Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 494 Harvest

After venting her anger, Nitya's mood improved significantly.

Wang Xiaofeng rubbed the swollen pig's head and felt like crying without tears. What a coincidence.

As soon as he absorbed the chaotic torrent of memories, he woke up and met the doctor diagnosing his body.

He didn't mean to pretend to be asleep.

"Does it hurt? It hurts." Nitya showed a hint of distress in her eyes, took out an ointment, and applied it hard on the wound: "Next time you make any noise, remember to say hello to Qian. You don't know that you I’ve been sleeping for two days and two nights, and I’m worried to death.”

"Hiss! You said I slept for two days and two nights?" Wang Xiaofeng gasped in pain.

Well, I finally understand why Nidia was so angry. She stayed in a coma for two days without saying a word. If it were him, he would be angry too.

Although he had entered the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness once and knew that the concept of time was blurry inside, he did not expect the difference to be so big. He clearly felt that only about four hours had passed inside.

Last time, the time flow inside was faster than outside, about 1:100. This time, the time flow inside was slower than outside, about 1:10.

Wang Xiaofeng suddenly had an inspiration.

If he could find a place where time flowed at a fixed speed, could he create a spiritual time cabin, where one day of cultivation was equivalent to one year of cultivation outside?

Of course, that's the ultimate goal.

Set a small goal first, and first figure out the reason why the time flow rate of the sea of ​​consciousness is different from that of the outside world.

Is it because the cerebral cortex is active? Or for other reasons…

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng, who was still talking one second and fell into a daze for no reason the next, a "well" suddenly appeared on Nidia's forehead. It seemed that the lesson this time was not profound enough.

The inspiration flashed by, but Wang Xiaofeng caught the tail in time and immediately entered the research state.

During the selfless research, seven days passed through my fingers.

Seven days was a short time, but it was enough to build a good wooden house again among the ruins, and it was also enough for Wang Xiaofeng's research to produce some results.

Wang Xiaofeng opens up a space in the sea of ​​consciousness and creates a unique consciousness structure. This is like a switch. After entering here, the brain will enter an active state.

Wang Xiaofeng calls it the thinking acceleration mode. Entering this mode will make your thinking more agile.

Although it is not a real control of time, it also allows him to gain more time to study, even if it can only be in the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Because turning on this state puts a certain burden on the brain, it can only be turned on in the sea of ​​consciousness.

During these seven days, Wang Xiaofeng has achieved that after turning on the accelerated thinking mode, the time ratio between the sea of ​​consciousness and reality has stabilized at around 1:2, and he can maintain this state while sleeping to achieve a certain balance.

It's not that you can't turn on a higher ratio, but that the highly active state of the brain will make the brain more susceptible to fatigue, and it will take several times longer to rest after turning it on.

Buying a coffin and giving it back a pearl is not worth the gain.

The current limit doesn't mean anything. As the soul power continues to improve, this balance ratio can be increased in the future.

After developing such an ability, he finally had a little more time to dig into the treasure of knowledge.

Next to the wooden house, Wang Xiaofeng was lying comfortably on a rocking chair with his eyes closed. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree next to him exuded fragrance. The lush canopy blocked the scorching sun. Every soldier passing by would look at him with envy.

"...Xiao Fengzi...Xiao Fengzi!"

Even though the sound was at its loudest, the person in front of her didn't react at all, and Nidia's fist became hard again.

Bang! !

"It hurts!" The pain in his head made Wang Xiaofeng open his eyes, "Ah, is it time to eat?"

Gu Jia

He wiped the corners of his mouth and looked for the lunch box in front of him with slightly confused eyes.

Nitya put her hands on her waist, and when she saw Wang Xiaofeng's confused look, she was furious: "Really, you sleep every day, and you said you are studying soul skills. I see you are already in a trance."

"Your good brother has been awake for three days, and you haven't even gone to see him. Hey, they are here now. Get ready quickly. At least wash your face. You can see there is eye mucus in the corners of your eyes."

"Ah, it's not time to eat." Wang Xiaofeng stood up in disappointment and patted his wrinkled clothes casually.

"There's no need to be so outspoken, just be casual."

Seeing Nitya clenching her fists again, Wang Xiaofeng's expression changed, and he covered his head and said hurriedly: "Listen to my explanation, I am really developing new soul skills, isn't it..."

"Hahaha, Xiaofeng, you still haven't changed at all."

The laughter that came from not far away made the two of them stop fighting.

Dai Mubai slowly limped over from a distance, and no servants or soldiers were seen to help him.

Wang Xiaofeng hurriedly walked over and looked behind him, "Why are you the only one, where are Fatty and Zhuqing?"

"You are still recovering. It will probably take a few days to wake up. Do you think the secret medicine that can repair the foundation of a person without side effects is so good?"

Wang Xiaofeng hesitated to speak: "Then they will..."

"Zhuqing is fine. I took most of the injuries. He is just a fat man. His cultivation speed may be slower in the past two years."

Wang Xiaofeng looked like you were teasing me, and then hit his shoulder hard, making Dai Mubai take a breath of pain.

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "That's it? I thought it was a big problem."

The overbearing Wang Xiaofeng had experienced that kind of strange liquid, which could dissolve things with soul power. He thought that the fat man would lose all his cultivation after soaking in it for too long, but it turned out that his cultivation speed was just a little slower. What a waste of expression.

Dai Mubai rubbed his shoulders. This guy really didn't do anything lightly. Didn't he see that he was still sick?

"Anyway, you saved me again. This is the third time. They say only three things happen. I hope you won't have the chance to take action in the future."

Dai Mubai felt a little emotional.

There is a joke-like saying that has been circulating among the Shrek team.

Dai Mubai is in good times, Tang San is in bad times, and Wang Xiaofeng is in desperate times.

Good luck means that before every battle, no matter what the opponent is, Dai Mubai, as the captain, always charges forward with indomitable momentum. This will infects his teammates. Under his leadership, everyone can easily perform at 100%. strength.

Adversity refers to encountering an opponent far beyond their strength, and everyone is easily suppressed. However, with Tang San's help, he was often able to fight back and defeat his opponent.

In desperate situations, when everyone is helpless, Wang Xiaofeng will use strange soul skills or strange knowledge to survive, achieving miraculous results.

Wang Xiaofeng congratulated him nonchalantly: "You will definitely be lucky in the future!"

"I was supposed to entertain you well, but I didn't expect that something like this happened." His right hand came from his waist, and several books that smelled of thick ink suddenly appeared in Dai Mubai's hands.

"I heard from my sister-in-law that you are very interested in ancient writings recently. This is a book that I asked people to print overnight to study the writings of various ancient kingdoms."

Although many masters who studied history were buried in the ruins along with the soldiers, a large number of their disciples stayed in the camp.

Although not all of them have obtained the true biography, the quantity can still make up for some of the quality.

Wang Xiaofeng happily accepted it: "Thanks, I have a headache. Where can I find someone to teach me."

This thing came at the right time, and he was worthy of being his good brother.

Dai Mubai smiled, saying that he could make his brothers happy by giving up some irrelevant benefits. This deal was quite a bargain.

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