Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 493: Inheritance

The strange hand completely disappeared in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

As Wang Xiaofeng passed his 'little test', his obsession was finally freed... Shit, Wang Xiaofeng cursed in his heart.

After watching the movie, he had some trust in the strange hand. Even when he disappeared later, he even squeezed out a drop of crocodile tears from the corner of his eye.

If we hadn't seen the soldier being used as a biological battery in the secret space, the character design of the strange hand was inconsistent and made him feel wrong.

So I prepared a little bit of backup in advance.

Otherwise, I would have been caught off guard just now.

Wang Xiaofeng had no doubt that if he had shown any sign of weakness just now, he would have been completely wiped out.

This old monster is not as upright and majestic as it appears on the outside. He has long lost his respect for life.

The concentrated essence of mental power left by the strange hand was almost solid. Wang Xiaofeng could feel that it contained extremely huge mental power.

If he absorbs it, it will definitely allow him to break through the fifty-level barrier immediately. Most importantly, it can expand his sea of ​​consciousness and enhance his mental power.

Enhanced mental power will bring various benefits, such as improved memory and thinking, and a sharper sixth sense. These are all immediate benefits.

There are countless invisible benefits.

Moreover, these are nothing, more importantly, mental power can preserve memories.

Wang Xiaofeng suspected that in order to save his life, the strange hand lost its body and became a complex spiritual life form.

Therefore, this drop of 'essence' left by the strange hand may contain some memories of the ultra-ancient soul guide civilization.

The weird hand can live for such a long time, has an exaggerated amount of mental power, and has an incredible memory reading skill. He must have been a big shot before he became a human and a ghost.

And he's also a researcher.

His memory is of great value.

For a 'scientific researcher' like him, the most fascinating thing is nothing more than unknown technology and knowledge!

Maybe there is experimental data on artificial gods.

Of course, this level of knowledge should not be in the memory, but even if it does not, if it really contains knowledge and memories about the soul tool civilization, it will have immeasurable reference value!

It's like taking a test in school. You can only rely on guessing the questions you are not sure about, but what if there is a test paper with completed answers next to it! ?

Can you still copy it?

Even the little scraps of knowledge that remain are enough for Wang Xiaofeng to broaden his horizons and increase his knowledge base.

Looking at the dark blue water droplets in his palm, Wang Xiaofeng's eyes gleamed, as if he saw a stunning beauty with naked body, but his hand was stretched far away, and he was not as excited as he showed on the outside.

Weishou was right. As a researcher, among the geniuses and geeks he had seen, Wang Xiaofeng's talent was indeed average.

I can't say it's good, and it's not that bad either.

But he also has the only advantage, that is, he knows awe.

He doesn't have the kind of curiosity that leads to death.

Will not ask excessively for knowledge and power.

Although sometimes I get injured inexplicably for some 'knowledge', this is always done under the condition that my life will not be endangered and I will make enough money.

Wang Xiaofeng scratched his head with his left hand. The essence of mental power in his hand was a bit difficult to handle.

The thing left by the strange hand is, to put it bluntly, a cannonball covered in molasses. If it is not handled properly, it may pollute one's own soul.

Spiritual power is not something that can be absorbed casually, even if it is ownerless spiritual power.

The realm of the strange hand is far beyond that of Wang Xiaofeng. If he really wanted to leave something inside, he would not be able to detect it with his current methods.

But... there seems to be a more domineering tenant in his consciousness.

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng thought about it, the surrounding space suddenly blurred.

When he reappeared, a gourd vine suddenly appeared in front of him.

The gourd vine, which was growing well, had five gourds hanging on it. Four of them were swaying, seeming to welcome him, while the fifth one was thin and small, with a gray appearance and no movement at all. It seemed that it was just a gourd. Possessing its shape, consciousness has not yet been born.

"Long time no see. Long time no see. I missed the last time I saw you goodbye."

Wang Xiaofeng greeted him shamelessly, and he didn't look like he was being forcefully pulled into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Well, it's mainly because I'm usually too busy and never have the chance to see you, so I came here this time to bring you some gifts."

The surrounding space became very thick visibly to the naked eye. After being prepared, Wang Xiaofeng held the spiritual essence in his right hand and put it into the root of the gourd vine.

“Ashes to ashes to dust.”

Only a big boss can deal with a big boss, so a little shrimp like him should just take the melon.

I'll check my consciousness carefully later, and I don't know if the strange hand has hidden something bad in his head.

glutinous rice

Wang Xiaofeng felt a chill when he thought about someone secretly putting some weird stuff in his consciousness sea.

Just as he was thinking about it, the gourd vine in front of him suddenly changed.

Right next to the fifth gourd, two jade-colored gourds that were glowing with fluorescence and were only about the size of a thumb suddenly formed.

The gourd vine stretched, and the jade-colored gourd hanging from the vine fell in front of him. Wang Xiaofeng pointed to himself, "For me?"

"Okay, I'm not polite now that we're all one of our own."

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng reached out and touched the jade-colored gourd, the gourd fell off instantly. Without waiting for his reaction, the gourd fell to the ground and merged directly into the sea of ​​consciousness.

A large amount of unfamiliar memories turned into a torrent, constantly impacting Wang Xiaofeng's brain.

"Holy shit, I'm not ready yet!"

Wang Xiaofeng screamed strangely, waved his hands, and disappeared from the place along with the torrent of memories.

As the only building in the Dead Sea, the library has always been aloof. It is not only a storage place of memory, but also the last barrier of memory.

But today, for the first time, a guest came to visit, and it was an uninvited guest.

The torrent of memories suddenly came, like an angry beast slamming into the library.

A silver shield enveloped the library.

The silent collision began.

Under constant impact, the library is like a small boat in the sea, and it seems that it may be overturned at any time.

But in fact it was like a nail, firmly nailed in place.

All attacks were swallowed up quietly.

Wang Xiaofeng grinned. Things without sanity are easy to deal with.

Then he turned around and appeared inside the library.

The books originally turned into the memories of Blue Star in his previous life only occupied a corner of the library, and there were still many vacancies on the large number of bookshelves.

But with the absorption of the library, the empty bookshelves now have many unfamiliar books, and the number is still increasing.

"I plant a seed

Finally the fruit has grown

Today is a great day. "

Wang Xiaofeng was dancing in a chaotic way, humming an incomprehensible tune, and picked up a book from the bookshelf. His happy face suddenly turned bitter.

Because the words above were all ancient characters, he couldn't understand any of them.

This means that if he wants to understand the knowledge in the book, he must first find a teacher who is proficient in ancient writing and spend a period of time studying.

"What a sin!!"

The fluorescent yellow soul ring on his body slowly dimmed. The old doctor in a white coat shook his head and slowly withdrew his martial soul.

Nitya asked nervously: "Doctor, how is his condition?"

The old doctor touched his beard: "His body is normal. The reason why he fell into a deep sleep is probably because the mental power of his brain was abnormally active, so the body fell into a state of self-protection, which is the deep sleep you see. Just wait until his mental strength stabilizes."

Hearing that Wang Xiaofeng's life was not in danger, Nidia breathed a sigh of relief: "Doctor, when will he wake up?"

The old doctor winked mischievously: "Then you have to ask yourself when he wants to wake up. You're right, young man."

Nitya was startled and turned her head.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was lying motionless on the bed, opened his eyes at some point and looked at her with a sly expression.


Nameless anger rose from behind Nidia, "You bastard!!"

Several soldiers who had just walked nearby suddenly felt a chill, and their bodies shivered subconsciously.

so cold!

The cold that seemed to pierce their bones made them all look up at the sun high in the sky. Well, yes, it was noon.

"Hey, look there." The companion pointed tremblingly in the side direction with his finger. His panicked look didn't look like he was faking it. The young man turned around and took a look.

The wooden house next to it had turned into an ice sculpture at some point.

Then in the horrified eyes of several people, the standard wooden house that had just been built by the military region collapsed once again.

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