Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 490: The stars fall, the beginning of dusk (Part 2)

Although he saw through the illusion, Wang Xiaofeng still had no way to get out.

If he reaches the level of Soul Saint or Soul Douluo, he may be able to flip the table directly.

There is no need to play around with the mastermind behind the scenes, just knock over the chessboard and rescue Dai Mubai and the others.

It's a pity that he is currently just an ordinary soul sect.

After falling back to the ground, Wang Xiaofeng smiled helplessly, hung the gourd back on his waist, then found a remote corner on the roadside, took out a meat bag and started eating.

Dai Mubai and the others should be in a similar situation to him, trapped somewhere.

I don’t know how long this illusion will last, so I have to be prepared to be trapped here for a long time.

The warm sunlight shines on the body through the gaps in the leaves, and the taste spreading in the mouth relaxes the tense mind a little.

Wang Xiaofeng had just finished eating half of the meat bag in his hand when everything around him suddenly started to speed up.

It was as if the whole world had hit the fast forward button.

Pedestrians on the road walked swiftly and even walked out of blurry afterimages.

The scorching sun in the sky set quickly to the west, and soon hid behind the mountains. The city was covered in darkness, with only the oil lamps in the houses providing some light.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly stuffed the uneaten meat bag into his mouth and looked around alertly.

What's going on? He doesn't seem to have encountered any mechanism.

In the darkness, a severed hand suddenly emerged from the air, floating quietly behind Wang Xiaofeng, and then slapped him on the shoulder.

"Sorry to disturb your meal."

The moment he felt his shoulder being touched, Wang Xiaofeng was frightened. His martial soul reacted subconsciously, and a black film spurted out from the gourd at his waist, covering his entire body in an instant.

Before the brain had time to think, the body had already entered a defensive counterattack state. The knees were slightly bent, the waist was twisted, and the hands were like open iron pliers, fiercely grabbing the hand on the shoulder.

[Soft skills? One-handed behind-the-back throw]


The muffled sound of his hands squeezing the air sounded in his ears.

The touch from his hand made Wang Xiaofeng's expression change.

The empty feeling in the hand is undoubtedly an empty catch.

Being able to approach him quietly and make his counterattack fail, all of which shows that the opponent's strength is far superior to his.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Wang Xiaofeng decisively gave up the counterattack, stepped suddenly, and the ground cracked like a spider web. His crouched body rushed forward, as if teleporting, and rushed out more than ten meters away in an instant, which was a bit ugly. It rolled around on the ground.

Although the posture is a bit ugly, it can effectively dodge the enemy's attacks and also gives him a chance to observe the situation behind him.

This hasty glance almost made his heart stop.

I saw a pair of dark blue severed hands suspended in mid-air, and they continued to slap his shoulders.

Damn it, what the hell is this.

Could it be that he met Ah Piao?

The transparent hands spread out, as if helpless, "Don't be nervous, I'm not hostile."

Wang Xiaofeng looked warily at the strange hand that was making a sound he couldn't understand in front of him. He pinched the gourd at his waist, and the two-color soul ring surged around his body.

The sound made by this Ah Piao has a very similar tone to the words spoken by the surrounding projections, and seems to be in the same language.

"Ah, I forgot that you can't understand me... Hey, hey, hey, do you hear me clearly?"

There was a sudden noise in his heart, but Wang Xiaofeng strangely understood the meaning.

Is this telepathy? !

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the strange hand in surprise, his expression becoming more serious.

"Do you call this method of communication telepathy? Don't be surprised. This is just a technique for using mental power, not something extraordinary."

The strange hand scratched his head, although Wang Xiaofeng did not see where his head was.

"This Ah Piao can actually read my mind and know what I'm thinking. This is so foul." Wang Xiaofeng quickly emptied his thoughts and head. Unfortunately, he was shocked just now and could not calm down in a short time.

Instead, I had more thoughts.

"My mental power is a billion points stronger than yours, so I can naturally do it, but don't worry, I can only read your superficial thoughts... Oh, Harry Potter, Legilimency? What a strange ability, now the outside world Has it changed so much?

Empty your mind, yes, yes, but although your method is correct, it is obvious that the effect you used the first time was not very good. "

Well, although it was of no use, facing such a weird existence that didn't know its strength, Wang Xiaofeng felt that he could still save something. While emptying his mind, he asked: "Did you bring me here? Why?"

There are so many people, why is he the only one who is so unlucky? He is not about to fall over.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with your friend. As a descendant of the gods, with the protection of the gods, I can't do anything to him as a broken soul.

As for why you, please allow me to explain it a little bit.

Now, please watch a movie with me first. "

Listening to the weird tone that became smoother and smoother in his heart, Wang Xiaofeng's expression remained unchanged, but he was still a little surprised. Not only did this A'Piao have strong mind-reading abilities, but his learning ability should not be underestimated. He even knew movies.

Forget it, since you can't calm down, let's do the opposite.

Odd changes to even... where is Pomodote...

Multitasking, which is usually unremarkable, plays an important role at this time.

Fortunately, the strange hand did not use his mind-reading ability at this time, otherwise he would have been confused by these chaotic thoughts.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Wang Xiaofeng waited for a long time but didn't notice any changes in his surroundings. He didn't know what the strange man wanted him to see.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't notice that the stars in the sky began to become distorted at some point.

"It's begun." A strange tone sounded in my heart.


Click, click, click! ! ! !

The dark sky suddenly distorted, and then, with sharp cracking sounds, the sky shattered like a mirror, and countless cracks burning with black flames appeared.

A huge black shadow appeared in the sky, and even the light of the moon was obscured by this exaggerated body.


The sky was finally overwhelmed and turned into fragments under the huge pressure, revealing irregular black holes behind it.

Purple-red lightning with an unknown aura burst out from these black holes, turning into countless thunderbolts and crashing to the ground.

In the dead of night, when everything is silent, such a sudden attack would be absolutely catastrophic.

Large tracts of forest, land and houses were directly destroyed by lightning and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire. It is unknown how many lives were lost in this instant.

Not sure if it was an illusion, Wang Xiaofeng vaguely saw a huge dragon-like monster roaring violently behind the broken sky.

And in front of him there are several dark shadows similar to his appearance, seeming to be confronting each other?

Even if it was just a false image, Wang Xiaofeng could feel the powerful sense of oppression that could make all things crawl to the ground.

That is a kind of suppression in life and class.

Wang Xiaofeng pursed his chapped lips: "What is that?"

"I don't know, this is just a phantom made based on the memories of the predecessors, but later generations have some speculations that those black shadows may be-gods!"

Wang Xiaofeng pricked up his ears and wanted to know more, but unfortunately Weishou didn't want to go into detail about this.

After the thunder raged, the disaster did not stop. Then there was a meteor shower from the sky, hurricanes tens of meters high, waves tens of meters high, and submarine volcanoes erupted one after another. It was simply the end of the world.

Although he knew it was a lie, Wang Xiaofeng always felt that something was about to happen to him, and his hands holding the gourd turned white.

The strange hand waved his hand and used the fast forward button again. The story of the world's destruction was finally over.

The surrounding original houses and vegetation are now only rugged black land.

Rolling smoke rose from the ground, and the sky was obscured by thick dark clouds.

There is only heavy rain falling in the sky and earth, as if it is washing away the last traces of life.

"At that time, there were a total of 78.32 million people in the empire. After the disaster, less than one million people survived."

"All the known countries around us were destroyed, leaving only our West Asian Empire as the last fire of mankind."

The heavy rain finally stopped, leaving only dilapidated buildings and charcoal.

"Fortunately, after the disaster of annihilation, the concentration of spiritual energy in the world suddenly began to increase, and more and more people were able to practice, which accelerated the revival of mankind to a certain extent."

A bud suddenly appeared on the black ink ground, as if a switch had been turned on, and more and more green emerged from the soil until there was no more black in sight.

"Life is a very strange thing. As long as there is water, air and sunlight, it can explode into unexpected miracles."

All traces of ruin were buried underground by the lush woods.

Wang Xiaofeng stroked the buds on the branches. Just standing here, he could feel the breath of life filling the air.

"The world has begun to recover under the power of time. We have successfully overcome all difficulties. The empire has been established again, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and everything seems to be developing in a good direction.

Until...that day, we discovered Pandora's box. "

The scene changes again.

The green trees were replaced by magnificent buildings.

This time, they seemed to be in a palace.

Deep in the hall, there was an ordinary brown wooden table filled with various files. A man whose appearance was unclear was dealing with government affairs with his head down.

The attendant next to him whispered: "Your Majesty, there is an urgent report. The soul crystal mine vein in Red Maple City exploded, and none of the workers survived."

"Thorough investigation!"

Listening to the weird intonation that he couldn't understand, Wang Xiaofeng silently complained: This damn Ah Piao didn't even translate it for him. What's the difference between this and watching a foreign movie without subtitles?

As the scene turned, a huge stone with a diameter of more than five meters appeared in the center of the empty hall, along with a dozen panting soldiers beside it.

The man sitting on the throne seemed very interested. He stood up and walked closer to observe: "Is this the source of the disaster, a golden stone?"

The attendant at the side quickly stopped: "Your Majesty, be careful. This stone contains great energy. It will explode if touched slightly and is very unstable. Scholars from the institute believe that the soul crystal veins in Red Maple City may have this effect. It is formed by the energy emanating from the stone.”

The man took a few steps back slightly, "...Interesting."

I don't know why, but the golden stone always gives Wang Xiaofeng a very familiar feeling.

"No, that's not a stone, but a shell formed by compressing some energy to the extreme."

The strange hand seemed to glance at Wang Xiaofeng, "Didn't you already come into contact with it?"

"Have I been in contact?"

The golden surface of the stone slowly merged with some golden object, and Wang Xiaofeng fell silent.

“There is a certain chance that this kind of energy crystal can be dug out at the core of rare mineral veins, so scholars began to try to study this energy.

With this ore as the core, our technology has developed greatly, and various soul guides have emerged. In just one thousand years, an extremely splendid soul guide civilization has been developed. "

Wang Xiaofeng was startled and touched the bracelet: "So you are the ancient civilization that created the soul guidance device technology."

The disdainful voice of the strange hand sounded in his heart: "ZPG universal three-type storage bracelet, the favorite of the poor."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't care much. Expensive meant exquisite. Only the simple soul guide in his hand could survive the erosion of time.

But when it comes to soul guides, he has seen some scholars' introductions and speculations about ancient times in books.

In ancient times, there was extremely developed soul guidance technology, and storage soul guidance devices were one of its representatives. However, such a splendid ancient civilization suddenly disappeared into history like a meteor.

Later generations can only get a glimpse of the prosperous age at the tip of the iceberg from the ruins occasionally excavated.

Today’s content about ancient times is all based on speculations based on some excavated ruins.

Many historical truths have long been lost in the long river of time.

The most mainstream theory at present is the theory of meteorite annihilation.

But now it seems that the truth is far crueler than speculation.

The strange hand continued: "This energy is so useful, it's like a gift from the gods.

Just a piece the size of a fingernail can allow a flying soul guide with fifty people to fly non-stop for fifty years, and the energy contained in it is almost endless. "

They appeared outside the palace again, but they were surrounded by various high-rise buildings and advanced soul guidance devices.

3D projection, family-sized small aircraft...

There are even robots carrying heavy objects walking down the street.

And all technologies have more or less a hint of that familiar golden light.

"But with the advancement of technology, such powerful energy still breeds ambitions that should not occur."

The tall buildings disappeared, the scene changed again, and the originally bright light became very dim.

Cold and wet.

Here, it seems to be a sealed space somewhere.

Wang Xiaofeng's expression suddenly changed.

What they saw in front of them was an endless, countless sealed cylinder. Stored inside were all kinds of specimens, not only animals, but also...

“The scene of world destruction thousands of years ago has not been forgotten over time, but has become more impressive.

When scientific and technological progress began to slow down, some senior officials secretly began to conduct human research in the dark under the slogan of taking precautions.

At that time, the empire had entered an advanced stage, and the emperor no longer had the fearless aura of his ancestors, so he acquiesced to such research.

At the beginning, the research was relatively normal and many results were produced.

But as the research progressed, they began to touch upon the restricted areas of life.

…Clone…Organ replacement…Extend lifespan

Human desire is like a rolling stone on a mountain. Once it starts, it can never stop. "

“They are no longer satisfied, they go a step further and even take His place, become Him, become Him.”

"Become immortal, God!"

Wang Xiaofeng clenched and unclenched his fists, "Did they fail?"

"No, they succeeded.

With the investment of endless resources, the artificial gods finally succeeded.

But it can also be said to have failed, because the moment the artificial gods succeeded, they lost themselves in the infinite power and became the source of disaster that destroyed all things. "

This time, what appeared in front of Wang Xiaofeng was the familiar sea of ​​fire.

The original high-rise buildings are now only ruins.

The sky was covered by huge plumes of smoke, everything looked so gloomy, and there was no life around.

"The foreign gods did not destroy us, but the gods of our own creation destroyed us."

"That's ridiculous."

At this moment, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't tell what kind of emotion was contained in that plain tone.

Is it disappointment, anger, indisputable anger... or sarcasm...

"What about the end?"

"Finally? Other gods appeared in the world."

With a wave of the strange hand in the air, a huge screen projection suddenly appeared in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

The background is a yellow ground, and the direction seems to be the perspective of a satellite.

Wang Xiaofeng squinted his eyes to see clearly, and then he was stunned because two mosaic black spots appeared in the middle of the screen.

"The gods all have powerful energy fields, and sophisticated equipment cannot capture their specific appearances."

I saw two mosaics colliding dozens of times in a few seconds at a speed tens of thousands of times slower.

One of the mosaics seemed to be affected by some kind of power and stopped for a moment.

In such a short period of time, countless lightsabers had already turned it into a hornet's nest.

But God is God, and His life level has far exceeded that of human beings. He actually survived when he was tied into a hedgehog.

The ball of light formed by the lightsaber was directly shattered.

But the real killing move only appeared now. A huge lightsaber appeared above his head at some unknown time, and it hit him hard with a huge impact, pressing it under the earth.

Space collapsed, mountains and rivers collapsed, and the sea poured in.

This blow seemed to penetrate the entire continent.

A huge light suddenly occupied the entire screen, and then there was a sharp sound, and the screen suddenly went blank.

"So, this city is..."

"Ah, yes, it is the last refuge space, but unfortunately, most of the survivors are soul masters with high cultivation levels. The demand for food is too great. Soon, the surviving humans here will be in the midst of civil war. Perish."

"Then you should be... Hey, why are you glowing?" Before Wang Xiaofeng could continue to ask, the strange hand suddenly emitted a bright white light.

"Oh, it seems the time has come.

What's that expression on your face? You don't think I'm trying to seize my life. Haha, your thoughts are still so interesting. If we were in the same era, we might be able to chat unexpectedly.

I am not a god, so I cannot escape the wear and tear of time. Although I store my consciousness in the machine to minimize consumption, after so many years, only these last hands are left. "

The strange hand's tone suddenly felt a little disappointed: "It's a pity that the box I specially made to store civilized knowledge was deliberately destroyed by the gods. Otherwise, I could have given you a small gift."

Wang Xiaofeng was relieved on the surface, but he still didn't let down his guard in his heart: "It turns out you really just want to watch a movie with me. It doesn't matter whether it's a gift or not. Being able to witness such a piece of history already makes me satisfied."

“There must always be something left behind. If it disappears in everyone’s memory, then my civilization will really disappear.

The weird hand is almost completely transparent.

"Kalrea, this is the name of our country."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded: "Will I forget that there was once a glorious Calrea Empire that created an extremely splendid soul guide civilization?"


The strange hand completely disappeared in front of him.

Until now, Wang Xiaofeng has not asked his name.

Maybe it's just like what it said, it's just a remnant soul hiding in the cracks of time. Its name has been lost a long time ago.

As the strange hand disappeared, the surrounding scene seemed to be short-circuited. After flickering on and off for a few times, it suddenly disappeared.

Wang Xiaofeng returned to the top of the pyramid.

Altar, water tank, stele…

And Nitya ran towards him exclaiming.

It was still the same familiar location, and everything that just happened seemed to be just his fantasy.

But the strange memory in my mind was not fake.

Wang Xiaofeng held Nidia in his arms with both hands, his body shook slightly, and he calmly took the impact to the ground, "Oh, I'm okay."

Only two to four seconds passed. What a terrifying ability.

Wiping away the tears from the corners of Nitya's eyes, Wang Xiaofeng patted her back gently and said softly: "Let's go, I know where Boss Dai and the others are."

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