Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 476: A daily chapter with a title I can’t think of

Today is still a sunny day.

It was already a week ago that I helped Wang Beibei customize the plug-in.

As time went by, Beibei's lethargy began to decrease.

Although the time to sleep is still longer than before, this is a good start.

Seeing the little guy's energetic appearance, Wang Daniu, He Li, and He Qiming let go of their worries.

Everyone felt less stressed and naturally resumed their daily lives.


Nidia shook out the water-soaked quilt cover.

It was rare that there was no wind and sand blowing today, so He Li and Nitya worked together to wash all the clothes at home.

Many parts of the old house have not been cleaned for a long time. The most recent cleaning was when Wang Daniu and He Li first moved in two years ago.

At that time, due to manpower constraints, the room was only cleaned slightly. The small corners were not cleaned and were already covered with dust.

Wang Xiaofeng carried the bamboo cage filled with clothes, walked to Nidia's side, and said in a relaxed tone: "This should be the last pile."


Because it was the last batch of clothes, with Wang Xiaofeng's help, all the clothes were quickly hung on the shelves.

Nitya wiped her sweat and looked at the small yard filled with all kinds of clothes and quilts, and said cheerfully: "Look, I hung these all by myself."

"Obviously I have a share of the credit in the end."

Wang Xiaofeng complained in his heart, but although it was the first time for Nidia to do this kind of work, she still seemed to be doing well.

Seeing the silly girl smiling with sweat, Wang Xiaofeng took out the handkerchief from the soul guide and handed it over with some distress.

"Come on, wipe your sweat."

Nidia lowered her head to look at the handkerchief in Wang Xiaofeng's hand, then suddenly raised her head and gave Wang Xiaofeng a smack on his face.

"It actually worked! It seems that my training, sister, was finally successful."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at her, silently picked up the handkerchief in his hand and wiped his face.

This stupid girl's face was covered in sweat.

"You actually dislike me." Nitya's cheeks bulged, like an angry puffer fish, she rushed into his arms and kept rubbing against his chest.

Wang Xiaofeng raised his hand helplessly to prevent the silly girl from accidentally knocking her and causing pain.

After playing around for a while, Nidia was a little tired, so she leaned in Wang Xiaofeng's arms, the breeze blew gently, bringing with it the heat of youth.

"Xiao Feng! Where did the person go?"

Wang Daniu's voice suddenly came from behind. Nidia quickly got out of Wang Xiaofeng's arms and ran towards the house with a blushing face: "I, I'm going to help auntie clean the room."

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips and glanced at his father who was hiding behind the drying quilt with a smirk: "You are so boring."

"If there's nothing else, I'll go back and tidy up the room."

"Wait, wait." Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng was about to leave, Wang Daniu jumped out and tried to persuade him to stay. His son had taken control of him so easily, and his position as the head of the family was really unsafe.

"Tell me, he's an alcoholic and asked me to borrow money to buy alcohol, or he's in trouble."

Wang Daniu said righteously: "Am I the kind of person who is addicted to alcohol?"

Seeing that his son's face was beginning to look a little impatient, Wang Daniu stopped talking and asked in a low voice: "How much can your gourd hold?"

Wang Xiaofeng made a circle with his hands, "It's probably a little bigger than this courtyard."

"So big!"

Wang Daniu coughed twice: "Ahem...I mean, it's pretty much what I guessed."

"If you have something to say, say it quickly. If you have something to say, say it quickly." Wang Xiaofeng was a little irritated. Talking nonsense under such a bright sun was not only stupid, but also very hot!

Under Wang Xiaofeng's glare, Wang Daniu said coyly: "Actually, this is what happened..."

To put it simply, the furniture at home has been used for a long time, ranging from beds and cabinets to tables, chairs and benches. There are more or less problems, so He Li asked Wang Daniu to go outside and pick up some wood. Xiu can also take the wood and find a carpenter in the city to make new furniture.

"It's just such a small thing, but it's such a big trip." Wang Xiaofeng sighed and glanced at the shadow on the ground. There was still about an hour before lunch, so it should be enough time.

"Let's go, go early and come back early."

Wang Daniu happily patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder: "My love for you is not in vain."

If you come back early, you can secretly go to a wine shop to have a drink or two, which is great...

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Wang Daniu's silly look and shook his head. It's hopeless. Let's wait to collect the body.

Stepping out of the city felt like stepping out of the comfort zone. The sun was shining brightly, there was not a single cloud, and the ambient temperature was at least thirty-five degrees.

Trees near the edge of the city cannot be cut down, and the rotten wood further away has been plundered. Therefore, Wang Xiaofeng and Wang Daniu must go further if they want to find sufficient and suitable wood.

Both of them were soul masters, and their steps were not slow. The stone clods under their feet gradually disappeared and were replaced by fine sand.

In just twenty minutes, they walked out of Soul Town City.

Wang Xiaofeng followed Wang Daniu silently. About ten minutes passed before Wang Daniu stopped.

"We've arrived."

After climbing over the sand dunes, there was actually a blue lake. What was strange was that there was no green around it, not even a blade of grass.

"here it is?"

"This kind of small lake is formed by rainfall, and the locals call it 'Bajidan'." Wang Daniu slid down the sand dune. "The water here is poisonous and cannot be drunk."

"Poisonous?" Wang Xiaofeng jumped off the sand dune and landed gently on the edge of the lake.

His pupils shrank slightly, and Wang Xiaofeng slowly adjusted his vision.

There seemed to be some strange stones in the sand and mud. After careful observation, I found that they were not stones, but bones. There were many animal bones hidden under the crystal clear water.

"The lakes here were not like this at first. The water inside would only become very salty over time. But then I don't know what happened, and the lakes here slowly became toxic."

As if aware of Wang Xiaofeng's gaze, Wang Daniu shrugged: "Don't ask me, I don't understand either. These are what I heard from others when I was drinking."

"Okay, don't worry about those things, come here and help dig out these tree trunks."

There are a lot of dead trees around the lake, and most of them have quite strange looks, completely different from ordinary straight trees.

If a woodcarving master saw this, he would be bursting with inspiration. Unfortunately, the people digging trees here at this time are just two pragmatists with no artistic ability.

Book recommendation: Douluo fights for all the good things in the world [space]

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