Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 480 The Beginning of the Ruins (Part 2)

The sunshine in early summer was already a bit blazing, perhaps too sultry. The bird wailed and fell into the big umbrella-like tree. But before it could be happy, the intermittent wails coming from the ground scared it and it quickly flapped its wings. escape.

"Oh, these people are so cruel."

The last item in the team event is of course actual combat, and as the team with the lowest strength on the surface, anyone can definitely bully them.

At this time, under the shade of the tree, they were sharing their experiences of being beaten.

Although they were beaten, most people still had a good attitude.

Hum, such a weak fist doesn't even have half the strength of the big devil's fist, and it doesn't hurt at all.

Meng Yun touched his slightly blue chest. No one would be beaten for going home. But what are these people so proud of? I am not the only one here who is normal.

"Hmph, this is called suppressing first and then rising. This is how novels are written." He Fei sneered and made a fist pump with his right hand, "Let's see how I take revenge later."

Because the movement range was too large, he accidentally touched the wound, and he screamed suddenly.

The boy on the side applied the medicine to the wound and said weakly: "Boss, you are like this, why don't you give up?"

"A gentleman takes revenge and seizes the day!! It hurts, it hurts, please use less strength..."

A sergeant came over pulling a cart of tightly sealed wooden boxes.

"Meng Yun, captain of Team 21."

"I am." Meng Yun stood up.

The sergeant casually picked up a wooden box and put it in Meng Yun's hand: "Divide the contents into each other, one for each person."

"This is..." Before Meng Yun could ask, the sergeant pulled the box away.

"Listen to what I have to say." Meng Yun rubbed his hair and took the wooden box back to the team.

The box wasn't difficult to open, but what was inside was puzzling.

"Is this a number plate?"

He Fei casually took out a wooden sign. One side was painted in red with one, five and sixty written on it, and the other side was completely black with three, seven, six and four written in white paint.

"Quiet, now start reading the rules."

The soul guide in the center of the clearing made a sharp and piercing sound, "In half an hour, the personal event of the recruits' martial arts demonstration - the competition for number plates will be held.

The rules are as follows: the red side is your serial number, and the black side is the number you need to capture.

Gaining the corresponding number plate will add 20 points, losing the exclusive number plate will deduct ten points. Before the end, if your number plate is not lost, you will gain five points.

If you plunder someone else's number plate with a non-corresponding number, it will count as one point.

The entire assessment will last for one day. In order to prevent someone from deliberately stalling for time, the venue will also shrink as time goes by. "

At this point, the voice on the radio paused for a moment, and then continued: "If you can't hold on anymore, just raise your hands and admit defeat, and specialized personnel will take you out."

If Wang Xiaofeng were here, he would definitely complain, isn’t this the fourth rule of the hunter and the ultimate stitch monster in the chicken game.

At this time, Dai Mubai was proudly asking for credit from the fat man and his girlfriend behind him.

This personal project not only tests the recruits' ability to survive in the wild, but also comprehensively examines their adaptability.

It is no longer like before, using the ring competition method to test the combat effectiveness of the new recruits.

The king of soldiers is easy to get, but the general is hard to find.

Although it is a personal project, the rules are not so strict and there are many loopholes that can be exploited. This was also deliberately set by Dai Mubai.

"Super Smash Bros., it's interesting. Only in this kind of situation can I show my true strength." He Fei covered his right eye and said with a half-hearted smile.

The younger brother next to him asked: "Boss, what are our plans?"

"The plan remains unchanged, let's meet at the same place."

Since it is a chaotic fight, the recruits will not be given the opportunity to form gangs in the early stage.

The entire twenty-first team was randomly disrupted, and everyone was taken away by different soldiers.

Meng Yun was taken away by a veteran. The veteran walked around the training ground and took away someone from each team.

After a while, everyone came to a wooden door number 13 with a huge number written on it.

Some railings were erected randomly on both sides to separate the crowd.

Soldiers kept coming with a group of people, and soon the place was filled with people. It was estimated that there were at least hundreds of people.

"Meng Yun, red 1786, black 2245. Well, I don't have anything with me. Okay, you can go in." The soldier searched him and found no food or weapons hidden on him, so he waved him to hurry up. Go in.

There was only ten seconds between the first one and the next one. Fortunately, there was no fighting within 50 meters of the entrance, otherwise there would definitely be an old coin ambushing not far from the exit.

But even so, you have to be careful... Wait, I seem to be rushing to be eliminated. I should just go out and attract hatred and be eliminated.

Although I don’t know what score must be below before being returned to the army, but the worse the performance, the higher the chance of returning home.

Meng Yun, who was walking quickly along the edge of the perimeter with his body low, suddenly stopped, changed his previous caution, turned around, and walked toward the nearest and most conspicuous place from the entrance with steps that he did not recognize.

"If you're a brother, come and chop me down."

"No. 1786, eliminated! No. 17..."

He Fei was still queuing up when a sound suddenly sounded from the central loudspeaker.

"Who was eliminated so quickly? It's so embarrassing... Wait, this looks like Meng Yun's number, haha, I said he is unreliable, the old woman's vision is not good." He Fei danced happily.

Sure enough, only he can restore the glory of Team 21.

"Hey, why are you giggling? There's so much space in front of you, you can't leave."

"Oh, let's go."

As the pig's trotter in these two chapters, He Fei is naturally not as weak as imagined. At least he has a lot of talent when it comes to escaping.

After leaving the entrance, He Fei found the direction and started running in one direction.

The tall trees continued to recede behind him. Weeds collected from the roadside were randomly tied around his body. Matched with the brown recruit uniform, he hid his body well, like a hidden thief cat, quiet and fast.

He was considered a relatively late entrant, and when he entered, dozens of people had already been eliminated.

Elimination here refers to the complete loss of combat effectiveness and the inability to continue the game. In order to prevent the injuries from worsening into irreversible, hidden supervisors will eliminate them.

This shows how fierce the competition is.

With He Fei's fighting strength of 0.5 geese, he couldn't even defeat his own younger brother, but fortunately he still had a trump card.

Carefully picking up the water bag and filling it with saliva, He Fei looked firmly in a certain direction, "The final shrinkage circle must be towards the center. At that time, it will be my chance."

He Fei's advantage over others is that he is very familiar with the training ground.

The first time he was scolded by He Muyu in the office, he looked at the introduction picture of the training ground hung on the wall.

Because he was reprimanded too many times, he memorized this picture.

The training ground is too big. Except for exchanges and competitions between military regions, most of the place is usually empty.

Quiet and no one around, isn't this the best secret base?

So he and his younger brothers usually ran to the training ground when they wanted to be lazy. There was no danger there anyway.

No one among the recruits was more familiar with the training ground than he and his juniors.

As we go deeper, the dense tall trees gradually become less dense, and denser weeds and softer soil increase.

The forest area has reached the border, and next is the swamp area.

He Fei rested in the grass for a while to recover his strength. After the sun went down, he set off on the road again.

Time is like an hourglass, no one can stop its passage.

The sun swept away the moon, and the sun once again filled the earth.

At this time, there are only two hours left before the end of the personal project.

The encirclement circle has shrunk very small. It is only a small stream, half a hillside and a sunken basin. The area is about ten acres. Standing on the edge, you can see the wall of soldiers at a glance (the soldiers are shrinking the circle. If you get close, you will be discovered. will be beaten).

Because the field was reduced, the struggle was also fierce. At this time, there were only three groups of people left on the field.

Team 1, Team 2 and He Fei and his boys.

He Fei and his younger brothers gathered together smoothly without any accidents.

At this time, they were covered in thick mud, lying motionless next to a boulder, watching the other two hundred-man groups fighting fiercely, using deadly moves.

From time to time, a soul king-level supervisor would drag someone out and eliminate him.

As time went by, the encirclement circle continued to shrink. While everyone was fighting, they were unconsciously forced towards the pit by the soldiers.

The position He Fei chose was right next to the big pit, so he didn't need to move for a while, but his younger brothers didn't have such a good mental quality.

"Boss, they are too close, will we be discovered?"

He Fei said angrily: "You won't be discovered if you don't speak."

His left hand unnaturally touched the ring on his right hand. This was one of the trump cards given to him by his second brother, a storage soul guide that could be used without soul power.

Just press the switch to access the object.

The other trump card was buried in a big pit by him.

They are twelve large iron balls filled with large amounts of gunpowder, and the soul ignition switch in his hand that can be used by ordinary people.

This is the latest invention of Group 18 of Xingluo Research Institute where He Fei and his second brother belong. It is said that it was inspired by fireworks.

The explosion produced when gunpowder burns in a small space is used to produce a large detonation wave and a small amount of fragments, which can shock and kill the enemy.

Importantly, this weapon can also be used by ordinary people.

However, there are many shortcomings, such as being too large to be carried, and having insufficient lethality. It can only severely damage the great soul master in a small place, and can only barely defeat the defense of the soul master.

And the price is very expensive. Each explosive ball costs up to fifty gold soul coins. After several years of research, the project funds have long been insufficient.

So even though everyone could see the prospect of exploding balls, they had no choice but to stop the project and seal the data.

The 18th research group where Brother He Fei belongs has switched to researching object projection storage technology.

This is a research project invested by Xingluo Auction House, and the funds are much richer than when studying explosive balls.

"Boss, look at them, they are all here."

Detonating at this time can just control the explosion impact within a reasonable range and will not cause casualties.

What they have to do is take advantage of everyone's dizzy state to grab their number plates, then admit defeat and settle the score.

"Okay, let me explode!!" He Fei pressed the switch tightly in his hand, and the next second, a huge explosion sounded throughout the training ground.

boom! ! ! !

The sudden explosion caught everyone present by surprise. Just as He Fei expected, most people were stunned.

But before He Fei could be happy, cracks began to appear on the ground not far away, and a large number of cracks spread rapidly.

The earth shook.

Soon, in the dull eyes of everyone, a huge crack that was hundreds of meters long and more than ten meters wide appeared in front of everyone.

"It seems that something terrible has appeared." Dai Mubai calmly gave the order: "The drill is suspended. Everyone, leave the training ground. General Chen, seal this place."


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