Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 492: Gifts from Ancient Times (Part 2)

Boom! !

The ground began to shake violently.

Liuxian Town, one of the large towns closest to the source of the earthquake, felt the most obvious.

Houses on both sides of the road shook violently, horses neighed, and sparrows flew high.

Ordinary people were panicking and subconsciously grabbed the nearest thing around them to stabilize their bodies. Their minds were in confusion and they didn't know what was going on.

Fortunately, the earthquake came and went away quickly.

Before they could figure out what was happening, the shaking stopped.

"Maybe the Earth Dragon took a nap and turned over." Everyone thought this way.

This sudden earthquake, because the magnitude was not high, did not cause much damage, but only broke some dishes.

But at this time, the military area closest to the source of the earthquake.

The ground began to roar.

The earth dragon turned over, the earth cracked and the sky collapsed! Everything is falling, houses, dirt, rocks, trees.

The cracks were like lightning, winding like long snakes, and spread all over the entire military area in an instant.

Han Guang, who was sitting in the room looking at the secret letter, felt a sudden shaking. Before he could get up, the wall next to him collapsed, burying him underneath.

The military region suffered the most severe damage. Although it did not last long, the earthquake came too suddenly. Many houses collapsed, causing chaos in the military region.

The medical and logistics teams were the first to respond, and they immediately started operating while the department was still confused.

"There's a cry for help here, two people come over quickly!"

"Doctor, where is the doctor? My brother lost a lot of blood!!"

"Don't get excited, look at me, take a deep breath..."

Cries for help and cries for help mingled in my ears.

Han Guang was sitting on the house that had been turned into ruins. In his right hand was the pipe that he had casually rescued.

The pipe made of white jade and ivory is gray, like a sculpture made of mud.

Taking a deep breath, Han Guang felt a sense of reality as the hot smoke was inhaled into the cold lungs.

The earthquake came too suddenly, and he was a little confused at the moment, but he was someone who had seen strong winds and waves, and he quickly calmed down.

The civil servant wiped the blood from the corners of his eyes and said loudly from the side: "General, we have found out. The source of the earthquake is at the ruins. Our training ground and the nearby mountains have completely sunk."

"...Peng Xin, where is Youfang?"

"The two lieutenants are leading other soldiers to dig out the ruins for recruits who did not escape in time."

Although Yu Pengxin and Shan Youfang only have soul master cultivation, one of their martial souls is a cold-blooded king snake and the other is a big-eared fox. They are both special martial arts that have poor vision but can rely on sensitive organs to sense the environment. soul.

In this special situation, this kind of special positioning sensing ability can play a great role in rescue.

There was silence for a moment.

"...Forget it, I'll go to the ruins myself." Han Guang casually threw the cigarette in his hand to the civil servant.

"Order to stop all unnecessary activities, make every effort to search and rescue the buried soldiers, and then send a few people who can still move to check the situation in the surrounding towns."

"Also, let brothers Chuanwu and Chuanwen bring a thousand elite soldiers to the ruins to stand by."


Han Guang turned into a shadow and swept away into the distance at extremely high speed.

He had just used his soul power to scan the surrounding situation. Because it was the afternoon training time, most of the soldiers were on the playground, so there were not many buried soldiers, and the casualties were within the acceptable range.

But the casualties of the soldiers were minor, and the second prince's side was the big deal.

Now it's time for him to take action.

The wind and sand danced wildly behind him, faintly condensing into the shape of a dragon.

Deep in the mountains, this is the source of this ultimate earthquake. After the earthquake, a super sinkhole with a diameter of dozens of kilometers was formed.

Under the sinkhole, there is a small dark space deep underground more than a hundred meters above the ground.


Wang Xiaofeng knocked on the iron bowl, and the crisp sound echoed in the narrow and sealed space.

"Boy, stop knocking on your broken bowl. It's going to make my head explode." The ferocious man waved his thick arm vigorously and hit the newly dug earth wall hard.


The already unstable underground cave suddenly began to shake violently.

In a dark and small space, it is easy to make people irritable, and coupled with the harsh sound, it is like an aphrodisiac.

When mud fell on him, Wang Xiaofeng didn't panic at all, because this situation had happened many times before.

At this time, an hour had passed since they were buried alive.

Although they used their soul power to create a large space when they were buried, the air was still getting less and less.

Because the number of people is there.

Just relying on the little air brought in when digging the soil is completely useless.

"What do you know?" Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes, "How do I know there is someone here if I don't knock on others? You don't really want to dig them out, do you? Please, even if you are strong enough, do you have so much time?"

If it was in the previous life, he would definitely not do this, because it is difficult for sound to propagate in the soil, not to mention that they are still buried underground at an unknown depth at this time.

But in this Douluo Continent with martial souls and soul power, personal perception can be increased hundreds or thousands of times after being possessed by a martial soul, and the ubiquitous soul power can also replace part of the sound in the air.

I just don't know how far it can spread.

I hope Dai Mubai's status as a prince can attract a more powerful boss.

Because ordinary soul saints can't detect the movement thousands of meters underground, the normal soul saint's perception is based on itself, within a range of about fifty meters.

The big man wanted to refute, but the old man on the side suddenly stopped their quarrel.

"Shh, be quiet. Do you feel the vibrations around you?"

"Tch, is it another aftershock? As per the old rules, I was the one who held me up last time. This time you do it."

While digging the tunnel, they had already encountered more than ten collapses, large and small, half of which were caused by aftershocks.

Every time they encounter this situation, they must use their martial souls to support the surrounding soil in advance, otherwise they will be buried alive. (The big man’s spirit is some kind of earth-attribute spirit beast, while the old man’s spirit is a plant spirit, which can strengthen or fix the surrounding space)

The old man said matter-of-factly: "No, no, no, the situation seems to be different this time. Listen carefully, the vibration seems to be coming from above."

Does this mean someone is coming to the rescue? ?

Wang Xiaofeng stopped knocking on the bowl. Is this old man telling the truth? His ears heard nothing.

Although he did not use soul skills, his hearing was more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people, but he could not hear the so-called vibration.

emm, wait, it seems, it seems a little bit?

Wang Xiaofeng's ears twitched slightly, and he was about to use his fourth soul skill to strengthen his perception. When he could hear more clearly, a big hole suddenly opened in his head, and a large amount of soil fell down.

Ahem... bah bah bah!

Wang Xiaofeng was unable to dodge, and was immediately made disgraced and inhaled a lot of smoke.

After he cleaned the dirt off his face, he discovered that there was a huge head on top of his head.

It was a huge dragon head that occupied a full third of the space. His scarlet eyes swept across the crowd. The huge dragon's power almost condensed into substantial pressure, making everyone breathless.

If it weren't for the trace of human excitement in those scarlet eyes, the two soul saints beside him would have taken action long ago.

Longshou looked around, as if he was looking for something. Suddenly his eyes narrowed, and he opened his mouth to reveal sharp teeth and said: "Yes, yes, Ling Qi, you have indeed lived up to my trust and found the second prince."

The general who had been taking care of the wounded suddenly half-knelt on the ground: "General, this is a humble position, but fortunately you have lived up to your duty!!"

Only then did Wang Xiaofeng feel relieved. Damn it, it turned out to be one of his own, and the martial soul's true form almost scared someone to death. He thought the shock had awakened a certain thousand-year-old soul beast that had been sleeping underground for a long time, and came to vent his anger on them.

This time I was finally saved.

Later, Wang Xiaofeng learned that this ‘soul beast’ turned out to be General Han.

Han Guang, an eighty-ninth level Contra, martial soul: Black Armor Earth Dragon.

"General, this time we sent 1,032 people, and 812 came back. Among them, 167 died and 133 were missing...

And the number of casualties from the earthquake…”

Han Guang sat on it. Below him was a row of injured generals. Civil servants reported the situation loudly. Next to it was a map with countless red lines, which was filled with various casualty figures and disaster conditions.

After listening to the report, everyone showed sad expressions.

The wounded and wounded soldiers were all brought out by them. People are not as ruthless as grass and trees.

In addition to the previous casualties, this has been the largest casualty in non-war periods in the past ten years. Even the Southwest Military Region, which has a large family and a large business, is still feeling a bit sad.

Han Guang stopped tapping his index finger on the table and said in a deep voice, "How is the situation with the Second Prince?"

The medical officer in charge of managing the injured smiled and said: "The second prince's overdraft caused damage to his foundation. Fortunately, the royal family had prepared the Heart-Reinforcing Pill for him in advance. Now as long as he rests quietly for a month, there won't be much of a problem."

The second prince is fine, which is a great blessing among misfortunes.

"Where are the Second Prince's two friends?"

"Already going to rest."

Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes.

The moonlight shines on the body, and the gentle wind blows over the body.

In the distance, high-rise buildings are lit with red lights and feasting, and pedestrians and beasts fly into the sky.

This is... the top of the pyramid? Am I back in the ruins space again?

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed his eyes, a little confused.

Strange, I remember General Han had already rescued us. We should be resting in bed now... Could it be a dream? What do you think about every day and dream about every night?

"Hi little friend, long time no see."

Wang Xiaofeng froze when he heard that familiar voice.

"If this is a dream, I hope to wake up quickly." Wang Xiaofeng pinched himself hard.

It hurts so much, it was definitely not a dream.

The familiar blue strange hand appeared in front of him again, and Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "Isn't your nnd dead? Also, why did you pull me back again?!"

Those who are supposed to die should go to the underworld honestly. Hey, don’t keep pretending to be dead! ! The elderly do not respect martial ethics.

The strange hand seemed to know what he wanted to ask, and said to himself: "My body has indeed disappeared, and what you see now is just an image I prepared in advance.

I set this image to be triggered only after the Starlight Main System has been contained in the space ring for six hours.

That's right, it's the pile of machines you put in. I left something in there.

The fact that you can see this video means that you have passed the little test I left behind.

My friend, you know my situation. I don’t have time to slowly select a successor. I can only use this method. I hope you won’t be offended.

Knowledge is great, but those who master it are uncontrollable. I don’t want to be reincarnated for thousands of years and the same tragedy will happen again.

I have seen a lot from you, time is never-ending... A comfortable life depends on a firm and clear heart.

Only such a mind will not lose itself in the pursuit of knowledge. "

On the road of seeking knowledge and exploration, talent is not the most important. The most important thing is actually to restrain yourself.

There is time for manpower, but there is no limit to truth.

Having lived for thousands of years, he had seen too many people who were lost in the truth. Even he himself could not control his desires. Because of his excessive thirst for knowledge, he was persuaded by the emperor and finally created such a monster.

"Little friend, this is my last remaining remnant, and I should take it as an apology. May the human race be immortal, and the fire be passed on forever." After saying this, the blue light around the projection of the strange hand suddenly dissipated, turning into dots, and finally a Something small, like raindrops, floated in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the drop of water and was silent for a long time.

This is not so much the mental projection left by the strange hand as it is the remnant of obsession.

Not only did the terrifying mental power of the strange hand remain inside, but some simple memories were also recorded, all of which were left to him after they disappeared.


Wang Xiaofeng was silent for a long time, finally sighed and silently put down the gourd he had prepared.

I hope this bitch won't suddenly jump out and scare people again. His little heart can't stand being scared.

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