Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 491: Gift from ancient times (Part 1)

The strange hand suspected to be the last survivor in ancient times left a memory in Wang Xiaofeng's mind before disappearing. It was the location of the missing people and the road map leading there.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly read the message left by the strange hand in his mind, thought for a moment and said, "I know where Boss Dai is. Without further ado, let's set off to find him now."


Nitya looked at Wang Xiaofeng blankly, hadn't they always been together, why did she suddenly know where Dai Mubai was.

What did she miss?

"This is thanks to the help of a certain old antique."

"follow me."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't say much, and took Nitya to the location in his memory. He followed the instructions of the group of people at that time and pressed hard on the unattractive stone brick next to it.

As the mechanism is turned on, the pyramid seems to wake up from its slumber, and white light is flowing on the surface of the building.

Although the light is not bright, it is very obvious in the underground space without any light, like a candle in the dark night.

Such light was noticed even by officers and soldiers more than ten kilometers away.

The officer pointed to the light in the distance in surprise: "General, look at that!"

The general was not blind, so he naturally noticed the light in the distance.

"The search and rescue team probably didn't search there. It's possible that the second prince and the others made the noise."

The sudden change disrupted everyone's plans. The general held the handle of the sword in his hand, thought for a moment, and gave the decisive order.

"The plan remains unchanged. You stay here and take charge. Mr. Bi and Mr. Wang, please come with me and take a look."

Two people wearing black cloaks and covering their faces stood up from the seats on the side: "Are we finally going to take action? My bones are going to ache."

This is a guest minister served by the royal family. They handle some difficult matters for the royal family. They have never been recorded in the files of Wuhun Palace, and even the people around them do not know their identities.

"General, let the soldiers go..."

Before the military advisor next to him could speak, the general had already led the two cloaked men out of the camp and headed towards the bright light in the center of the city.

It is no small matter to make such a big noise.

Although the soldiers in the camp can fight one against ten in the ordinary world, they are considered to be good elites, but after all, without soul rings, their combat power can only be regarded as average without a military formation.

But now that most of the manpower has been sent out, there are only two or three kittens in the camp.

If it was really the trouble caused by the second prince, with so many people gone there would be nothing to do, and the best opportunity for rescue would be missed.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Bang bang bang!

There was a sharp friction sound inside the pyramid, which sounded like the sound of gears turning. Something huge was slowly rising inside the pyramid.

"There is actually a mechanism here! Xiao Fengzi, you are so smart." Nidia clenched her fists excitedly.

Finally, finally, the real adventure is about to begin.

The legendary adventurer in the soul master world went through many dangers and cracked countless mechanisms, and finally, in the beautiful scenery of a paradise, discovered a treasure that was as rich as any country.

This is the ideal adventure segment.

Instead of dark caves, some incomprehensible words and ugly stone tablets.

This is not romantic at all.

Unlike Nidia who was a little excited, Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, as a shelter, the quality here is quite good. After so many years, the machinery inside can still barely function."

Click, click, click...

A thick black pillar slowly rose from the flat ground. When it reached the top, it made a loud "dang" sound and splashed a cloud of dust.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the gourd at his waist, blew out a huge blast of wind from the gourd's mouth to disperse the smoke, and then stepped forward.

"I remember pressing here first, then here..."

In Nidia's eyes, after Wang Xiaofeng made some blind operations, the elevator door in front of them slowly opened.

"Open it, open it!" Nidia clapped her little hands happily.

Under the excited gazes of the two people, the dull mechanical sound stopped, and the door stopped just after opening a crack.

The two stared at each other.

Nidia looked at Wang Xiaofeng resentfully and said, "What's going on?"

"Let me take a look." Wang Xiaofeng stepped forward and pushed the door hard, but the door didn't move at all.

This thing is really nothing to brag about.

Wang Xiaofeng scratched his head in embarrassment: "Maybe it's been too long and there's something wrong with the parts inside. Forget it, let's take the stairs."

"Okay." Nitya said gloomily.

As soon as the signs of a big adventure appeared, they were ruthlessly snuffed out.

Wang Xiaofeng took Nitya, who looked unhappy, back down the stairs and returned to the lobby on the first floor.

It's still that empty space, but this time, it's different.

Wang Xiaofeng said: No more pretending, I’m showing my cards, I’m cheating.

"This is it."

The wall in front of him was no different from the surroundings. If the strange hand hadn't left a mark and given a hint, Wang Xiaofeng wouldn't have been able to discover that there was a hidden passage here.

After a while of operation, sure enough, just like the previous elevator, a few dull sounds came from the wall, and then nothing happened.

Wang Xiaofeng twisted his neck, "Oh, originally I didn't want to be so violent. Come on, step back a little."

Drive Nitya twenty meters away.

The yellow and purple soul ring fluorescence illuminated the surroundings. Wang Xiaofeng made a movement to accumulate energy, clenched his fist and slammed it down.

The pitch-black fist collided with the wall with a sharp whistling sound, and exploded with terrifying force. A huge shock wave struck all around, causing violent sound waves to spread around.

Even Nidia, who was already standing far away and still hiding behind the giant gourd, felt a little uncomfortable in her internal organs at this time.

The huge force caused the entire pyramid to vibrate violently, causing large amounts of dust to spread around.

But even with such an attack, there were only some cracks in the wall.

Wang Xiaofeng took a few steps back to relieve himself of the force of the shock. Looking at the cracked but not broken wall in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed a shelter that can escape the disaster of annihilation and has been preserved by the erosion of time. , even a wall is so strong!”

Although it could barely be called a protected cultural relic, Wang Xiaofeng had no intention of holding back. He stepped forward again and punched the wall again and again.

Boom, boom! !

The roar like the explosion of artillery shells continued to sound.

The roar of airflow and the sound of explosions are endless in this empty floor.

Nitya covered her ears, hid behind the gourd and used soul skills to wrap herself into an ice ball.


Another punch fell, and the cracked wall finally couldn't bear it anymore and immediately shattered, turning into tiny pieces and flying everywhere.

The black film faded from his body, and Wang Xiaofeng wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead: "Huh, it actually took me eighteen punches to break it open. I'm really too weak."

The stones scattered around have to be collected. These special building materials have strong endurance and have certain research value.

After cleaning up the surroundings, Wang Xiaofeng found Nidia who was in the corner and was a little dizzy from the shock. "Look at you, I told you to stay away. You will suffer now."

Nitya couldn't help but rolled her eyes. You are too perverted. She was obviously hiding far enough, so how could she still be affected?

"Come on, let's see what's behind the door."

Crossing the large pit created by the unloading of force, the two walked into the space behind the wall holding bright torches.

"What is that?" Nidia's eyes were filled with a cold-toned room, and then she extinguished the torch in her hand.

There are countless columns erected in the spacious room, like a pair of coffins, which is very scary.

Wang Xiaofeng's face was cold, and he clenched his hands subconsciously, "Haven't the equipment been completely destroyed?"

"What are you mumbling over there?" Nitya said angrily.

She curiously walked towards the nearest cabin and saw that the glass surface was filled with water mist. She wiped it casually, trying to see what was inside.

An expressionless face of death suddenly appeared.


Nidia was so frightened that she jumped three feet high. Wang Xiaofeng only saw an afterimage flash by, and Nidia had already jumped behind him.

Wang Xiaofeng stepped forward and glanced at the thick cables on the top of the surrounding columns, as well as the soldiers inside who looked like they were soaked in formalin.

He finally knew how the strange hand, washed away by the long river of time and with only a little consciousness left, created a shield that could support the entire shelter and repair itself.

And with extra energy, he used unscientific methods to pull him into a special space and watch an immersive movie.

All the energy consumed comes from the cabin that can't be seen in front of you.

Probably while using nutrient solution to keep the human body functioning, it is also extracting the biological energy or soul power from the human body.

Not being a soul master does not mean that there is no soul power in the body, but the content is very small and cannot meet the standards of cultivation.

But this kind of machine can absorb and utilize soul power energy without harming people. This shows that thousands or tens of thousands of years ago, the era of soul guidance technology had a very profound understanding of the relationship between the human body and soul power. Research.

This is ultimately against human ethics.

But it’s a bit ridiculous to talk about ethical issues with the remnants of an era.

So Wang Xiaofeng's mood is a bit complicated now.

Nidia finally recovered from the shock and found that the person inside was not breathing, so she quickly raised the ice scepter.

"Xiao Fengzi, get out of the way quickly and let me smash the ghost thing open and rescue the people."

Wang Xiaofeng quickly grabbed her, "Calm down, calm down, don't smash this casually. This kind of capsule usually has its own protection system. If it accidentally enters the self-destruct mode, it will be over."

"There must be a master console here that controls all the equipment here. Let's go inside."

Wang Xiaofeng finally grabbed Nitya and calmed her down.

Then the two of them walked deeper along the cable.

As we go deeper, the creatures in the surrounding cold cabins gradually change from humans to various creatures, but they are all relatively large creatures.

Wang Xiaofeng saw a large number of wind baboons.

However, the closer to the center, the rich and diverse creatures in the ice cabin disappeared, replaced by some residue left by unknown things.

Wang Xiaofeng speculated that these residues may have been left by people who survived the shelter a long time ago.

The struggle cannot wipe out everyone, there must be survivors.

But the harsh environment on the surface, coupled with increasingly scarce food, forced them to hide in cold cabins and sleep until the surface ecology recovered.

But they couldn't wait until that day.

Until the earthquake caused by the explosion blew a hole in the shelter that had been dormant for countless years, awakening the strange hand that had been sleeping for many years.

In order to guard against intruders, he used some means to capture a large number of soul beasts, and put them into cold cabins to extract energy.

With the most basic energy, you can naturally activate various functions of the shelter, and then you met Dai Mubai and others coming in.

I don’t know if they saw any fighting, but the final result was obviously that Dai Mubai lost.

The soldiers were thrown into cold cabins and used as batteries.

But why haven't you seen Dai Mubai after walking for so long?

Wang Xiaofeng looked around and saw nothing except the cold cylindrical cabin.

"Xiao Fengzi, come quickly!" Nitya, who was walking a long distance ahead, suddenly waved to him, as if she saw something surprising.

Wang Xiaofeng walked forward quickly, and his eyes suddenly opened up.

There were no longer cold jars in front of him, but a huge square glass vessel that looked like a huge aquarium.

The more than ten meters long Netherworld White Tiger inside is almost impossible to look away from.

"It's the Dai family's martial soul fusion skill Netherworld White Tiger, we found them!" Nidia said happily.

After getting closer, I discovered that there was actually a fat figure inside the Nether White Tiger. He was using his soul power to isolate the surrounding blue liquid.

From time to time, a trace of golden light will appear from the body of the Netherworld White Tiger to maintain the fusion form of the martial soul.

Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief: "It's Fatty. I was wondering why I haven't seen him before, but he is here. The Evil Eye Saint King is very kind to his descendants, and he also knows how to help. Otherwise, he would have to give Fatty Bamboo every year today." Qing and Mubai need to burn some money."

Nidia pointed to the iron lump on the side: "Is this the console you were talking about? How to operate it?"

Not far from the aquarium are complex mechanical equipment and dazzling buttons. It looks like it should be the main control center.

The ancient text on the button gave Wang Xiaofeng a headache because he couldn't understand it! ! !

"Wait a minute and let me think about it."

With that said, Wang Xiaofeng calmly opened the message left by the strange hand.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, just cheat.

Press this first... then this...

Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes, followed the mark in his mind, and pressed an inconspicuous button in the distance.

Toot toot! ! !

Suddenly there was a sharp and harsh sound all around. Wang Xiaofeng was so frightened that he opened his eyes. The red light had replaced the cold icy blue.

This doesn't look like it was done correctly.

Wang Xiaofeng looked confused.

What the hell, I pressed the buttons according to the prompts, why did I make the wrong first step?

This is the self-destruct button.

Crack, crackle!

The transparent surface of the huge aquarium in front of him suddenly burst into shocking cracks, which seemed to be caused by a self-destruct device.

With a loud noise, the thick glass outside suddenly shattered. The lack of restraint of the blue liquid was like a wild horse that escaped the reins, venting to the surroundings with a roar.

The waves filled the sky with waves several feet high.

A big wave hit, and the surrounding ice cabins were directly swept into the water and chopped into pieces.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Nidia waved her right hand to summon the ice staff. Four soul rings reflected her, the tip of the staff tapped the ground, and a circle of ice-blue light centered on herself and spread to all sides.

The surrounding floors, walls, and ceilings were instantly covered by bright white ice crystals, and a huge amount of ice crystals froze toward the incoming water.

But the blue water is not as simple as it seems. The overwhelming water rolls up the ice cubes on the surface with a gentle roll.

Nidia's face turned pale, and she felt that the ice crystals that she was wielding like arms disappeared as soon as they touched the water.

The large amount of soul power consumed by her body in a short period of time made her a little unsteady.

"That weirdo really has no good intentions!!"

Wang Xiaofeng hugged Nitya tightly with a cold face, and threw the gourd around his waist into the wave with his other hand.

"big big big!"

The gourd expanded more than ten times in the blink of an eye, and the same hill lay in front of him.


With the injection of a large amount of soul power, a powerful suction force suddenly erupted from the gourd mouth.

The waves that were escaping in all directions finally encountered their natural enemies. No matter where they fled, they could only be sucked into the gourd obediently.

In just a few minutes, not a drop of water was left on the ground.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the smaller gourd and hung it back on his waist, but his expression was a bit off. There was something special about this water. Even if it was put into the gourd, it would continue to corrode his soul power.

But his gourd can still hold up for a while.

"What happened here?" A dull voice fell from the sky.

Wang Xiaofeng looked up and saw that the identities of the two cloaked figures at the back were difficult to identify, but the leader's Xingluo-style armor was easy to identify.

However, aren’t the number of people coming here a bit small?

It turned out that the huge movement pointed the direction for the Soul Saint trio, allowing them to follow all the way.

Although they recognized Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia, these two were the "connected persons" appointed by the general, but the leading soldier did not make any announcement, but wanted to ask about the situation.

"We found Dai Mubai and the missing soldiers, that is..."

The ground suddenly shook violently, interrupting Wang Xiaofeng's words.

"This place may collapse. If you need anything, get out first!"

"But there are still so many people here..." Nidia said worriedly.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head: "There is nothing we can do. We can save as many as we can."

"Also, these machines here cannot be wasted."

I borrowed an 8*8*8 storage soul guide from Nidia and quickly put away the two seemingly complete cold cabins and the entire console.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't notice that when he was lifting the machine, a dim light entered his body along the console.

The Soul Saints found the Netherworld White Tiger, which was missing one claw and one leg, in the ruins. It seemed that it felt safe. The Netherworld White Tiger roared silently, and then transformed into its soul power to reveal the two pale-faced people.

Nidia shouted loudly: "The person has been found, it's time to go!"

"Come here, come here."

Wang Xiaofeng clapped his hands and collected all the rags...

The figures of Nidia and Wang Xiaofeng flashed one after another in the ruins, dragging some of the nearest surviving soldiers out of the ice cabin and placing them on the giant gourd.

As the air flow spurted out, everyone moved forward at a high speed, rushing out of the pyramid in more than ten seconds, and then caught up with the people who had left first with Dai Mubai and the others.

At this time, the mountains were shaking outside, and mud and falling rocks kept falling.

The gourd flies so fast that it is impossible to dodge.

Nidia endured her physical weakness and waved her scepter, constantly summoning ice crystals to knock away the falling rocks in the path.

After a journey of more than ten kilometers, everyone broke out at full speed and returned to the camp in just a few minutes.

"That kid led so many people and was even faster than me. He is really a formidable person."

"Miao likes it." Wang Xiaofeng suddenly turned around and cupped his hands.

"The ears work well," the cloaked man muttered.

"But why is there no one there?"

When the general saw a few code words on the tent, he immediately understood that it was the adjutant who had sensed something was wrong and had returned with the soldiers in advance.

The ground shook more and more violently, and there was no time to stop.

"If you don't want to be buried alive, then leave quickly!" The man in black robe said lightly, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The royal ministers didn't care about the life or death of the soldiers. The goal of their trip was just to rescue Dai Mubai. Since he had been found, they naturally wouldn't stay.


Five minutes later, the ground collapsed.

At this moment, the civilization that had persisted for tens of thousands of years finally breathed its last breath.

So dark, so dark, where is this? Hell?

Dai Mubai opened his eyes in confusion, the feeling of weakness and fatigue coming from his body constantly impacting his consciousness.

He used all his strength to open his eyes wide, trying to see clearly what was in his sight and looking for the beautiful figure in his heart.

"Really, if you faint, just faint as hard as you can, just to cause trouble to others."

Drowsiness washed over him like a tide.

It was Xiaofeng's voice. It seemed that he was saved.

Dai Mubai lay down quietly.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the werewolf frantically digging the soil in front of him, sighed, and silently sucked the soil that had reached his calves into the gourd.

Yes, they were buried underground at this time and could not escape in time.

Fortunately, they were not far from the ground. According to Soul Saint's digging speed, they could dig out a passage in two hours at most.

Unfortunately, many of the wounded they rescued did not survive that moment because they were running out of oxygen.

Nidia walked over, rested her head on Wang Xiaofeng's shoulder, and said tiredly: "Xiao Fengzi, their bodies are severely depleted, and they must replenish their energy as soon as possible."

Wang Xiaofeng scratched his head irritably. This was not a big problem at first, because some ginseng roots were stored in the gourd.

But when I used the gourd to suck up the blue water, I didn't control it well and accidentally affected most of the items in the storage space.

The ginseng root placed in the jade box was not immune. The vitality and soul power contained in the ginseng root were all dissolved in the blue liquid.

In other words, those ginseng roots are not as nutritious as a radish at this time.

The werewolf digging a hole in front suddenly roared and collapsed the newly dug hole: "I'm tired, let's change!"

The three-meter-tall giant wolf suddenly shrank in size, its lush hair shrank back, and turned into a two-meter-tall man.

He casually tore off the clothes that had turned into strips of cloth, "The clothes are broken again, bad luck."

"You old dog, your lazy habit has returned. No wonder you still perform sacrifices after all these years." A strange voice came from the corner.

The big man turned around, his eyes glowing red: "If you can speak, just say a few more words, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to say it in the future."

"You two, the most important thing now is to work together. If you want to fight, it's not too late to fight after we go out."

The general felt tired. While using his soul power to keep the soldiers alive, he also had to maintain the fragile internal balance. If the general didn't give him a promotion when he returned, he would be sorry for his hard work.

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