Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 500: Beast Tide (Part 2)

Star Luo Empire, Makino City.

As the sun sets in the west, the blood-red sun gives the dilapidated city a desolate color.


A flock of crows circled over the city.

Tick, tick...

The cold liquid dripped down bit by bit.

It hurts so much, so cold...

The severe pain, scarce oxygen, and cold environment awakened Lu Fan's almost collapsed consciousness.

The numbness and pain coming from his body were constantly intertwined, making his newly revived consciousness a little confused.

who I am? where am I?

As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt something was wrong.

He was being held down by a heavy object in an extremely weird posture, and the air around him was filled with a strong smell of blood.

After he struggled to push away the heavy object that was pressing on him, he discovered that what had been pressing on him was a corpse!

Lu Fan was startled and hurriedly took a few steps back, then saw more corpses!


Lu Fan was so frightened that he screamed several times.


Lu Fan tried to calm down, but found that he was panicking and his heart was beating fast.

where is this? what happens?

Lu Fan finally calmed down and took a look at himself. Although his whole body was covered in blood, fortunately, except for the obvious fracture of his left arm, there were no other injuries.

The place where he was at this time was a half-collapsed house. It looked like it should be the kitchen, because there were several large stoves on the side of the house and several large pots on the stove. The inside was so red that the original taste of the food could no longer be seen. appearance.

There are several large tanks placed at the base of the wall.

There was blood everywhere on the ground, and a dozen corpses lay casually aside.

Where is this?

Is it a dream?

Lu Fan pinched himself hard, it hurt!

In his memory, he should have just participated in the empire's army recruitment, and successfully joined the army of his dreams.

The two joys overlap each other, and this double joy brings more and more joy.

I should have had a dreamlike happy time, but why, it turned out like this.

The pain coming from his brain made Lu Fan suddenly wake up.

He touched the special pattern sewn on his chest that symbolized victory in a hundred battles.

No matter what, you have to escape from this hellish place first, and then find a way to report what happened here to the higher ups.

Lu Fan suppressed the pain coming from his brain and began to analyze his current situation.

First of all, there is no doubt that there is a gap in my memory.

Judging from the appearance of the house where he is, he has not left Xingluo, and this place is still under the jurisdiction of the empire.

He is only sixteen years old this year. Because he could not afford to eat, he joined the army a few months ago and was assigned to the logistics department, where he became an honorable cook.

From the analysis of the surrounding situation, it should be that their logistics department was attacked by the enemy, and he was lucky, or the enemy relaxed, so he survived.

It was quiet all around, and it seemed that it had been some time since the raid ended.

A gust of wind blew by.

Lu Fan shook his body against the cold. He had thin arms and legs and was not tall. He was wearing a military uniform that was sticky with blood and blisters, which made him look wet and long.

Lu Fan looked at the scene around him and felt terrified.

Guarding a dozen dead people here is so scary!

He quietly crossed the ruins and took one look outside before shrinking back in fear.

There were dead people everywhere on the ground and on the walls.

What's more, there are a large group of unknown animal carcasses, ranging from common gerbils to soaring giant eagles, from packs of wolves to the king of tigers roaring in the jungle, there are all kinds of species.

This kind of composition makes people feel very strange.

The thick smell of blood wafted over, making people sick.

Lu Fan knocked on his aching head. Could it be that the lost memory was a beast wave?

But he has lived for more than ten years and has never heard of a tide of beasts attacking a town?

In Lu Fan's memory, Xingluo was the strongest empire in the entire continent. It was the only empire that bullied other countries. No other country could bully it.

Whether human or beast.

Lu Fan was too lazy to think about the reason.

He has more important things to decide now.

The clothes on his body are constantly taking away the little remaining heat from his body. Night is coming soon, and the city full of corpses is simply uninhabitable.

He didn't want to catch the plague.

Let's go?

He didn't even know which city this place was, which location it was, or which direction there were people.

If there is no man's land around for hundreds of miles, wouldn't it be suicide for him to go out?

Moreover, it is not clear whether there are still soul beasts outside the city.

His thin arms and thin legs are not enough to fit between his teeth.

Thinking of this, there was a sudden gurgling sound in my stomach.

I went back to search the kitchen and barely found two steamed buns that were only stained with a little dust and not smelly.

Lu Fan swallowed it whole, then looked around again, and managed to find a still-usable fire seal next to a corpse.

He had already thought clearly that if he stayed, he would definitely die.

Let’s go, there’s still a glimmer of hope!

Then let's go, at least there is hope of survival!

Without any further hesitation, Lu Fan quickly made his decision.

Just leave!

Lu Fan first found a sword among the dead and tried to hang it on his waist. The sword was very long and the tip directly touched the ground.

He could only carry the sword on his back.

Then, with the little light left before sunset, Lu Fan successfully found a knife, threw away the clothes on his body, used the knife to cut off some parts without blood stains, and tied these scattered pieces of cloth tightly around his body. After tightening it, the clothes that can barely wrap around the body are ready.

Fortunately, the Star Luo Empire is located under the Douluo Continent and is as warm as summer all year round. Lu Fan does not have to worry about freezing at night.

Safety is his biggest concern.

Although he joined the army, he had only practiced fitness routines for a few months. He spent more time learning how to quickly process ingredients.

If he really encounters a soul beast, he can only pray that the other person has just had a full stomach.

Opening the door again, Lu Fan walked out of the house.

At this time, the sun had completely set, and darkness enveloped the city.

Hoarse screams occasionally came from the darkness, like a prelude before death came.

Lu Fan walked carefully, keeping his eyes on the surroundings and not daring to make a sound.

Looking past the motionless corpses, Lu Fan crouched and carefully looked around, fearing that the corpses around him might suddenly turn into corpses.

He walked from the sober place to the city wall, a distance of more than 500 meters, for more than an hour.

He saw no living person, not even a living creature.

It's like a place abandoned by the gods.

Ah, no, there should still be living things. That weird bird call is not an illusion.

The tall city wall is no longer as strong and majestic as it used to be, and the huge gap is like a huge scar, extremely conspicuous.

Lu Fan jumped onto the gap, stretched his head and looked around, but there was no trace of the soul beast.

He stayed close to the wall and walked half a circle until he came to the city gate. He was a little disappointed when he didn't see the city gate plaque.

The city gate had long been shattered, leaving only corpses spread out on the ground.

The surroundings were quiet, with no sound of any living thing.

Lu Fan was a little relieved, packed the various sundries he had picked up into a ball in his back bag, and walked towards the wild.

One road leads directly to the deep forest, and the other leads directly to the desert. He doesn't even want to choose the road in the deep forest.

Although he knew that walking on this official road would be very conspicuous, Lu Fan could only go here.

Because there is no other way, let alone the wilderness.

This road is very wide, with towering trees on both sides, and weeds growing under the trees.

He walked very slowly, watching with his eyes and listening with his ears. If there was the slightest movement, he would stop and find a hidden place to hide.

After walking for about half an hour, Lu Fan stopped, found a big tree, hid in a hidden corner behind the tree, and sat down.

After untying the bag containing various miscellaneous items and moving the sword on his back, Lu Fan took out a few green wild fruits from his arms and took a sip. The sour and bitter taste was introduced into his brain.

Suddenly, a strange feeling came over him. Lu Fan raised his head alertly and looked around.

He didn't notice that there were several pairs of scarlet eyes looking directly at him from the lush canopy of trees above his head.

Can't stay here any longer.

Lu Fan finished the fruit in three mouthfuls, put the package on his back and left immediately.

Keep going!

He still walked carefully, and when his feet landed, there was almost no sound.

But his speed is much faster than before.

There is a forest in front, extending from the road to the end.

Lu Fan stopped, he felt danger.


A low cry came from behind the tree.

It was a coyote, and except for its scarlet eyes, its appearance was no different from that of an ordinary coyote.

This is a soul beast.

But it looks like a ten-year-old soul beast, so it should give it a try!

Lu Fan quickly made a judgment.


The coyote was only thirty meters away from him, and rushed in front of him in one sprint.

Lu Fan only had time to put the long sword on his back against his chest.

Blood splattered.

Unexpectedly, Lu Fan missed the target and cut a big gash in the coyote's mouth with his long sword.


But the coyote didn't seem to feel any pain, waving its claws and scratching ten bloody marks on Lu Fan's chest.

bring it on!

Lu Fan also has a ruthless spirit.

Faced with life and death, he couldn't allow him to think too much and could only fight to the end!

Lu Fan held the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands, and his body was knocked backwards by the coyote, but when he was about to fall, he stabbed upward with both hands.


Hot blood spurts out.

The sharp sword blade was completely engulfed in the coyote's belly, and blood splattered all over Lu Fan's body and face.

The coyote fell to the side, twitched a few times, and gradually lost his breath.


Lu Fan lay on the ground gasping for air.

Weird, so weird.

From the encounter with the coyote to the end of the battle, the whole scene was very strange, and there was always a strange feeling.

The stinging pain in his chest told him that the matter was not over yet, but the physical fatigue kept reminding him that the most important thing at the moment was to find a safe place to bandage the wound and rest.

Lu Fan stood up tremblingly and was about to grab the sword. But before he could take two steps, his whole perspective suddenly began to rotate.


Why does that body look so familiar?

Oh, it seems to be my body.

Then it fell into darkness.


The headless body lay aside.

Then, a strange red mist of blood rose from the corpse.

"Ah, the soul full of hope is the most delicious."

In the darkness, a murmur came.

Blood mist danced on his fingertips, and was then absorbed by the blood blade in his hand.

"This should be the last one."


What answered him was just a few hoarse chirps.

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