Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 483 Trouble is coming

The tree wants to be still but the wind doesn't stop.

Wang Xiaofeng originally thought that He Muyu's arrival was just a small episode and would not affect his peaceful life.

But he didn't expect that trouble would come sooner than he thought.

Early morning a few days later.

The rising sun is rising, and the sky is like water.

The yard outside the house.

Wang Xiaofeng is exercising himself daily.

Tough, boring.

His fists and feet pierced the air, causing a whistling sound, and the black weight-bearing rings made his limbs look swollen.

Wang Xiaofeng was wearing a blue vest, and his upper body was covered with sweat. Under the sunlight, he showed a strong temperament.

One punch and one kick, fierce and powerful, extremely sharp.

People who have never seen it will definitely think that Wang Xiaofeng is practicing some kind of martial arts, but if a modern person comes to watch, they will be disappointed, because what Wang Xiaofeng is doing at this time is actually the ninth set of radio gymnastics.

"Xiao Fengzi, it's time for breakfast." Nidia's call came from inside the house.

"Two, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight... coming right now."

After finishing the last movement, the originally flat ground under his feet turned into a pit again.

Three feet of white air came out of his mouth. Wang Xiaofeng breathed back for a moment before slowly walking towards the house.

While walking, the weights on his body were shaken off one by one by Qiao Jin. Before they fell to the ground, they were sucked into the storage space by the gourd on his waist.

Needless to say, the breakfast was sumptuous. After the meal, Wang Xiaofeng played with his younger brother for a while.

Back in the room, Wang Xiaofeng bypassed the messy drafts on the floor and returned to his desk, continuing to think about "how to stimulate mental power to permanently increase it."

The purpose of most of the He family's secrets is to stimulate mental strength, and the increase is combat strength.

The only difference is the amount of increase in soul power after the amplification and the size of the sequelae.

The way it works is very crude, with very little skill.

In Wang Xiaofeng's eyes, this is not a secret book. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a complete collection of thunder pits.

So what Wang Xiaofeng is doing now is summarizing experience.

Reducing the time for experiments can also avoid stepping on the pitfalls left by predecessors.

Although he is not yet able to look inside, Wang Xiaofeng has already seen the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness by chance, so he can still test whether the method mentioned in the secret book is accurate.

Therefore, it is not completely clueless to create a technique that can increase mental power without any side effects.

Regardless of the efficiency of mental power improvement, first achieve a zero-to-one breakthrough. Even if you want to improve and improve later, at least you will have a direction.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was caught in the storm of thoughts in his mind and groping bit by bit, there was a noise downstairs.

"Uncle He, I have a letter from your family!"

A teenager yelled across the fence. He was carrying a huge cloth bag, and as the bag shook, there was a crisp collision sound.

Wang Daniu happened to be doing carpentry in the yard. He patted the debris on his body, stood up and said, "Er Niuzi, give it to me."

Without saying a word, the young man took out a bamboo tube from his cloth bag and handed it to Wang Daniu, then rushed to the next house with very skillful movements.

Wang Daniu took the bamboo tube, gently opened the hijab, and poured out the letter paper inside. He saw on the cover: "Wang Xiaofeng personally opened it."

"I thought it was a letter from Wang Feng." Wang Daniu curled his lips and put the bamboo tube on the dining table.

Then it wasn't until night that Wang Xiaofeng discovered this special letter.

"It couldn't have been written by the fat man." Wang Xiaofeng thought to himself that he had only told Ma Hongjun about this place, and no one else knew he was here.

He opened the envelope slowly in his hand, and there were only two lines of words inside.

The first line: Danger, come quickly.

Another line contains an address.

"I'm such a crow's mouth." Wang Xiaofeng looked helplessly at Nidiya beside him, and then got Bulingbuling's eyes.

Nitya blinked, as if I would go wherever you go.

"I know, I won't leave you behind." Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his forehead. The thought of leaving Xiao Nizi at home flashed through his mind just now.

Nitya squeezed her head into Wang Xiaofeng's arms, glanced at it and said, "This place seems to be the military area that Sister Mu Yu mentioned."

"Really!" Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin: "It seems that Fatty and Mubai are in a lot of trouble."

"Mom and Dad, I want to tell you something." Wang Xiaofeng looked at his parents who were pretending to be concentrating on eating.

Early the next morning, Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia rode camels into the desert with their soul guides filled with food and water.

"This brat has only been at home for half a month, and he is going to do dangerous things again." Wang Daniu looked out the window, looked at the jade bottle that Wang Xiaofeng left for them in his hand, and sighed.

"With my son's cultivation, as long as those old immortals don't take action, he can conquer the world." Even though he said this, the worried look in He Li's eyes could not be stopped.

"Coco, coco." Wang Beibei happily played with the cartoon puppet that looked like Wang Xiaofeng.

After bidding farewell to his parents, Wang Xiaofeng walked into the desert according to the address given by the fat man.

The desert is a death place for ordinary people, but for the two people who have soul cultivation and have a lot of dry food and water in their soul guides, it is not a problem.

Even if you encounter a sandstorm or quicksand, you can still get through it with Wang Xiaofeng's inhuman soul power.

Coupled with their previous experience of walking in the desert, the two of them crossed the desert in just two days.


A carriage was running on the road in the forest, and the surrounding weeds and trees were quickly swept back.

Occasionally, passers-by on the roadside would be a little strange, wondering why the driver of this carriage was so young. The people driving the carriage were also brave and not afraid of being taken into a ditch.

As night fell, the carriage slowed down and came to a slightly gentle slope not far from the road to start setting up camp.

"Oh, I can finally rest for a while, my butt is smashed by this crappy car." Nitya got out of the car and complained while rubbing her butt: "It's better to sit here with little gold and silver. "

Xiaojin Xiaoyin, the name of the camel that accompanied the two through the desert, was sold by Wang Xiaofeng in exchange for this carriage.

"It's too slow to ride a camel." Wang Xiaofeng set up a bonfire and lit it, and the red flames illuminated the surroundings. "At least you can still ride a carriage. If you had to ride a horse, you wouldn't be able to walk now."

Nitya shook her head, and the black silk tied into a ponytail swung behind her: "I don't care, you have to make up for my injured heart with delicious food.

Let me think about it, one...two roasted sweet potatoes, um, and that thing you made last time, chicken snake pot, I'll forgive you if I have a portion of that too. "

"That's called dragon and phoenix soup." Wang Xiaofeng sighed, "There are still some sweet potatoes in the soul guide, but dragon and phoenix soup... Where can I find the ingredients in this barren mountain?"

But having said that, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't resist Nitya's pitiful gaze at all.

"Okay, I'll go around and see if there are any ingredients."

"Okay, I'll help you watch the fire here. Go and come back quickly." Nidia grabbed Wang Xiaofeng's beloved little bench and stared at the bonfire.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and could only get into the dense forest.

It's very close to the road, so if you want to find suitable ingredients, you have to go a little further.

The mountain forest at night is very humid, especially in this area. Not long after walking, a thin mist filled Wang Xiaofeng's eyes.

"Hey, you still want to bite me." Wang Xiaofeng casually explored and flicked it, and a thick black piece was coiled around his arm. "I'm so lucky. I got something right when I came here."

"Wang, wang, wang!"

At this time, several dog barks suddenly came from the empty forest. Wang Xiaofeng was startled and looked in the direction of the sound.

In this barren mountain and old ridge, there are no villages or shops in the front and back, but there are only a few households. This dog's sound is really abnormal.

The sound was not far from him, but it was less than a kilometer away from the camp. For safety reasons, I had to go and check the situation.

If it doesn't concern you, just pretend you haven't encountered it.

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