Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 475 Awakening

By the time Wang Xiaofeng woke up from his deep sleep, it was already completely bright.

The blazing sunlight passed through the lush tree canopy outside the window and scattered scatteredly on the bedside.

The tingling pain coming from his brain and the fatigue coming from his body made him take a breath.

Fortunately, this level of exhaustion was within his tolerance.

Wang Xiaofeng skillfully used self-suggestion to temporarily block these negative influences. The stinging sensation receded like a tide, and a little strength slowly came to his body.

"Xiao Fengzi, are you awake?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes and saw Nidia sitting by the window. She was holding a miscellaneous book in her hand, and she seemed to have been staying here.

"Good morning." Nitya smiled.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but raise his arm to block the dazzling sunlight from behind the girl.

When the white light turned from dazzling to soft and fell, the eaves emerged from the light.

The opaque glass curtain reflects the fireworks in the world under the sun and the sky as blue as washed with water.

"Go and wash up, and I'll heat up breakfast for you."

Nitya stood up and walked out of the room. Blue books covered the edge of the window. Under the sun, the white pages seemed to be exposed to the sun. Smell the air full of the smell of ink and flowers.

Wang Xiaofeng slowly got up from the bed, and after just a slight movement, his muscles and bones made a crackling sound.

It seems that I have been lying on the bed for a long time.

After recuperating, the mental energy in his mind barely returned to one-third of its normal level.

And because this formation forcibly strengthened the mental power of the Consciousness Sea, the entire Consciousness Sea space was forcibly expanded by about one-fifth.

Because of the violent expansion, the edge of the sea of ​​​​consciousness is filled with large and small cracks, which is shocking to see.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng had exchanged a lot of herbs for warming up the mental power with Tang San a long time ago. This kind of mental trauma that can lead to brain death for ordinary people was just an ordinary trouble for him.

It seems that until these scars in the sea of ​​​​consciousness are healed, he will not make any progress in terms of mental power.

However, under normal circumstances, mental strength itself is very difficult to improve, so anyone can decide whether this is a blessing or a curse.

After a while, when Nidia walked into the room with breakfast, Wang Xiaofeng had already finished washing and was leaning against the edge of the window where Nidia was sitting, basking in the hot sunshine.

Freshly washed clothes are floating on the balcony. With the temperature and sunshine here, they can be dried in half an hour.

Gu Gu Gu~

Smelling the aroma of food, my stomach suddenly made embarrassing noises.

"Drink soy milk first to warm up." Nitya handed him a glass of warm soy milk.

Wang Xiaofeng took it obediently.

"Because I don't know when you will wake up, I just prepared some fried eggs, bacon and bread."

Nitya put the dinner plate on the bedside table, then picked up the blue-covered book. Her long and round legs crossed each other, making people want to play with them.

"Auntie and I told you that you're already awake, so you can have a big meal later."

"It would be nice to eat some."

Wang Xiaofeng drank the soy milk in the cup in one breath, and then quickly cleared the food on the plate.

He took the handkerchief Nitya handed him and wiped his mouth. Well, he felt the same after eating and not eating.

"Not full, I'll go see what's left in the kitchen."

Before Nidia could reply, Wang Xiaofeng walked downstairs with a clean dinner plate.

In the living room, several people were sitting on chairs, and the atmosphere was terrifyingly gloomy.

"What's going on here…"

When he saw this situation as soon as he came downstairs, Wang Xiaofeng was a little confused. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone's eyes focused on him.

"You kid is really good at sleeping. You've been sleeping for two days and three nights."

So today is already the morning of the third day?

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, his mental energy was more exhausted than he expected.

Wang Daniu pulled Wang Xiaofeng to the center of the living room, pointed at Wang Beibei in the cradle and said, "Look at your brother's condition! He has been in a comatose state except for meal times. Is there any adverse reaction?"

Wang Xiaofeng's face was pale and pale, and he looked very weak. He Li frowned, grabbed Wang Daniu's ear and twisted it, causing him to admit his mistake again and again in pain.

"Idiot, how can you talk to your son like this?"

After scolding Wang Daniu, He Li said softly: "Son, Beibei's condition is not as serious as your father said. He is just more lethargic than usual. You should take good care of yourself first and then check Beibei."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said nothing. He knelt down and lifted up Wang Beibei's sleeves, clothes and trousers one after another.

Several small symbols appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's eyes. Well, the marks of the physical gossip were still there.

Enduring the stinging pain in his brain, Wang Xiaofeng took out a piece of Longzhi leaf from the soul guide and held it in his mouth. He gently touched his Dantian with his fingers. With the help of the Longzhi leaf, the scattered mental power in the sea of ​​consciousness slowly condensed into a trace. , followed the fingertips and sank into Beibei's body.

A huge and condensed spiritual power group soon appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's perception. What was wrapped in the spiritual power was the power of faith that turned into the shape of the formation.

Wang Xiaofeng controlled the trace of mental power and circled around the mental power group.

Although the power of faith continued to struggle and seemed to want to return to a linear form from the complex formation, it was unable to make any waves under the suppression of the spiritual power group.

Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief. It was exactly the same as what he had deduced. It was basically a success. The rest only needs time to prove.

"Beibei's drowsiness is normal." Wang Xiaofeng withdrew only one-third of his mental power and said to the worried-looking people: "His body is adapting, so he has developed a self-protection mechanism of drowsiness. Wait. it will be fine after a while."

After hearing Wang Xiaofeng's explanation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Daniu patted his chest, changed his previous sad expression, and laughed three times: "So, my son Beibei will be entitled to a title!"

"Don't plant flags randomly." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand, "After this body tempering, no matter how much innate soul power Beibei awakens in the future, his cultivation speed will be at least comparable to the innate seventh level."

"What if his innate soul power exceeds level seven?" He Li asked curiously.

"Well, in the end, it may become a cultivation speed comparable to the innate eighth level."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head. His innate soul power was only the fifth level. Who knew how fast he could cultivate to the seventh level.

This era is still too backward, and many materials have been blocked by major forces and cannot be accessed at all.

He doesn't have that much time to quantify the cultivation efficiency of innate soul power.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

"Okay, I'll go cook now."

Soul power is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that is absorbed by the human body, reacts subtly with cells and spiritual will, and then can be stored in the body.

Under this special energy cycle, a unique biological magnetic field is born in the human body, which binds the soul power and prevents it from flowing away.

The cultivation of a soul master is based on this magnetic field to make the human body change, or evolve, from the cellular level.

Evolution at the cellular level can make the body's strength exceed the limits of species. This is why the physical fitness and lifespan of a soul master exceed that of ordinary people.

However, the intensity of this biomagnetic field is limited and can hardly affect outside the body. Mental power must be added to slightly expand the intensity of the biomagnetic field, which can be used to gather the aura of heaven and earth around the body.

This is the core of soul master training.

And all Wang Xiaofeng did was actually install a plug-in device for Wang Beibei to practice automatically.

In scientific terms, a formation is also a magnetic field.

In this way, Wang Beibei can achieve the state of sleeping and practicing.

Of course, because it is a synthetic soul power, it will not be absorbed by Wang Beibei's body. He is like a leaky power bank, constantly discharging electricity.

Only after the six-year-old martial soul awakens can he actively use this part of the soul power to increase his cultivation speed.

Before that, the soul power formed by the plug-in device would continuously wash away Wang Beibei's body in a silent way.

Many muscles that are difficult to exercise in normal ways will be strengthened in a long period of soul power flushing. As long as Wang Beibei does not exercise, her body coordination will self-adjust to the best without any shortcomings.

Moreover, the functions of each organ are also being strengthened, although this change is difficult to see.

But when the body is pushed to its limits, these benefits are revealed one by one.

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