Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 502: Filial piety leads to strength

The invisible and qualityless spiritual power centered on Wang Xiaofeng and spread to all directions. The whispers of the people around him and the fallen leaves blown away by the wind all seemed to slow down at this moment. Wang Xiaofeng knew that his brain had entered an active state at this time. Using all your mental power will make your brain more active. Simply put, you will give yourself a thinking acceleration buff, which will allow you to better control your mental power. However, there is also a disadvantage, that is, after stopping, you will feel depressed for a period of time, and you will not be motivated to do anything, which will affect your life a bit. "I'm sick again." Wang Xiaofeng pinched himself hard, using the pain to restrain his brain's overly divergent thinking, then took out another jade bottle and the empty shell of the crystal from the gourd, and repeated the action just now. The empty shell that had been replenished by the red liquid once again emitted strange fluctuations, but before the fluctuations could be emitted, Wang Xiaofeng had already pinched it out of the jade bottle. The crystal trembled slightly, and then the liquid inside was once again reduced and even disappeared visibly to the naked eye. But Wang Xiaofeng was prepared. Eyes narrowed. The conspicuous colors faded from the eyes, and darkness occupied the vision. But soon, the spiritual three-dimensional space of only white and black replaced vision and became the way for Wang Xiaofeng to perceive the outside world. In this space composed of extremely monotonous colors, a touch of red attracted Wang Xiaofeng's attention. In the field filled with spiritual power, the red fluid that had disappeared before turned into a very slender but extremely conspicuous aerosol-like object, flying towards Wang Xiaofeng's right side. As if being pulled by something. In just two or three seconds, he flew out of the range covered by his mental power and disappeared without a trace. Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes, and the black and white faded from his eyes. He withdrew from the swollen state of feeling omnipotent in his heart, and took a slight breath with Nitya behind his back. The results of the underground experiments over the past two days are the same, all pointing to the northeast. If you expand the map using his body as the coordinates, the city is the only one in the northeast that is related to this incident. Suddenly, a burst of exaggerated laughter woke Wang Xiaofeng from his thoughts. "Haha, I was just telling you why the magpies kept chirping at my door today. It turns out it's Brother Deyi (pseudonym) who is out of seclusion." A ball in the shape of a person approached quickly. The visitor was none other than Wang Fucheng, the town inspector. When he was mentioned, one had to talk about the deal he had made with Wang Xiaofeng. Wang Chengfu took a fancy to Wang Xiaofeng's strength and hired Wang Xiaofeng to guard the city for three days to complete the empire's mission and retain his own black hat. And Wang Xiaofeng fell in love with Wang Chengfu, a local snake's connections and energy. The two of them got what they needed and hit it off immediately. Wang Xiaofeng borrowed Wang Chengfu's connections to buy a quiet treasure room with a three-day period for free, as well as a bunch of barely usable instrument raw materials. There are also two varieties that are about to reach the age of 300 years. Wang Xiaofeng helped them clean up the crazy soul beasts that they couldn't deal with. This is the third day. In the past three days, Wang Chengfu had seen too many soul beasts that were awesome and coaxing in front of them, but were knocked down with three punches and two kicks in front of Wang Xiaofeng. And the little girl next to him, oh, she looked graceful and graceful, and she was full of fairy spirit, but she was cruel in her attacks. Few of the soul beasts she had attacked could leave intact corpses, and they were all broken into ice slag. . So Wang Chengfu hurried over in advance, fearing that the other party would find trouble and take advantage of him. "Brother, look, this is the reward we agreed on before. I brought it to you." Wang Chengfu took out a wooden box from the soul guide. Wang Xiaofeng stared at the other person's face for a long time. Just when he was at a loss in embarrassment, wondering if he had said the wrong thing, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly smiled and patted him hard on the shoulder. "Yeah, I came at the right time." "Lao Fu, I have a big deal here. Can we cooperate on a deal?" Wang Chengfu rejected the cooperation mentioned by Wang Xiaofeng in his heart. He was just a second-in-command with some connections. In this generation, he still knows how much he is capable of. It's okay to use his position to get some money, but he really can't do anything big. But looking at Wang Xiaofeng's faint gaze, he swallowed his saliva and said very seriously: "What kind of deal?"...Forty miles away,

Qingshi Town. In the town center, in the meeting hall. All the high-ranking officials in the town were there. Mayor Li Qingsong sits on the left side of the long table. Opposite him was a very burly general, Xue Hu. "Mayor Li, now that Makino City has fallen, I plan to recruit the people of Qingshi Town to help our Southwest Army resist the beast tide!" Xue Yinhu said. The silver-haired Li Qingsong's face darkened: "Captain Xue, half of our town's people have been deployed to support before, and now we have to recruit troops. Are you a little pushy? Besides, how can the civilians who were urgently transferred know how to fight? You are sending them to die!" "Li Qingsong, the empire is in trouble now. As citizens of the empire, we should have the money and strength to contribute. I am here under the order of the second prince this time. If you don't agree, Humph, don't blame me for being rude!" Xue Hu put his hand on the hilt of the knife and unleashed his level 61 Soul Emperor cultivation level without any concealment. Li Qingsong did not hesitate. His soul power surged and collided with the opponent's aura. Five soul rings of white, yellow, purple and black appeared on his body automatically. Wow! ! A group of senior executives subconsciously stood up and confronted Xue Hu. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense! Li Qingsong's face changed, and finally he sighed: "The registered population of Qingshi Town is only four thousand, and I am willing to provide a hundred people at most!" "No, I want three hundred people! And there will be no less than two hundred young adults!" Xue Hu Leng vocal channel. "You..." Li Qingsong's wrinkled face turned blue and red with anger. Not to mention that there are only 4,000 people in Qingshi Town, and the number of young and middle-aged people is barely 1,000. One-third of the labor force will be taken away at once... Everything in the town will be affected. When he thought about the rapid decline in the profits he could make in the future, Li Qingsong felt extremely unwilling. But the Xue Hu in front of him was a master of the Soul Emperor, and they would definitely not be able to defeat him. Besides, the opponent still had so many soldiers and armors. If he refused, he really couldn't guarantee whether the opponent would take action! But we can't hand over three hundred people so easily. By the way, the town has accepted a lot of refugees recently... After a moment of silence, violent quarrels broke out in the house again. Half an hour later. Xue Hu and his adjutant left expressionlessly. It wasn't until he walked a long distance that Xue Hu's cold and serious expression softened a lot. "His grandma only gave her 20,000 kilograms of grain and 2,000 kilograms of dried meat. These pieces of shit are so fucking stupid. How old are they and they still miss those things? I really want to tear off their heads and see if they are all inside. Water." "Sir, these people have not received any training at all. As Mayor Li said, they can't play much role at all. Why do you have to recruit so many people?" Adjutant Guo Ming asked with some confusion. "Stupid, let's come out in a hurry. We are almost out of food rations now. Even if we can replenish part of it here, it will definitely not be enough. If you have never seen a beast tide, you don't understand. This is a war of attrition." Xue Hu He rubbed his stiff face and said, "There is no need for civilians to carry weapons to fight. They just need to help us collect supplies and cook food." Just returned to the temporary camp outside the town, and before he had time to drink water, the spies sent before Brought him bad news again. "General, according to the spies' report, the towns ahead such as Xia Liang, Feng Ju, Huang Cheng, and Ueno were all destroyed by the beast tide." "How did these towns defend the city? They all gave death orders to defend for three days. This is the first time. Three days have just started and they are all gone? They are all useless corpses!" Xue Hu slapped the table in half angrily. The young general in front of him lowered his head and said nothing, letting himself curse. Xue Hu knew that the main reason why he could not hold on was because most of the strong men and women in the town went to support Makino City, so the defensive force was weak and led to the fall. At this time, he was just looking for a reason to vent. Xue Hu walked to the side and found a map depicting the surrounding terrain on a stand. He spread it out. Those towns were all the places he had to pass on his way to Makino City. This means that the difficulty has been raised from Hard Mode to Nightmare Mode. Without these towns as safe points for supply, rest and defensive advancement, even if the five thousand people they brought now form a military formation, they would be nothing more than meat on a display board in front of the beast tide, to be slaughtered by the beasts. When he thought of the secret mission entrusted to him by the second prince, Xue Hu's head was big and he stared at the complicated mountain terrain and fell into deep thought. Knock, knock, knock... The door quietly opened a small gap, "Sir." "Get out, didn't you tell me not to disturb me!" Li Qingsong picked up the inkstone on the table and threw it over, hitting the door with a heavy thud. Criticism. "There is a letter sent from Fenghua Town." Li Qingsong took a deep breath and reason came back online. "Come in." The boy glanced at the torn garbage on the ground with his peripheral vision, and then walked forward quickly, holding the bag in his hand. He handed over the envelope, then bowed his head and left. Li Qingsong stared at the name of the sender for a long time, and then he remembered that Wang Chengfu was his distant cousin. He was a little puzzled. This Wang Chengfu had only a mediocre relationship with him. They only met each other when they went home for the New Year every year. There was no relationship at all. How could he suddenly write to him. Wait, I remember that Fenghua Town is not far from Makino City. Could it be that the beast tide has spread there, and then escaped and wanted to come and join me. While opening the letter, Li Qingsong was thinking about what reasons he would use to refuse Wang Chengfu's surrender. His eyes swept over the letter very casually. His expression gradually changed from casual to serious, and he read the letter of more than 300 words for more than half an hour. 'If what is said above is true, then this is a huge credit. ’ Maybe the mayor will become the city lord. Li Qingsong's expression kept changing, and his fingers tapped on the table. No, even if all the clans in Qingshi Town are united, they can't take the credit. It seems that it won't work without some blood.

Li Qingsong's eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty. Darkness fell, and bonfires were lit in the camp to disperse the darkness. uuread a book

The food on the table had long since lost its heat. Xue Hu was still staring at the map, as if he had maintained this posture for a long time. "General, general!" A shout came from outside the tent. Xue Hu twisted his neck and made a noise: "How many times have I told you to calm down." "General! Mayor Li is here with five hundred strong men and a lot of food." "Oh?" Xue Hu opened his mouth. Curtain walked out and soon saw a large group of people crowded in the open space. A cursory glance showed that there was no woman, child or elderly person inside. Standing in front of them was a white-haired old man, it was the mayor Li Qingsong who had caused an unpleasant incident just this afternoon. "Mayor Li, what are you doing?" "Oh, Colonel Xue, I finally found you." Li Qingsong said righteously: "After you left, I reflected on my actions and I think you are right. The empire treats me I should not care about your kindness so much, so I immediately brought the young people from the tribe to support you, I hope you don’t dislike it." Xue Hu shook his head with a smile, and swept through the crowd calmly Dozens of young people exuding faint soul power fluctuations. Although it is difficult for these people to become soul masters, at least they can use soul power, which is still better than ordinary people. Although I don't know what kind of medicine the other party is selling in the gourd, I still put the gift in front of me and refuse to accept it, which means I am not giving face. "Come here, take these grains to the logistics department, and also arrange accommodation for these brothers tonight." Xue Hu took Li Qingsong's arm: "Mayor Li, you really solved my urgent need, if you don't mind If you want, come to my tent and let's have a drink until we get drunk." "Easy to talk to, easy to talk to." On that day, the fire in the largest tent in the camp was bright until dawn, and no one knew what they were talking about. Early the next morning, Xue Hu led his troops and changed the route planned before, passing through the forest path that Li Qingsong mentioned, until Fenghua Town.

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