inadvertently reveal his skills and let the veteran in front of him conceive him as the heir of a large sect.

Wang Xiaofeng can also understand this inexplicable conflict.

After all, except for passing merchants and lost travelers, no one would come to this inhospitable place.

Although Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia were a little gray and gray from traveling for a long time, their unusual temperament clearly did not belong to the above two.

Especially Nitya, even if she is gray-headed and gray-faced, she is better than 80% of the women in the world. In a small place like this, it is normal for sows to become pretty and pretty, and it is normal to be attracted to her.

But this is not a reason to be reckless without thinking. After doing some simple registration, Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia entered the city smoothly.

Of course, this is only smooth on the surface, because of the identities of the two soul masters, there will be special soul masters to follow and observe secretly.

Fortunately, Soul Soul City is relatively remote and the reward order has not yet been posted, otherwise it would not be so easy for the two of them to sneak into the city.

At that time, you may have to play a guest role as a male and female villain.

The veteran watched Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia walk into the city until their figures disappeared, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Then he saw that the smarter soldier was about to reach out to help those two idiots!

"Idiot, you want to kill us?" The veteran ran over in a hurry and reached out to stop him, but because he couldn't control his strength, he slapped the soldier on the back, causing him to stagger and fall to the ground.

The veteran helped him up and looked at the doubtful eyes. He was afraid that this idiot would cause trouble again and would implicate him. He could only patiently explain to him: "Master Soul Master is just a small punishment but a big warning. They have to suffer a little." That’s the end. But if you help them, you’re slapping the soul master in the face, and the soul master will still be justified in killing you!"

"Is this the soul master?"

There has been no war in Soul Town City for more than ten years. This is the first time for a soldier who has just joined the army to see a soul master. It is so majestic!

"This is the soul master!" The veteran nodded.

Xiaobing clenched his fists: "I will also become a soul master in the future!".

"What the heck, you become a soul master. You don't even have a hair to awaken your innate soul power. God has already determined our fate." The veteran laughed and cursed angrily, leaning crookedly on the edge of the city wall to be lazy.

The soldier seemed to have a goal. He stood upright and looked into the distance.

The veteran laughed and muttered words such as "idiot" in a low voice.

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