Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 479: The Beginning of the Ruins (Part 1)

June 13, 1687 in the celestial calendar

It is suitable to move into a house, move, or get married, but avoid starting construction.

The fireball-like sun hangs in the clear blue sky, and a few floating clouds occasionally cover the sun, bringing a bit of coolness to people.

However, such bright and good weather did not improve He Muyu's gloomy mood at all.

Just when she was looking at the sky, a young man in military uniform ran up to her, gave a military salute and shouted loudly: "Report to the instructor, the team has been assembled."

"I know." He Muyu glanced at him, then looked down at the team that had been specifically chosen to gather under the shadow of the big tree. The overall look was loose, with a hint of helplessness on his expression.

From the time the assembly horn was blown to the present, it took a full quarter of an hour to complete the assembly, and the assembly place was only two minutes away from the dormitory. If it were according to war standards, everyone here would be pulled out and executed.

Not angry, not angry.

Have you not experienced this situation dozens of times? You just get used to it.

He Muyu suppressed the dissatisfaction rising in her heart and looked at the recruits in front of her expressionlessly.

Today is her last day to take over the recruit team. After today's drill, she can say goodbye to these dozens of salted fish.

But before that, there is one last hurdle to pass, which is the new recruits' martial arts performance.

After the martial arts performance, the outstanding recruits will be divided among the various bosses. Qualified recruits will be assigned according to their territories, while unqualified soldiers will be sent back. You don't need to think about it, these little bastards in her charge will definitely be sent back. Home.

He Muyu took a few steps forward, and the forty-level soul power burst out from his body without restraint. The soul power, which was two levels higher than everyone else, pressed heavily on them. The lazy soldiers below subconsciously Stand tall with your chest raised, full of desire to survive.

"In the past three months, you have been dissatisfied with me, and I think you are unhappy too. You should be lucky that you have good parents, otherwise with your attitude, I would have beaten you to the point where you would not even be able to recognize your parents. "

First, he drew the relationship between the two parties in a friendly manner, and then changed his tone and said, "However, your hard life is finally coming to an end. Everyone knows what day it is today, so I won't dwell on it too much.

I only remind you, compete well, and if you are beaten by others, you will be beaten. Who told you not to work hard? His eyes stayed on the most irritating ones for a few seconds: "Don't use any crooked ideas. The fools who took advantage of the loopholes in the rules last time have been lying on the bed for half a year." "

"The competition will start in half an hour. Meng Yun, please bring them in." He Muyu glanced at everyone with disgust, waved her hands, and left without looking back.

The young man named Meng Yun, the squad leader, waved his hand and led everyone towards the training ground.

But he didn't notice that at the end of the team, several figures quietly left the team and fell half a body behind.

Although He Muyu warned him, as the boss among the thorns, how could he restrain himself because of a mere warning.

"Brothers, you haven't forgotten what you said last night." He Fei whispered.

The younger brothers gathered around shook their heads quickly: "I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten! Brother Fei, we are just waiting for you to take him away."

"Okay, watch my eyes and actions later. Let those who look down on us see that even though we are waiting to die, we are not useless!!"

The new recruits' martial arts performance is mainly divided into two types: group events and individual events.

The group events mainly include ten events such as a five-kilometer sprint and thirty-person soul skill coordination. The main test is the tacit understanding of the entire team.

Generally speaking, as long as you are not working in the army and put in some effort, your scores in group events will not be low.

However, they can only compete with another group of teams with similar characteristics to them (for second to last).

Therefore, He Fei's goal is a personal project.

It is said that this time the personal event of the recruits' martial arts performance has been greatly changed because of the relationship with the newly returned third prince, and the original rules and venues will no longer be used.

Although I don’t know the new rules, everyone doesn’t know them now, which means they are all brought to the same level.

In addition to the "trump card" that his second brother sent to save his life, are he still worried about not getting good results? This time, I will definitely impress the old man! !

Seeing their boss's expression changing, the younger brothers looked at each other, not daring to say anything or ask, and just pretended they didn't see him.

Meng Yun came over at some point and said, "Hey you guys, what are you doing behind you? Why don't you follow me quickly?"

"Sorry, my boss suddenly has a stomachache." Like frightened rabbits, several people hurriedly set up Hefei and ran quickly to the front line.

"Take it easy, do you want to kill me?"

Being able to be the team leader in a group of second-generation teams, Meng Yun is naturally not a good person. He looked at He Fei, who looked very ugly when being teased by his younger brothers. He touched the green hair that had just grown on his chin and made up his mind. , prepare to keep an eye on him in case something goes wrong and drag you down.

"Oh, if I hadn't been too low-key at ordinary times, I wouldn't have been sent to this hellish place by my petty second brother. I would have been eliminated smoothly and gone home quickly. I'm really fed up with the speed of practice in a mimicry training environment."

"I don't know how the eldest and second brothers are involved in the family. Three months have passed and the winner should be decided. Forget it, what does this have to do with me? If I don't become a soul saint, I will always be an ant."

Holding the iron helmet on his head that didn't fit very well, Meng Yun burst out with strength in his calves. Without most people noticing, Meng Yun quietly caught up with the team.

The training ground is located two kilometers away from the military camp.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see dozens of teams of recruits slowly entering the training ground from all directions.

This is the largest training ground in the Western Military Region of the Star Luo Empire, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres and with complex and diverse landforms, so it was specially chosen as the assessment site for this new recruits' martial arts performance.

Five thousand six hundred and thirty people stood quietly in the middle of the open space, with serious expressions, and a chilling atmosphere exuded in the air.

After three months of training, even the second-generation people who usually do nothing but do their best can barely do what is ordered and prohibited, and do not whisper to each other casually.

A thousand White Tiger troops quietly surrounded the training ground, seeming to be protecting some big shot.

On the viewing platform, a general whispered to a young-looking man: "Your Highness, everyone is here."

"Are we finally here? I almost fell asleep." The blond man sitting in the main seat opened his eyes, and a golden light flashed out of thin air.

The generals on the side were a little surprised when they saw this. It was also the first time for them to see the legendary third prince. They did not expect that the other party was so powerful. It seemed that he was only one step away from the Soul King.

At this age, his cultivation level is already close to theirs, and he is truly formidable.

The fat man sitting behind him like a servant muttered in a low voice: "Boss Dai likes to pretend in front of strangers..."

The aloof girl on the side glared at him, scaring him so much that he shut up quickly and thought to himself: "Zhuqing felt even colder after returning to Xingluo. Alas, Brother Feng's place is still more interesting."

Dai Mubai stood up. His red helmet was like a blazing flame. He was wearing a set of armor as black as ink. He had a sky-searing white tiger tattooed on his chest, which made him look majestic and domineering.

He lowered his head and looked at the fully armed recruits, "These are the future of our Xingluo." Then, his momentum burst out without restraint.

The recruits felt as if there was a bloodthirsty white tiger lying on the stage, staring at them.

Very good, what Xiaofeng taught is really useful.

Seeing that the soldiers below were suppressed by his own momentum, Dai Mubai breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm very happy to be able to represent..."

Five minutes later, Dai Mubai ended this long boring and unvital speech.

Of course, he maintained an oppressive momentum throughout the whole speech. The white tiger's killing power actually suppressed more than 5,000 people in the audience. This scene was definitely unforgettable for the officers and generals behind him.

Although these new recruits are not soul masters, they have never been on the battlefield or learned the military's secret techniques to temper their bodies.

But being able to suppress thousands of armies with just his momentum at the age of seventeen is outrageous.

"Is this the Third Prince Dai Mubai? It's really scary." This group of recruits, who were fearless, saw for the first time in their lives the top geniuses of their age group.

The new recruits' martial arts performance officially begins.

Each event is carried out in an orderly manner, with muscles colliding, sweat pouring, and hormones filling the entire training ground. The whole process will last for three days.

In the group event, the 21st team led by He Muyu, thanks to everyone's overt and covert acting skills, came in last place as expected.

He Muyu, who was severely criticized by the leader, finally suppressed his anger after hammering three wooden stakes.

Looking at the face as black as burning coal, the military camp where Team 21 was located spent an unprecedentedly quiet night.

Next, comes the highly anticipated personal project.

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