Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 506 Two Moons in the Sky

Linen soaked in grease was tied to the top of a wooden stick and hung on the city wall, emitting a large amount of light and heat, which illuminated the main battlefield below red.

Roaring sounds, slashing sounds, and explosion sounds merged together, and broken corpses and blood splattered everywhere.


Headless corpses rolled down the mountain of corpses. The city gate that was originally smashed by the giant war pig was filled with a mountain of corpses more than five meters high in a short period of time.

Bah bah.

Wang Xiaofeng spit out bloody saliva, and his breathing became easier.

The injuries accumulated on his body from the battle so far are somewhat serious and have begun to affect his movements.

This is the thirteenth attack launched by the beast tide tonight. Compared with the previous ones, this time is the largest in scale, and there is also a group of alien life forms that have never appeared in the beast tide before.

This kind of life form is no different from an old soul beast. It not only has high intelligence and the use of soul skills. More importantly, they obey orders, are organized on the battlefield, and cooperate with each other.

You can also use the secret method of overdrafting your lifespan without any scruples, and explode your seeds anytime and anywhere.

Even if Wang Xiaofeng could detect danger in advance with his strong perception, with enemies on all sides, it was difficult to avoid many attacks and he could only resist them.

Not to mention that he had been fighting for ten consecutive hours, during which he only rested for less than 20 minutes. He went to the toilet, and then took moon ooze to speed up the recovery of his soul power. He spent the rest of the time fighting. Being besieged by wild beasts and soul beasts was a common occurrence. The most exaggerated time was when he was even besieged by hundreds of soul beasts.

Therefore, the absorption of damage by the first soul skill, in this case, is a proper divine skill among divine skills.

It is also one of the reasons why Wang Xiaofeng can persevere until now.

No one knows when this beast tide will stop, and no one knows how long the defenders of their own city can hold it back.

The scene that Wang Xiaofeng saw was full of mutilated limbs and soul beasts and alien species rushing towards him. There were no humans at all.

I don’t know how Zhao Wuji and Flender survived the huge beast wave in the Star Forest four years ago.

Wang Xiaofeng clearly remembered that when he first came back, Flanders told him with a smile how many gold soul coins he had earned from the kingdom.

Zhao Wuji, on the other hand, snatched the chicken leg from Ma Hongjun's hand without changing his expression and ate it in two or three bites.

Thinking about it now, it was really embarrassing for these two people. At least after this beast wave, he didn't want to see any meat-related dishes in a short time.

"Huh~ Not a bad method. I didn't expect you to even master the illusion method."

Wang Xiaofeng's body swayed slightly, and his eyes with dilated pupils returned to clarity.

In the distance, in the waves of beasts and beasts, the straight and hard gourd vine was strung with two fantastic creatures whose heads and limbs could not be distinguished.

Wang Xiaofeng's whole body soul power exploded, knocking away all kinds of animal soul beasts hanging on his body.

Wang Xiaofeng's breathing was a little heavy, and blood dripped down his arms. Although he only fell into the illusion for less than two seconds, his body still suffered a lot of injuries in this short period of time.


There was an explosion, and broken limbs and pieces of flesh flew into the sky, obscuring the view.

The leopard-shaped mutant suddenly jumped out from the pile of corpses behind him and pointed directly at Wang Xiaofeng's chest.

This opportunity was grasped at its peak. Wang Xiaofeng caught the lightning-fast figure immediately, but his body's reaction was a bit slower.

The giant claws that seemed to be digging out his heart and lungs made his hair stand on end.

A chill suddenly crawled onto his skin.

Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, and in the next moment, white light swept across.

After the light passed, everything stopped and turned into ice crystals.

The sharp claws were only a tenth of a millimeter away from him, but they were like an abyss, forever resting on his chest.

All the creatures within fifty meters around Wang Xiaofeng were frozen into ice sculptures by the ice air.

However, the ice crystals that solidify all of this are not smooth and flat ice surfaces. Instead, they take on the shape of flying and fierce flames everywhere, showing an undulating, blazing beauty in the crystal clear.

Like pieces of surrealistic art.

Then these works of art were trampled into powder by the rushing beast tide behind them.

Facing the beast tide that was coming again, Wang Xiaofeng looked much more relaxed.

There was no way, before he acquired those two gourd abilities, he was better at dealing with powerful single enemies without range attack soul skills.

Now, let’s leave professional work to professionals.

Nidia stood on the city wall, holding up the scepter in her hand. The icy blue soul power dyed the obviously expanded second soul ring on her body into tender green.

Bang bang bang! !

Several huge sticks of ice fell from the sky, causing the earth to tremble and blocking the momentum of the beast tide.

Subsequent support slowed down, and the casualties of the beasts ahead suddenly increased.

Coupled with the help from the elusive Calabash Vine from time to time, the soldiers on the city wall finally had a chance to breathe.

Nidia's second soul skill was originally to generate a waning moon in the air made of soul power, which could increase her attack power by 40% and increase her attack range by 20%.

It is a very rare field-type amplifying soul skill.

But soul skills are not completely static, especially during ring fusion, the form of soul skills can change to a certain extent.

So under someone's sudden inspiration, an auxiliary soul skill became such a half-output and half-control soul skill.

The first time it was used on the battlefield, it achieved pretty good results.

Nidia panted slightly, but her mental state was good. It seemed that she had completely grasped the essence of the improved version of the fusion ring.

Use the least force to produce the most output.

Continuously using the ring-melting secret technique is no longer stressful for her.

Wang Xiaofeng picked up the gourd that had been used as a pendant on his waist, poured two drops of moon slurry into his mouth, felt the soul power in his body that was beginning to recover rapidly, held the gourd high, and muttered something:

"The purple gourd that swallows the universe with anger."

"The powerful red gourd."

"The golden gourd is indestructible."

"The orange gourd has clear ears and eyes."

After many years, Wang Xiaofeng recited the soul curse again.

This time the movement will be a bit big, and he needs technical support. Even if he spends more time, he must reduce the dual pressure on his body and soul.

Four soul rings of varying brightness and darkness, yellow, yellow, purple and purple, flew up from Wang Xiaofeng and hovered on the gourd in his hand.

The green color on the surface of the gourd quickly faded, and a brilliant rainbow-like light burst out from the inside.


Huge colorful light beams spurted out from the gourd mouth.

It flew through the air like a shooting star, and suddenly exploded when it was halfway through the flight.

The thick beam of light split into countless light strips as thick as a thumb.

The light belt accurately fell on every city defender on the city wall, and then the light representing the strengthening increase flashed on everyone.

Everyone felt that their bodies were already extremely tired, and suddenly a stream of heat surged through their bodies, circulating continuously.

His sluggish spirit revived, and his physical strength continued to gush out from deep within his body.


With roars one after another, the defenders on the city wall quickly reoccupied the city wall. Even the spirit beasts that rushed up couldn't kill them fast enough. Some of the defenders even had their hands free to bandage their wounds.

Wang Xiaofeng's expression was extremely complicated.

Auxiliary soul skills are like adrenaline hormones, forcibly stimulating the body's potential to achieve the effect of becoming stronger in a short period of time.

Soul masters can resist these side effects with their strong body and soul power, but ordinary people cannot. Under normal circumstances, they will be weak for a few days afterwards.

But this time it was different.

First, the increase is large, and it is an all-round increase in defense, strength, attack, soul power, perception, and reaction.

Second, everyone's physical strength is already at its limit.

In addition, Wang Xiaofeng extended the increase time by more than half an hour, and the price was not as simple as being weak for a few days, but even overdrafting the source of life.

In other words, the more than 100 people who have been affected by the increase at this time will lose 3-10 years of life after the increase ends. Afterwards, they will become weak and suffer a serious illness. If they cannot survive it, they may die directly.

But in this wave of beasts where death is possible every second, maybe gaining this power is a gift?

At least you have the right to fight.

With the excessive use of soul skills.

The soul power that had just returned to 60% was suddenly reduced to only 20%. The feeling of weakness made Wang Xiaofeng quickly pour a few more drops of Moon Ooze into his mouth.

In the past half month or so, I had only saved so much monthly liquid, and it was all used up.

The first time he used such a large amount of mental power, his brain began to hurt. He sat on the mountain of corpses, seeming very tired.

To locate more than a hundred people in such a complex environment on the battlefield and accurately increase their power, to be honest, if his mental power had not been strengthened to an outrageous degree, Wang Xiaofeng would never have done such a stupid thing.

Three seconds later, the rushing beasts were once again frozen into ice by Nidia. Wang Xiaofeng didn't even have time to get up, and his reaction was obviously more than a beat slower.

"I'm already like this, why don't I take action? This is too steady."

Wang Xiaofeng pinched his brows. He didn't expect that even though he was so weak, the enemy still didn't come to kill him. It was like a new commander, completely different from his previous style.

And all the alien species have disappeared.

Did you see his disguise? It's impossible. In order to act realistically, he does have less than one-third of the soul power in his body, and he has reached the limit in all aspects.

Wang Xiaofeng was there thinking about what went wrong, but he didn't expect that the sudden reinforcements scared the other party away.

After being amplified, the morale of the city defenders was greatly boosted. The spirit beasts did not attack as fast as the city defenders. If they were not restricted on the city wall, they would even have a tendency to suppress the beast tide.

But this situation only lasted half an hour.

Half an hour later, as the increase disappeared, the casualty rate on the city wall skyrocketed.

The screams were endless.

Nidia's first soul skill exploded, freezing all creatures within ten meters in front of her into ice, but soon, the soul beasts behind her pounced on her again, giving her no chance to breathe.

The huge gourd swept past them, crushing the soul beasts that climbed up the city wall into mincemeat.

The large gourd, which was five meters high and could only be surrounded by five people, was swung by Wang Xiaofeng with ease. No beast could break through the steel gourd.

The city wall within ten meters suddenly became a restricted area for life.

Nidia hid behind Wang Xiaofeng and panted heavily, sweat mixed with broken ice flowing down her temples.

I'm so tired. The number of times I used soul skills today far exceeded the number of times I used it all last year.

"Xiao Fengzi, how was your reply?"

Wang Xiaofeng replied casually: "I have almost 80% of my usual soul power."

The big hole at the bottom was sealed by him with the help of piles of corpses and Nydia's ice. It will not be broken for a while.

Without catching any big fish, Wang Xiaofeng could only return to the city wall to help everyone defend.

After several hours of fighting, Wang Xiaofeng could feel that the beast tide had weakened significantly, but looking from the city wall in the distance, he could still see the boundless tide of beasts.

I really don’t know where so many animals and spirit beasts appeared from.

As the situation waxed and waned, the sound of fighting on the wall was obviously much weaker.

Nidia looked around and saw that there were only about thirty city defenders left on the western city wall they were guarding.

"We can't go on like this, Xiao Fengzi, give me a boost, I want to use the fusion ring again."

Obviously, Nidia wanted to eliminate this wave of beasts with one blow and save the remaining people.

"Even if you use all your soul power, you may not be able to..."

Wang Xiaofeng turned around and saw the girl's firm gaze.

I didn't expect she had such a side.

"Okay, okay, I'll just go crazy with you once." Wang Xiaofeng shrugged, picked up the gourd and stuffed it into her mouth.

"%" # ! ? *! /! "

"Ahem...(What did you pour into my mouth)" Nidia coughed while covering her throat, not forgetting to glare at him.

"Good stuff, don't spit it out."

After subtracting the portion used for daily cultivation, the portion used for research, and the portion practiced by my parents, there is already very little moon fluid left. Use every drop less.

It would be a huge waste to use it as a potion to restore soul power.

Wang Xiaofeng patted the gourd on his waist, and Nidiya was enveloped in four colors of light.

A strange feeling flowed along the light belt into Wang Xiaofeng's heart, making him slightly stunned.

Pure, eternal...

There was an indescribable feeling of comfort that was vaguely integrated with his gourd, but there was some gap between the two.

This feeling is...

Before he could feel it carefully, the ring fusion had begun on Nidia's side, which forced him to focus on that side.

The fourth soul ring on Nidia's body emits a dazzling purple light, four, three, two, one, from the third soul ring of a thousand years to the first soul ring of more than three hundred years, they merge in sequence.

She had never felt that the ring fusion was so smooth, as if it was divine help.

The four soul rings were completely integrated into one, and the purple soul ring even had a faint tendency to turn black.

Nidia gritted her teeth. The too powerful soul power and strength in her body made it difficult for her to control the soul skills accurately, so she could only input the soul power into it all at once.

[Melting Ring·Bite of the Black Moon]


A small black ball the size of a thumb rose from the city wall and stopped at an altitude of about a hundred meters in the center of the battlefield.

On such a dark night, a small black dot appeared above the battlefield without causing any beast to notice it at all.

Zhi! !

The moonlight, which had been obscured by the clouds, suddenly shone on the battlefield.

By the time someone noticed something was wrong, the battlefield had changed dramatically.

A huge gravitational field covered the entire battlefield.

Countless soul beasts were sucked up and attached to the black ball.

It was not that there were no soul beasts trying to struggle, but before they had time to release their innate soul skills, they had already hit the black moon heavily and were quickly buried by the following soul beasts and sharp stones.

The tight and thick pressure killed these soul beasts almost instantly.

The powerful attraction kept pulling everything on the ground, and Wang Xiaofeng used gourd vines to tie everyone together.

Nydia's eyes were distracted and she was in a trance. The staff in her hand became a tool to support her standing.

The soul power in her body has bottomed out, but her subconscious is still channeling her soul power.


The ice scepter dissipated into soul power in his hand, and Nidia soared into the air. Wang Xiaofeng reached out and pulled the fairy who was about to fly to the "moon" into his arms in time.

Wang Xiaofeng pinched her nose: "I don't want to be Hou Yi."

The soul power storm suddenly rolled up, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of a hundred meters was continuously drawn in.

In a trance, Nidia seemed to see the sun.

It feels like being wrapped in the sunshine on a spring day, so warm...

Black Moon's powerful suction only lasted for a minute, and then gradually stopped.

The remaining soul beasts fell to the ground with lingering fear, before they could smile.

Gravity, stronger than before, acted on them again.

Countless stones hit the outside of the black moon one after another. In just ten seconds, the size of the black moon doubled.

The roaring gradually stopped until there was no more soul beast on the ground.

Under the cold moonlight, everyone on the city wall stared dumbly at the huge stone ball with a diameter of dozens of meters high in the sky.

And underneath, there is a huge pit that encompasses the entire battlefield.

No soul beast escaped from this huge stone ball.


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