Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 504: Beast Tide (Part 2)

On the top of the city wall, there are already city guards standing there. One city guard can be seen every two meters.

But from their bloodshot pupils, it can be seen that they are very tired.

The city guards had just changed their posts and had rested for four hours.

The previous batch of city guards who defended the city against the beast tide had just been replaced to treat their injuries and rest.

The only two crossbow carts on the city wall are placed side by side, and several craftsmen are taking the time to repair this precious thing.

The large soul beast has a strong vitality, and ordinary swords and arrows can only be used to trim its fur, and it can only be dealt with by a ballista.

Only big cities are qualified to be equipped with this thing. I don’t know how Wang Chengfu obtained this powerful weapon for the army.

The dilapidated city gate below was wide open, and carpenters were repairing it with wooden boards dismantled from unknown sources. More than twenty young men were quickly carrying the corpse of the soul beast.

These corpses cannot be piled up under the city wall, otherwise when the next wave of beasts comes, they can easily cross the towering city wall with the corpses.

There are also a few strange people wearing strange thick coats. Their bodies are tightly wrapped and draped in face towels. Only a pair of cold eyes are exposed. They hold gourds with strange patterns in their hands and sprinkle strange liquids on the soul beast corpses. .

Most of the black liquid will emit a bloody smoke when it touches the soul beast, and make a sizzling sound. At this time, they will retreat far away, wait for the smoke to evaporate, and then pull it to a distant place and discard it. .

Of course, nothing happened if the liquid came into contact with the body. At this time, young people standing more than ten meters away would come over and drag it onto a cart and transport it to the center of the town.

Tomorrow morning, this beast's corpse will become a bowl of hot broth on the dining tables of hundreds of people.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, as long as you ignore the faint roar of beasts outside the city.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was meditating with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.


The solid city walls were shaking slightly.

"Close the door quickly, the beast tide is coming again!"

call out!

Several rockets passed through hundreds of meters, slightly illuminating the distant panorama.

The densely packed beasts were like a wave, rushing towards the city wall. Wherever they passed, the temperature dropped significantly.


A long horn sound came.

The defenders who were defending the city took out their longbows in an orderly manner, and hung their quivers full of arrows tightly behind their backs.

The city guards who survived the beast wave for more than ten days were only one resounding title away from the elite army of the empire.

call out.

The rocket streaked across the sky again.

The beast tide has arrived five hundred meters away from the city wall.

On the city wall of Fenghua Town, there was a bang, and a crossbow arrow at least three meters long was shot out.

There was no chance to dodge. A beast that was charging towards Fenghua Town was directly pierced through the head. It was castrated unabated and was nailed to the ground after several beasts were attacked.

His back was stuck by the corpse in front of him and he plunged to the ground. This also pronounced his death. The beast from behind stepped directly over him.

This was just the beginning. When the beast rushed three hundred meters below the city wall, the city guards on the city wall drew their longbows.

Bang, bang, bang...

A dense muffled sound spread, and the beasts in the front row instantly fell into a row, but they did not stop for a moment.

Those scarlet eyes were devoid of any emotion, only the desire for flesh and blood.

Facing the endless tide of beasts, the city guards were like robots, constantly drawing arrows and drawing bows.

There is no need to aim at all, as long as you shoot, you will definitely hit.

The city guards originally numbered around 500 people, but now there are less than 200 left. This is the result of continuous replenishment of the number of people inside. The casualties are too great.

It was like a bright mirror in their hearts. In this war, they were just trying to survive. In front of the beast tide, there was no surrender, only life or death.

The city walls were lined with soldiers, and the arrows in their quivers were being replenished one after another.

Beast carcasses began to pile up under the city wall.

The beasts that appear now are just miscellaneous soldiers, just to consume their physical strength.

The group of soul beasts that had caused them massive casualties had not yet appeared.

Thinking like this, the ground began to tremble slightly.

A huge shadow appeared behind the beast tide.

Such a huge beast naturally attracted everyone's attention. A rocket passed by, slightly revealing the true body of the beast.

That was an extremely huge wild boar, no, it should be called a war pig, it was simply born for war.

The giant war pig's tusks soared into the sky, its black-blue bristles were as thick as chopsticks, and its body was inlaid with metal armor plates that were ten centimeters thick.

From a distance, it looked almost as high as a city wall. The giant war pig charged forward, crushing everything in front of it into pieces.

In front of it, the rhinoceros is simply a younger brother.

"Stop it!"

Broken shouts came from above the city wall, and large crossbow arrows were shot out.

Bang, bang!

Two crossbow arrows hit the giant war pig, and the metal crossbow arrows twisted and bounced away.

The giant war pig charges faster and faster.

Nothing seems to be able to stop it. Its target is the city gate, which is barely fortified and sealed.

In just ten seconds, the giant war pig rushed to the city gate and slammed into it.

Boom! !

The soil under the feet of the war pig was shaken up half a meter, and the city gate it hit flew directly inward. A large area of ​​the surrounding city wall was broken, and the city wall was directly penetrated.

There was a dead silence on the city wall. The city guards looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they all smiled.

After holding on for so long, I didn’t expect God to make such a joke.

After just being stunned for a while, a spirit beast climbed up the city wall with the help of mountains of corpses.

The brutal city defense battle officially began. The two sides used the holes in the city wall as attack and defense points and began a brutal close battle.

Under the city wall, the giant war pig was lying on the ground. It looked a little dizzy, but it seemed to be just a little dizzy. After shaking twice, it stood up again.


Wang Xiaofeng jumped from the sky, and a huge gourd with a diameter of five meters hit the giant war pig hard.

The area within five meters of it was crushed into pieces by the shock wave generated by the huge gourd that fell straight from 500 meters in the air.

The giant war pig howled, and half of its body sank directly into the ground.

so hard.

Wang Xiaofeng smacked his lips. Such an attack only dented the armor of the giant war pig. It was unclear whether the internal organs were injured.

The giant war pig under his feet struggled violently.

Well, it seems that the operation was as fierce as a tiger, and the result was a set of scraping damage.

"But I hope your brain is as tough as your skin."

Wang Xiaofeng's right fist lit up with a green light, rippling slightly like a wave.

In this dark night, it was like a guiding light, but the soul beast that tried to get closer was thrown away by a gourd vine that came from nowhere.

Wang Xiaofeng clenched his fist and hit the giant war pig's hard armored head hard.

With a loud bang, it exploded with great force, and the underground soil was splashed everywhere.

The solid soul power annihilated the thin soul power protection, passed through the skull, and violently stirred in the brain of the giant war pig.

five minutes later.

The giant war pig lay on the ground. It had been punched for forty-six times and finally died.

Although the culprit was found guilty.

However, the fierce city defense battle officially entered its most tragic moment.

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