Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 501: My cabinet was moved and the code is no longer

Da da da…

The girl walked slowly, and the sound of the soles of her shoes colliding with the steps continued to echo in the dark passage.

The passage is very narrow and long, and even if it is inlaid with slightly shiny fluorite, the visibility is very low.

After walking for about half a minute, my eyes suddenly opened up.

What comes into view is a spacious room with an area of ​​more than fifty square meters. The walls are painted extremely white, and there are several black walnut tables placed together on the ground in the middle.

Black walnut wood has high hardness and toughness, and has good conductivity to soul power. Its weight is comparable to iron tools of the same volume, and it is often made into weapons for training.

Here it became an operating table, with the animal carcasses brought in by soldiers yesterday.

Around the table, there are many wooden shelves, some of which hold various instruments, experimental materials, knives, etc., while others are themselves instruments.

The girl didn't know most of them, but she didn't need to know them. She just needed to know that these things were very precious. If any one of them broke, it would make the boy who was standing on the table shaking the test tubes and doing experiments silently feel distressed for a long time.

Nitya narrowed her eyes and reached out to grab a crystal-clear scepter. Before she could get closer, a plain and slightly helpless voice sounded.

"Wasn't the lesson learned last time enough?"

Nidia subconsciously took a few steps back to protect her chest with her hands, and then she felt that she had overreacted.

He exhaled slightly, pretended to casually slap his heated cheeks, and said: "You are lucky this time, I will definitely beat you up next time."

A slight smile appeared on Wang Xiaofeng's lips, and he raised his head to meet the unavoidable gaze, "I don't believe it."

You will be willing to give up.

Nitya looks enthusiastic, cheerful and social, but in fact she is so timid about things like that, which is really frustrating.

"Tsk, you..." She clicked her tongue and frowned slightly, with anger in her eyes.

The moment Wang Xiaofeng turned around, Nidia secretly smiled.

High-end hunters often take the form of prey...

Putting the test tube in his hand, Wang Xiaofeng walked towards a wooden frame in the corner. There was a handle on the side of the wooden frame, a nozzle under the handle, and a wooden barrel underneath.

This is 75% alcohol that he has prepared, which can act as a disinfectant.

Wang Xiaofeng carefully scrubbed each finger to ensure that every part was cleaned, closed the nozzle, flicked his palm a few times, waited until the remaining alcohol on his hands completely evaporated, and walked to another experimental table.

When she turned around again, Nidia had returned to her normal appearance.

The jade bracelet on his wrist shone slightly, and several huge soul beasts suddenly occupied most of the empty space on the table.

"How lucky are you today?" Wang Xiaofeng's eyes lit up, he stepped forward in two or three steps, and carefully observed the silent corpses.

"Similar to the previous special individuals, the proportions of the heads are relatively small." Wang Xiaofeng glanced quickly and quickly compared with the data in his mind to get the accurate data.

Then he touched his whole body, continuously outputting the soul power in his hand, and finally pressed his chest, feeling the different frequencies transmitted by the soul power, and his brain quickly summarized the information.

The blue light in his eyes flashed away, and Wang Xiaofeng murmured: "Sure enough, my previous guess can be concluded. However, more samples can reduce the bias."

Wang Xiaofeng grabbed the corpse of the largest snake soul beast inside, a flash of green light lit up on his fingertips, and he could only see his index finger lightly scratching the snake skin.

With a "pop" sound, the python's skin and even its muscles and bones were directly separated, allowing everything inside to be revealed to the eyes.

Nidia subconsciously moved her eyes away. As a family soul master who had been in the army for generations, although she was used to killing, being used to it did not mean that she liked this kind of thing.

Not everyone can react to such a bloody scene.

Wang Xiaofeng reached out and searched in his heart, and then his fingertips touched a hard object.

He took it out gently, and a transparent, peanut-sized irregular crystal appeared in front of his eyes.

Nidia squeezed over, looked carefully, and asked curiously: "What is this?"

The crystal in his hand reflected fiery red due to the surrounding firelight.

Wang Xiaofeng put the crystal into a test tube filled with blue liquid and said softly: "This is their energy core. I call it the crystal core."

"There is still something like this in the soul beast?" Nidia tilted her head, and she began to search hard for knowledge related to the soul beast in her head.

The school teacher never said that there is such a thing in the soul beast's body. Could it be that he deserted during class?

Seeing her innocent and serious look, Wang Xiaofeng pursed his lips and quickly lowered his head. Just a little bit, a smile escaped from the corner of his mouth.

"Only special soul beasts that are completely in a state of madness can produce crystal nuclei, not just any crazy creature." Wang Xiaofeng said gently.

After these two days of research and dissection, Wang Xiaofeng has eliminated parasite control, virus infection, poison control and other control methods.

The rest are nothing more than sound waves, hypnosis, mental power manipulation, and special soul skills.

But he doesn't need to spend more energy analyzing how these soul beasts and animals are controlled.

At this point he had the data he wanted.

Their weakness, apart from the brain, is the core of the heart. He has figured out a way to quickly destroy the core.

A trace of red floated from the crystal core to the surface of the liquid. Wang Xiaofeng slowly separated it and poured it into another sealed jade vial.

"Has it become an empty shell?"

Seeing the completely transparent and colorless crystal core, Wang Xiaofeng squeezed it gently and turned it into powder.

Wang Xiaofeng processed the remaining corpses according to law, and soon there was another layer of powder on the table.

"We've almost collected the amount." Wang Xiaofeng took a deep breath, "The next step is the final experiment."

"Come on, let's go out."

"Okay, I finally don't have to stay in this hellish place." Nitya cheered.

The air in the room always had a faint smell of blood, and no normal person would like to stay in such an environment for a long time.

All instruments and equipment are put away.


Pushing open the heavy door and stepping onto the ground again, Wang Xiaofeng took a deep breath. The fragrance of soil and green leaves jolted his tired spirit.

Drive away the officers and soldiers standing guard.

Wang Xiaofeng pushed Nidia aside: "Stand away."

Nitya carefully hid behind a thick tree.

Wang Xiaofeng carefully took out a transparent crystal core from the soul guide, and then gently put it into the jade bottle.

After waiting for a while, Wang Xiaofeng took out the crystal core from the bottle with tweezers.

One-third of the originally transparent and colorless crystal core turned blood red.

But after clamping out the jade bottle, the blood-red part became transparent to the naked eye, and returned to its original appearance after a few seconds.

After blinking, the cyan color in Wang Xiaofeng's eyes disappeared: "Can't you see it even if you use soul power to enhance your senses?"

So, how about this.

The next second, extremely exaggerated mental power spurted out from that seemingly weak body.

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