Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 469 A little awkward meeting again

From ancient times to the present, Zhenhun City has had underground water veins passing through it all year round, so it is also an important supply point for passing caravans.

There are very few shops on the street, only a clothing store, a blacksmith shop and a grocery store, but there are four hotels, and they are also the largest, all three-story buildings.

However, although the exteriors of these buildings were severely eroded by wind and sand, and the vermilion paint had long since peeled off, they were clean and bright inside.

Through the gate, you can see many caravans leading camels and vehicles loaded with goods in the courtyard, repairing in the hotel.

The servants of the caravan were feeding fodder to the camels; the guards were guarding the goods and bragging to their colleagues around them;

The caravan owner and the hotel owner were arguing over some low-value goods, trying their best to get a little more 'advantage'.

Some tourists who came here for various reasons sat in the lobby and tried to taste the local specialty dish - Teppanyaki scorpions.

The store is brightly lit, and the lively scene can still give a glimpse of the bustling atmosphere of the city in the past.

However, Wang Xiaofeng found that there were always eyes on him secretly, but when he turned around, he could not find the person observing secretly.

It seemed that the soul-suppressing city was loose on the outside and tight on the inside. Wang Xiaofeng knew that he had used his soul power at the city gate before and accidentally alerted the experts in the city, fearing that he would cause trouble.

But he really had no intention of causing trouble.

Wang Xiaofeng suddenly turned his head, looked around in a circle, and stopped at a few inconspicuous places for a few seconds before following Nidia and leaving.

The shadow in the dark moved: "This little guy is so young but has such powerful perception. I'm afraid he is not the descendant of some old monster."

"Then don't waste manpower monitoring him. I don't know what happened these days. There are suddenly more caravans passing by."

"It's been such an eventful time."

Several waiters in the shop were busy with their feet on the ground, delivering food and tea. When no one saw them, their hands and feet always touched each other inadvertently, and the secret codes were passed out one by one.

The blacksmith who was smelting iron in the weapon shop was also conveying unknown news while shouting angrily. Scenes like this also happened in grocery stores and fruit stalls selling cactus on the street corners...

Invisible to everyone, the entire Soul Town City was operating in an orderly manner according to a certain order.

The feeling of being watched quickly disappeared from him. Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows. Did he inadvertently eat the fruit of face and the other party directly gave him face?

But it’s better if no one is watching. In the eyes of a highly perceptive person like Wang Xiaofeng, this kind of surveillance is like a mosquito flying outside a mosquito net. It’s hard to fight, annoying, and extremely disgusting.

Relying on her past memories, Nidia led Wang Xiaofeng to turn left and right, and after turning a few corners, they came to the street named after the legendary Prince Zhou's Mansion.

Prince Zhou's Mansion is indeed a big family. The entire street in front of the door is paved with neat stone bricks, and the edges are planted with ginkgo trees.

Two rows of ginkgo trees are like green parasols, and their lush crowns cover the sky without leaving any gaps.

You can imagine how comfortable it feels when the sun is high and the weather is hot, but the temperature here is lower than other places.

Along the way, Wang Xiaofeng saw no more than a hundred trees and flowers of all kinds, but there were at least five hundred here.

It's like this even outside, so you can imagine the situation inside the mansion. This is the heritage of a century-old family.

These big families firmly control the entire Douluo Continent.

As long as a Contra appears in the clan, it can ensure that the family's inheritance will not be cut off in the next few decades. As long as a titled Douluo appears, he can take off again.

This is also why the development of this world takes longer than the previous life, but it is slower.

It was not completely dark yet, but several people came out of Prince Zhou's Mansion and began to change the lamp oil and light the wicks.

The lanterns on both sides began to emit candlelight, lighting up the street bit by bit.

"Your family is really rich." Wang Xiaofeng smacked his lips.

Obviously there are only a few servants taking care of Prince Zhou's mansion, but such superficial efforts are still done every day. It can only be said that it is a wealthy family.

"It's not my money." Nidia rolled her eyes and pulled Wang Xiaofeng deeper into the street.

A few boys who were lighting lamp oil looked at them strangely. This place was relatively remote, not many people usually came here, and Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia looked very unfamiliar.

Until Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia walked further and further away, and their figures gradually disappeared into the darkness, they were still thinking about what these two people with unusual temperaments were here to do.

No way, in a place like this, every little thing will be discussed for a long time.

After walking for about half a kilometer, Nidia and Wang Xiaofeng stopped in a remote corner.

There are still two rows of ginkgo planted neatly here. It seems that the Zhou Palace has a lot of money and even the corners of the street. However, the scattered wooden houses around are like extra sketches on the ink painting, which greatly destroys this. Beauty.

"This area is considered to be at the end of the street. Look at where the address is."

"Let me take a look, it should be..." Wang Xiaofeng had just taken out the letter from the soul guide, when a loud bang suddenly came from a courtyard 20 meters away.

Wang Xiaofeng subconsciously pulled Nidia into his arms. In the next moment, a black shadow rubbed Nidia's clothes and slammed into a ginkgo tree next to them.

The leaves fell like rain and soon covered the ground.

The incident happened suddenly. After being stunned in Wang Xiaofeng's arms for a while, Nidia realized belatedly that she had almost caused disaster. She said angrily: "What? I didn't know it was prohibited in the city. They’re fighting!”

"This seems to be beyond the scope of discussion." Wang Xiaofeng looked at the courtyard gate that was smashed not far away and nodded.

However, he soon stopped laughing.

Because the figure crawling out from the pile of leaves revealed a very familiar face.


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