Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 478: Flood washed away the Dragon King Temple

The woman frowned: "How can you rob other people's things? What is the difference between doing this and being a robber?"

However, others in the team seemed to agree more with the previous man's thoughts.

The entire team was immediately divided into two groups.

Another person shook his head and said: "If you hadn't taken a shortcut, captain, and took the road that wasn't marked on the map, we wouldn't have encountered the spirit beast, nor would we have dropped the pointer and gotten lost in the desert. Besides, we wouldn't have It’s not for free, wasn’t it given money?”

After the last person finished speaking, someone immediately added in a low voice: "And these two people didn't bring anything with them. They looked like locals. Even without pointers, it would be easy to go back. Captain, you have to think clearly, because of your relationship , a lot of time has been wasted, maybe Captain Feihong has brought people back."

The woman was speechless. Thinking of her mission, she hesitated in her heart.

When the man who made the initial comment saw this, he quickly rode towards Wang Daniu.

As a captain, she is good at everything and has strong strength, but she always hesitates when it comes to civilian issues. I really don't know what she thinks.

They are noble soul masters.

Wang Daniu and Wang Xiaofeng were a little far away. This was specifically to give them private space to discuss, so as to prevent them from hearing anything they shouldn't hear.

When you see someone coming, recover quickly

Although a different person was involved in the negotiation, it didn't matter to the father and son.

Wang Daniu even complained that their discussion was too slow. Now he didn't have time to drink, so his tone became a little impatient: "Have you discussed it yet? Should you follow us or..."

The man who came over forcefully interrupted Wang Daniu's rambling, "I choose the third option! I will give you money, and you hand over the pointer."

"Didn't I say I won't sell it before?" Wang Daniu waved his hands impatiently. At first, they seemed quite pitiful and wanted to help, but this is what happened? What a waste of my good intentions.

"Forget it, since you don't want to follow us, let's leave first."

Before Wang Daniu could turn around and leave, the sudden sound of breaking through the air made him stop subconsciously.

Poof! !

A dozen sharp iron needles sank into the yellow sand in front of him.

There was a ten centimeter long iron needle floating on the man's palm, and three white, yellow, and yellow soul rings were floating up and down on his body. "If you don't want to suffer, just hand over the needle honestly."

Wang Daniu was a little confused, had these people become stupid after staying in the desert for too long? This place is only a dozen kilometers away from Zhenhun City. Is there any need to rob it?

Wang Xiaofeng raised his arm slightly and was about to take action, but was stopped by Wang Daniu's voice.

"Son, don't do anything, let me see my growth in the past two years!"

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged and took two steps back.

Now that the father has spoken, there is no reason for a son not to listen. Let him shine this time.

"Eating hardship?"

Wang Daniu sneered, his soul power circulated, and he walked towards the man.

With every step he takes, a soul ring rises from his feet.

The five soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple and purple made the man look frightened, and the sweat on his forehead fell like rain.

Wang Daniu held the green gourd in his hand and said with a faint smile: "You said, you want me to suffer?"

The man trembled all over under the pressure of the powerful momentum and knelt down on the spot.

"Here, this Lord Soul King, please forgive me for my offense!!"

"It's really boring." The person in front of him had completely lost his will to fight. Wang Daniu, who originally wanted to abuse the food, shook his head in dissatisfaction.

Then he looked at the three people running towards him on horseback: "What, you want to stand up for him?"

The soul king's cultivation level can be regarded as a master in the outside world, let alone a place where birds don't shit.

The remaining people immediately dismounted and lowered their postures, and said with cupped hands: "We are ignorant and have accidentally offended your lord. This is all our money. Please spare his life."

Wang Daniu took the money bag and put it into the soul guide, "Well, it's fair to say, I'll spare you this time and get out of here."

They were already prepared for heavy bleeding, but they didn't expect Wang Daniu to be so easy to talk to. They were stunned for a moment, then quickly mounted their horses and left without saying anything, for fear that Wang Daniu would suddenly regret it.

Wang Daniu stood there for a while, until the figures of several people disappeared, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the secret was not exposed, hehe, I didn't expect to have unexpected income."

The bag of gold soul coins just now contained at least several hundred coins, enough for him to drink for several months.

Wang Daniu's soul rings are all very common plant soul beasts, which only have a limited number of years and rarely increase their combat effectiveness.

His strength is equivalent to that of a Soul Lord who often hangs out in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. In a life-and-death battle, he might not be as good as him.

It can only scare this kind of soul master who can only bully others. If you meet one who often fights, you can see the vanity of his hands and feet at a glance.

Wang Xiaofeng suddenly spoke, pulling Wang Daniu from his sweet dream to reality: "Dad, we haven't left yet, you are happy too early."

Standing next to him seemed to be the woman who spoke to him at the beginning. Wang Daniu was a little confused: "Why haven't you left yet?"

The woman stepped forward and stared at Wang Daniu with her sharp eyes: "Sister-in-law, are you sure you want me to get out?"

Wang Daniu waved his hands wildly: "Hey, girl, don't ask for relatives, I don't know you."

The woman pulled her scarf, revealing a rather delicate face: "What about this, can you take a look again?"

"You..." Wang Daniu stared at this familiar face and thought for a moment: "I remember, you seem to be the fifth brother's daughter, what is your name?"

The woman said angrily: "Brother-in-law, you are serious. My name is He Muyu! Don't forget it next time."

Wang Xiaofeng complained at the side: "So, this is a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple, and one family doesn't recognize the other?"

Wang Daniu rolled his head in embarrassment. After all, he just wanted his niece to get out.

He could only change the subject with some stiffness, "No, I remember you were serving in the military, why did you come back suddenly?"

"Oh, this is a long story."

He Muyu followed the two of them back home, "Gulu Gulu" and drank a bottle of water, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look at the thirsty child." He Li glared at Wang Daniu.

Even if your son is ignorant, are you also ignorant?

Wang Daniu couldn't express her sorrow. She drank all the three large bottles of water in their soul guide, but she didn't know that she hadn't drunk enough yet.

Seeing this, He Qiming frowned: "Did you suffer any injustice outside?"

He Muyu shook her head. In fact, she was not wronged. It was just that a few months ago, she suddenly changed her position from president to an instructor responsible for training new recruits.

I thought they were promoted, but when I arrived, I realized that the recruits were all second-generation officials and second-generation rich people. They came to the army just for gold plating.

He was promoted brightly and demoted secretly.

But there is no need to talk about these dirty things in the army to cause trouble to the old man.

He Muyu said in a deep voice: "I came here this time to ask Grandpa for help."

"Me?" He Qiming smacked his lips: "Tell me first, what do you want me to help you with?"

"During the drill for new recruits, we accidentally discovered a ruins. Judging from the scale, it is at least medium-sized."

Relics on Douluo Continent are not uncommon. According to the area, they are generally divided into three types: small, medium, large and super large.

All soul guides today were excavated from ruins, such as Tang San's Twenty-Four Bridges on a Bright Moon Night.

Of course, there are not only soul guides in the ruins, but if you are lucky, you can also find secret techniques written by predecessors. This is the biggest benefit of digging in the ruins.

Of course, some sharp swords, hard armor, and jewelry and gold are also among the benefits of the ruins.

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