Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 484: The black eats the black

The light in the forest was dark, and the straight and tall trees blocked most of the moonlight, leaving only dappled and sparse light shining through the branches and leaves of the trees.

The forest is filled with erratic fog, making it particularly mysterious and strange.

The ground is densely covered with ferns and ferns, and wild animals appear from time to time.

"The orange gourd has clear ears and eyes."

Wang Xiaofeng patted the gourd on his waist, and orange and purple light flashed across his eyes.

The dark and narrow field of vision suddenly widened, and the number of small and chaotic sounds around him suddenly increased. Most of them were filtered out by him, leaving only useful information.

The buff has been set, now let’s see what’s going on.

Deep in the forest.

A small pothole.

The hole is about half a meter in diameter, just big enough for one person.

"Quick, quick! Dahuang has been silent for half a quarter of an hour."

There were sparse movements in the cave, and not long after, two palms came out and grabbed the ground on both sides, and a figure shook his head out of the cave.

"Big yellow? Big..."

As soon as he spoke, a thick palm was placed on the man's head: "Stop barking, the dog is not dead."

"That's it, we met our colleagues." The man broke into a cold sweat.

I had long said that this order would be difficult to do, as it was too close to the main road and something would easily happen. No, something happened as expected.

He didn't expect it at all. When he first heard the news, he was the one who responded most positively.

"Come out, one by one." The cold touch on his neck made him shiver.

"Come out, come out now."

The biggest fear for tomb robbers is to be blocked at the door, trying to catch a turtle in a urn, and not being able to escape even if they want to.

Soon, a rustling sound came from the entrance of the cave, and a total of five people climbed out of the hole one by one.

Anyone who comes out will be tied up without any chance to resist.

Seeing that there were more than a dozen people holding torches surrounding them, and the surroundings were as bright as day, my heart felt cold.

With this kind of formation, let alone the harvest in the cave, I am afraid that I won’t even be able to keep my underwear today.

After someone counted the contents of the fur bags they brought out, they seemed a little dissatisfied and sent a few more people down the pit. Suddenly there were fewer people on the ground.

The man who climbed up first had a gleam in his eyes, secretly calculating the success rate of his escape.

This group of people smelled of blood, which was different from the earthy smell of those who focused on tomb robberies. Each of them had at least a few human lives on them, and it was impossible to let them go so easily.

Cutting off the roots is the most common approach.

Maybe it was because the night was too dark, so the guards didn't notice the people in front of them swaying around.

Suddenly, a thin man squatting on the ground fell to the side and shouted: "Ouch, something bit my ass."

He immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

"Don't move! Where are you? Let me take a look." Several people holding torches walked over quickly.

There are many snakes, insects, rats, and ants in the mountains. Even if you sprinkle insect repellent powder around, it may not have much effect.

"It's now!!"

As soon as they got closer, before they could see clearly with their torches, the five people who had been so obedient just now suddenly broke free from the rope and rushed towards the person closest to them.

The people closest to him were instantly knocked down due to mental arithmetic or not, and the scene became very chaotic.

The tomb robber team knew that it was not advisable to stay here for a long time. The robbers' cave had already heard the commotion above, so they did not want to get too entangled. They quietly changed their positions while causing chaos. After quietly taking back the confiscated equipment, all white The bottles were on the ground by them.

Bang! !

A burst of fire flashed, and a huge red smoke spurted out instantly, covering the surrounding area in a few seconds.

"Ah, my eyes!!"

"This is poison! Run!!"

The people closest to him were all lying on the ground, covering their eyes and screaming. The miserable sound scared the people behind them and hurried away from the red mist.

"Go quickly!!"

The group of tomb robbers seemed to be well prepared and had already put on their goggles.

Several figures jumped out of the smoke and disappeared into the darkness after a while.

After more than ten seconds, a burst of powerful energy suddenly dispersed the red mist.

The bright white soul ring dispersed everyone's fear.

"A bunch of trash, you can't even recognize Chili Pepper!" The leader's angry eyes swept over the group of people: "Why don't you chase me now?!"


Wang Xiaofeng stood on a tree in the distance, looking at the chaotic scene below, acting like a melon-eating audience, all he had to do was sit on a small bench with popcorn in his hand.

It wasn't until the two parties left for a while that Wang Xiaofeng jumped down from the tree.

Talent, in this era, he thought of using chili powder to put into gunpowder.

It would be a pity not to do red.

However, despite his age, he has never seen what it means to rob a tomb. Moreover, the place where he went to help this time was also a tomb. Could he rehearse it in advance?

Wang Xiaofeng circled the pothole a few times, feeling a little itchy, and then jumped down.

The cave is very narrow and can only accommodate one person. You have to bend down to walk, and dirt and debris fall from time to time.

After walking for about a few minutes, I saw a slightly wider space with a large hole in the middle. This was probably above the main chamber of the tomb.

The height from the cave entrance to the main tomb chamber below is about seven or eight meters. At this height, tomb robbers need to use ropes to get down, but for Wang Xiaofeng, it only takes a slight jump.

The main tomb chamber is a circular space surrounded by eight stone pillars supporting the space.

There was nothing left around, probably not even the bodies.

That's right, after being raided by two groups of people in a row, it's strange that there are still things left.

The life stories and murals of the tomb owner are engraved on the surrounding walls. The murals have been exposed to the air for a long time, and some places have already been blurred.

Wang Xiaofeng studied it with great interest, a little carelessly at first, but the more he looked at it, the more he frowned.

These murals seem to be telling stories about events that took place in some ancient period. Unfortunately, they are too old and are so incomplete that they can only barely make out what seems to be a story about the destruction of the world.

Wang Xiaofeng kept the picture firmly in his mind.

After searching the entire tomb carefully, except for picking up a strange iron sheet, I really found nothing useful, so I came out of the tomb.

On the way back, Wang Xiaofeng didn't find the pheasant, but he did encounter a few bird soul beasts filled with white soul power fighting.

Well, for the sake of the harmony of the forest, Wang Xiaofeng kindly discouraged this fight.


There was a swishing sound in the bushes, which made Nidia stand up alertly. Only when a familiar figure came into view did she put on a cheerful smile: "You are back, how was your harvest?"

"Although I didn't find the pheasant, I met a few unlucky ones who took its place."

Wang Xiaofeng skillfully took out various kitchen utensils from the gourd.

Green smoke curls up.

The aroma of food soon filled the camp.

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