Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 503: Beast Tide (Part 2)

The moonlight was hazy, like a layer of mist, falling on the deserted ground. The pale moonlight made people feel cool.

The dark night enveloped the mountains silently, and everything was silent.

The forest at night is supposed to be a time when animals are active, but at this moment, the forest is like the big mouth of a giant beast swallowing up everything. All the sounds of life are silent, leaving only gloomy darkness.

Suddenly, a burst of heavy footsteps broke the silence.


A flash of fire pierced the darkness of the deep forest, and then one, two... sparks of fire connected into a fire snake with an invisible tail.

It was a team whose end could not be seen at a glance, with heads of people surging, and everyone running forward quietly.

Everyone was more or less injured, and the bloodstained armor silently told that the journey was not peaceful.

"Quick, walk a little faster. After passing this mountain, you can see Fenghua Town." Xue Hu's voice containing soul power clearly sounded in everyone's ears.

After a long journey and a bloody day of fighting, the physical and mental exhaustion made everyone feel a little dazed. After hearing Xue Hu's words, the troops in front subconsciously accelerated the pace of their advance.

The civilians who temporarily joined the team gritted their teeth and tried to speed up the pace while dragging carts full of supplies.

But inadvertently, the team behind pushing and pulling supplies was momentarily disconnected from the team in front.

Even if the well-trained soldiers wore heavy armor, their speed was not comparable to that of untrained civilians. What's more, they had been walking for almost a day, everyone was very tired, and their speed was much slower.

And the crisis will come at this moment.


The fishy wind overwhelmed the bushes, and a huge black shadow suddenly emerged from the deep forest, aiming directly at the tired-looking civilians at the back of the team.

The black shadow was extremely fast. In just one breath, it had already arrived in front of everyone. With the faint light from the torch, everyone could see clearly what kind of monster it was.

It was a giant python that was several meters long. Its mouth opened to an extremely exaggerated arc, its sharp fangs reflected red light, and its red snake eyes stared at the human beings who were stagnant in place, revealing their love for flesh and blood. eager.

It's too late, it's fast.

The man closest to the Shekou could even smell the fishy smell of flesh and blood, and his horrified pupils reflected the ferocious bloody mouth.

Only one centimeter away from death, at the moment when Death's giant scythe was about to fall, a huge force suddenly came from the snake's tail.

The body of the giant python ejected in the air suddenly straightened, and then like a spring, its body and head suddenly retracted.

Then what greeted it was a huge iron fist coming towards him.

The iron fist wrapped with golden soul power hit the snake's head heavily with an unstoppable momentum.

Poof, the snake's head exploded like a watermelon, thick fragments splashed out for more than ten meters, the remaining body twisted unconsciously, and the yellow soul power dissipated like smoke.

The second soul ring on Xue Hu's body turned from shining to dim. His huge body slowly shrunk, and the veins disappeared between the muscles. He shook his hand casually, and then threw the snake body on the roadside.

The frightened civilian was covered in snake blood and motionless. Then he was severely thrown away by his trembling companion next to him. After a few hard blows, he barely came back to his senses. He knelt down with a plop and gave Xue Tiger kowtowed several times.

"Thank you sir for the rescue."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and follow." Xue Hu responded coldly, urging the other party to follow the team with cold eyes.

"Okay, okay." The two of them hurriedly pushed the heavy cart.

Suddenly, there was a sudden burst of fighting in front, but it soon calmed down.

The wavering flames moved forward again.

Such attacks would happen from time to time, and everyone was used to it. As long as they didn't encounter a large-scale beast tide, it would be easy.

Although the mountain road Li Qingsong pointed to goes directly to Tonghua Town, the road is rugged and difficult to walk, and there are lush weeds. No one would usually take this trail.

However, even on this untrodden mountain road, they encountered small beast tides formed by frightened beasts and crazy spirit beasts several times.

According to the expected plan, they were supposed to arrive at Fenghua Town at five o'clock in the afternoon, but they were delayed for a long time by the beast tide.

Fortunately, the beast tide encountered on the road was not large, and because of their good strength, there were no casualties in the team.

However, Xue Hu was not optimistic about this matter. Instead, he felt a lot of pressure. Small beasts could be encountered even in the mountains. The situation ahead could be imagined. They alone might not be able to solve this beast tide.

Half an hour later.

The team that twisted forward like a long snake finally crossed the hillside and saw the town surrounded by darkness and standing in the mountains.

The weak but strong firelight was like a fleet in a storm seeing a lighthouse, which undoubtedly gave everyone a shot in the arm.

"We're here, we've seen Fenghua Town."

Hearing the noise coming from the front, Xue Hu perked up and even he breathed a sigh of relief.

The military formation could not be deployed in the mountains, and their strongest means could not be used. Several times, the formation was almost broken up by waves of small beasts, resulting in casualties, but they still persisted. In the end, everyone was only slightly injured without losing any troops.

What a blessing from the Tiger God.

After seeing Fenghua Town, the team's speed couldn't help but speed up a bit.

In just ten minutes, the soldiers at the front of the team could vaguely see the reassuring seven-meter-high city wall.

Passing through the lush woods, everyone's vision suddenly became clear.

Then, the scene in front of them made them slowly stop.

Wherever he looked, there were corpses, either large or small, piled up on top of each other, forming a corpse blanket that was at least half a meter high, and spread all the way to the city wall in the distance.

The stench emanating from the corpses made those trained people twitch in their faces. It was so stinky that it was definitely not something that could be formed in a day or two.

In other words, Fenghua Town not only blocked the beast tide once, but blocked it many times.

This made these soldiers who were usually somewhat proud, while admiring the soldiers guarding the city, couldn't help but feel a little curious in their hearts.

"What's going on? Why don't you leave!"

The way forward was blocked, and everyone stagnated, attracting Xue Hu, who had been protecting the civilians at the rear.

Seeing the wall of corpses blocking the road, Xue Hu immediately understood.

These corpses that have been dead for who knows how long are natural city walls. The germs and odors carried on them can dissuade most of the rational soul beasts.

Xue Hu casually pulled out an arrow stuck in the beast's corpse, and a stream of green liquid spurted out from the wound.

There is actually so much blood in the body.

The green liquid made him feel a little dangerous.

It seems that these corpses have undergone inexplicable changes, which must not be touched by soldiers.

Xue Hu casually threw away the arrow.

At some point, the dark clouds overhead dispersed, and the bright moonlight began to dispel the darkness on the ground.

The soldiers who were standing there repairing their injuries stared wide-eyed.

"General, look at the sky! Two moons appear in the sky!"

The clouds have cleared and the fog has dispersed, and the twin moons are in the sky.

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