Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 482: Spirituality

Wang Xiaofeng carefully picked up the booklet, touched the paper, and found that it was not an old book, but a new one.

It seemed to be a copy, so I felt relieved to read it.

"Yitian Kung?"

What a crappy name this is, even the names of exercises in third-rate novels sound better than this.

But when I glanced down at the author's name, the 80-year-old saying that he was quick to spit stuck directly in Wang Xiaofeng's throat.

It was clearly written on it: He Qiming.

As a grandson, can I complain about my grandfather? That's definitely not allowed.

Ahem, forget it, isn't it just a waste of naming? Naming does require some technical content.

When people of this era record their inheritance in books, they are afraid that their skills will be stolen by others and that the enemy will find their weaknesses.

Therefore, when recording the exercises, various coded terms are used to describe the key parts, which makes people confused and gives them a headache.

This is still good. If you are a wild soul master who has not studied for a few days, what you write will be even more embarrassing.

Soon Wang Xiaofeng went through it roughly, and he let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little regretful.

"It turns out it's a fragment."

Through some simple descriptions in the book, Wang Xiaofeng roughly understood some things.

For example, the so-called most important inheritance of the He family that He Muyu was going to take away was actually an overview and some conjectures about human body essence and spirit by a scholar in ancient times.

Although the ancient writing has been discontinued, Lian Mingdai guessed that after so many years, the He family still came up with some useful things, such as how to stimulate mental power.

Then the descendants of the He family developed many secret techniques based on this part of the content. However, it is a pity that the content recorded in this ancient book is only part of that work and is incomplete. Therefore, most of the developed techniques are to burn the spirit and stimulate the potential. Life-fighting skills.

For example, the Original Intention Heaven Skill in Wang Xiaofeng's hand was created by He Qiming based on the annotations and conjectures of predecessors.

The principle is to use mental power to forcefully control the surrounding aura of heaven and earth for one's own use, amplify the effect of soul skills, and thereby leapfrog the battle.

The threshold for practicing this technique is extremely high. You must have mental strength that is beyond ordinary people, and you must be very sensitive to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Good guy, a soul master with such a talent would only practice this kind of life-and-death technique if he has a headache.

However, these things are not without merit.

The essence of cultivation in Douluo Continent is to cultivate soul power, which should be regarded as one of the three treasures of human body's essence, energy and spirit. Qi drives the essence and spirit to improve one's realm.

There is nothing wrong with this. The problem is that Douluo Continent seems to have experienced an extinction of knowledge, and many techniques for physical and spiritual training have been cut off.

Coupled with the unique level promotion mechanism of Douluo Continent, as long as you meet the soul power requirements, you can directly upgrade, which makes the improvement of each level very rough. The average soul master even has to rely on the level improvement when absorbing the soul environment to feed back the spiritual power. and physical body.

This also leads to the fact that many hidden benefits brought by the realm cannot be enjoyed at all.

For example, it has been mentioned in many books written by predecessors that a Titled Douluo has a lifespan of three hundred, and each level up can add another hundred years to its lifespan.

But look at the titled Douluo currently active in the soul master world, the one who dares to say that he can live to be three hundred years old.

Strong, but really strong, the sky and the earth shattered as soon as he raised his hand.

But the essence of cultivation is to transcend the limitations of life, and strength is just a bonus on the road to immortality. In Wang Xiaofeng's view, this is simply picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons.

The Three Treasures of Jing, Qi and Shen, one of the Qi Dao, have been continuously refined by Youyue Liujian. Although the tailor-made breathing and breathing exercises have not yet been completely created, for Wang Xiaofeng, there is no shortage.

In the way of essence, every day, the muscles and bones are tempered by the sun essence fire, and the weight-bearing exercises are never stopped, which is already beyond the limit.

Only the divine path has no special training except for the training provided by the moon flow slurry. It lags far behind the two paths of essence and energy, and has become a shortcoming.

Although the vast majority of soul masters specialize in one discipline, there are even many soul masters who, after reaching a certain level, simply ignore the physical body and only cultivate soul power. But since Wang Xiaofeng has the conditions, he must pay equal attention to all three.

Wang Xiaofeng also read some Buddhist and Taoist classics in his previous life.

But at that time, those classics were really just scriptures, expounding some ideas, without specific methodologies, let alone descriptions of spiritual practice.

Because God is a very broad concept, spirit, soul, will, understanding... these all belong to God.

Although the key parts of the booklet were covered with code words, Wang Xiaofeng looked down on this part.

The most valuable thing about this secret skill is the way to stimulate mental power and how to mobilize mental power.

What a good thing.

In just a short while, the contents of this book gave him a lot of inspiration and skills.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was absorbing the nutrients from the book like a sponge.

He Qiming was still holding He Muyu and crying miserably, but He Li, who knew very well that he just wanted Mu Yu to get more benefits from the military, would not accompany him in a tragic love story.

He walked straight into the kitchen and brought out the prepared meals.

The aroma of the food filled the room.

Gu Gu Gu Gu! !

The sound from his stomach made He Muyu's face turn red.

"If you're not in a hurry, just finish your meal before leaving. There's no better place to eat than anything else in the world." Wang Daniu tried to smooth things over.

He Qiming knew that the play could not continue, and sighed: "Oh, forget it, let's eat first."

He Muyu was eager to return to the army, so after a hasty lunch, he submitted his resignation.

Although He Qiming still wanted to chat with his granddaughter whom he had not seen for a long time, he saw the eager expression on her face and still did not say anything to save her.

"You have an impatient temper. You should think twice before doing anything. Don't cause trouble again at a critical moment."

"I know, grandpa, I will return our family heirloom soon." He Muyu rode on the best horse in the city, "Please take care of yourself."

Smoke and dust billowed, and He Muyu quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

He Qiming was originally feeling sad about spring and autumn, but he didn't expect that He Li's next few words would break his guard.

"Okay, okay, everyone is gone, why are you still standing there, eating sand?"

"What about family heirlooms? When I was cleaning your room, I saw several books with exactly the same covers on the bookcase."

After hearing this, He Qiming blushed, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and argued: "Those are also family heirlooms." "The important thing is not the book, but the knowledge passed down in it."

The words that follow are difficult to understand, such as "in order to prevent being stolen" and "the inheritance is cut off".

It caused everyone to burst into laughter, and the air outside the room was filled with joy.

Wang Xiaofeng ignored what was going on outside the window and was completely absorbed in the book.

Nitya refilled the tea cup that had reached the bottom, put her right hand on the table and supported her head while looking at Wang Xiaofeng.

The years are quiet.

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