Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 507 Reinforcements

After the large ball with a diameter of nearly 50 meters in the sky was completely formed, only two or three kittens were left in the menacing beast tide.

I don't know if the mastermind behind the scenes was frightened by this super fusion soul skill.

It is still the instinctive fear of death among the beasts that overwhelms the will to be manipulated.

The animals that kept rushing out of the deep forest also disappeared.

These scattered animals and spirit beasts no longer pose a threat to Fenghua Town.

The beast tide faced by the city wall here has come to an end.

The stone balls in the sky float quietly in the sky, corresponding to the bright moon in the sky.

Feeling the vague soul power being sucked out of his body, Wang Xiaofeng quickly cut off the spiritual connection between Nidia and the soul skill.

The "Black Moon", which seemed to be created only by a miracle, finally fell to the ground without the support of follow-up soul power.

boom! !

The dust turned into a huge wave and swept around.

The surrounding area was covered with a layer of earth color, covering up the dirt and blood.

"Bah, bah, it's a bit like Earth-exploding Star. I hope I won't use it again in the future."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his dirt-covered hair and pulled away the blanket he took out of the soul guide, revealing Nitya's sleeping face.

This kind of unconventional group soul skill is easy to use, but there are many uncertain factors. It requires too much soul power to maintain such a soul skill. If a weaker soul emperor comes here, he will be sucked in in the blink of an eye. Become a mummy.

I still feel a little scared when I think about it now.

This time it was obviously just luck that led to its successful use.

If it weren't for some strange changes happening in Nidia's body, she accidentally entered a state of blessed spirit, and they also formed some kind of soul power link, and their soul power could be borrowed from each other.

The superposition of the two turned an ordinary ring-melting soul skill into an effect comparable to Contra's eighth soul skill when used at full strength.

The huge movement caused by the stone ball falling to the ground woke up the remaining soldiers and dragged them back to the real world from the state of indulging in killing.

Only then did the thirty or so city defenders standing on the city wall come back to their senses from their numb expressions.

It seems that the beast tide is really over.

happy? Sad and angry? pain?

No, they just felt deeply tired.

"Finally, the defense is down..."

The breath they had been holding in their hearts relaxed at this moment.

The cheeks that were full of blood a second ago suddenly turned pale.

Thump, thump...

The sound of the city defenders falling one after another caught Wang Xiaofeng's attention.

"not good!"

Wang Xiaofeng threw Nidia on his back and hurried over to check their status.

As soon as the soul power penetrated the body, Wang Xiaofeng frowned. As expected, the long battle, the double loss of body and spirit, caused the coma.

Wang Xiaofeng tied them up one by one with gourd vines and sent them down to the city. Then he found the big drum that was hidden in the corner and was lucky enough not to be affected. He clenched his fist and beat it slightly hard.


The sound of heavy drums echoed around, causing ripples in the air.

This is the code they have agreed on long ago, which means that the beast tide has been overcome here and the battlefield can be tidied up.

After a while, a few teenagers emerged intermittently from under the ruins of the surrounding houses, stretching their heads and looking around, carefully observing their surroundings.

"It's over!" Wang Xiaofeng shouted while standing on the city wall.

"Come here quickly, take away the city defenders below and take good care of them, otherwise they won't survive tonight."

Because it was too dark and the distance was a bit far away, they could not see Wang Xiaofeng standing on the wall, but because he could stand on the dangerous city wall and talk to them carelessly, it must be that the beast tide was really over this time.

"I know." A brave young man responded.

The teenagers got out from under the rubble with nimble hands and feet. Except for one person who went back to look for more help, the other teenagers skillfully took out gauze from their backpacks to stop the bleeding of the wounded.

This is the strategy that Wang Xiaofeng and Wang Chengfu came up with after friendly negotiations (unilaterally) as the beast tide situation became more and more serious.

At this time, when there is a serious shortage of materials and manpower, no labor force can be spared, and both adults and children must make full use of it.

Our ancestors have said that we must give full play to the power of the masses.

So now, both adults and children have acceptable skills in building houses, handling food, and dressing wounds.


The city wall here has come to an end for the time being. Others will help guard the city wall. Although these people are not good at fighting, they can still spread the news.

To the north, Wang Xiaofeng used the special poison given by Tang San, and with the obstruction of a large number of corpses, a restricted area was temporarily formed there.

The remaining east and west sides, according to previous arrangements, are in charge of Fenghua Town inspection officer Wang Fucheng and former Maple Leaf Town garrison captain He Ling.

Although the two of them only have soul master cultivation, they are already the strongest combatants in this town. Moreover, they also have management experience, which can at least guarantee the combat effectiveness of the defending army.

Most of the beast tide is concentrated in the south, and has been solved by Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia.

But the other two places must have been attacked as well.

The alien species retreated too quickly before and disappeared before being released. Wang Xiaofeng suspected that there were other conspiracies and that they might have lurked into the town.

Take back the gourd vine that has been filling the cracks in the wall with rocks.

With vine branches wandering around his body, Wang Xiaofeng supported Nidia on her back to make sure that she would not fall or affect his actions.

Ten minutes later, a temporary medical rescue point had been established under the city wall.

Wounded people were constantly being carried into tents made of discarded wood, and the light of torches dispersed the surrounding darkness.

call out!

The sharp whistling sound in the air made them subconsciously look up, but the figure that had been standing under the moonlight had disappeared.


The east wall and the west wall are not far apart. No, it should be said that due to area issues, the four walls are not far apart. After all, no matter how big Fenghua Town is, it is only a town.

It doesn't even take a minute for Wang Xiaofeng to ride the gourd around in a circle.

In order to save his soul power, he just maintained a speed that could allow him to fly in the air. Despite this, he quickly arrived at the nearest east wall.

However, the situation on the ground was beyond his expectation.

There is no imaginary scene of humans and animals fighting each other.

Under the towering city wall, there were piles of corpses of various sizes. A few soldiers who could still move were working hard to carry the corpses of their teammates.

The beast tide seemed to be over for a while.

All the defense equipment on the city wall was shattered into pieces, including the small stone room at the top where the drums were stored, which was also blown flat.

No wonder he didn't hear any signals calling for backup.

The remaining city defenders were covered in filth and bloodstains, both their own and those of the enemy. Only a few parts of their bodies were intact. They were even more miserable than the south wall guarded by Wang Xiaofeng.

Although many people on the southern defense line survived with the help of Wang Xiaofeng and the others, it was uncertain how many people could survive tonight. The source was too overdrawn, and the situation was more dangerous than Wang Xiaofeng had expected.

Wang Xiaofeng slowly descended from the sky.

He didn't deliberately hide himself, so he was quickly discovered by the soldiers.


The soldier used his trembling one-arm to hold the gun head tightly and pointed the cracked gun barrel at Wang Xiaofeng.

"Don't be afraid, we are one of our own."

Wang Xiaofeng showed a kind smile, but he had just killed countless soul beasts, and his murderous aura was as if hell had descended on him. The temperature around him had dropped several degrees out of thin air. It was difficult for people to think that he was a good person.

The soldiers did not put down their weapons until the huge gourd fell from the sky, slowly shrank, and was automatically tied around Wang Xiaofeng's waist.

Only then did everyone look suddenly enlightened.

Wang Xiaofeng is not famous, because before this, he usually played the role of a firefighter, going wherever there was danger. Ordinary people usually only saw black shadows flying by.

But I can't stand his gourd because he is so recognisable.

Any soldier who has resisted the beast tide will have seen such a huge gourd, freely entering and exiting the beast tide, running rampant.

Oh, and that vine that comes and goes without a trace.

I don’t know how many times I saved them.

The soldiers quickly put away their weapons and performed a military salute: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were actually the crown prince of the Calabash Hero."

At that moment, Wang Xiaofeng could no longer maintain his fake smile.

***Who gave me this nickname? It’s so ugly.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaofeng knew that now was not the time to worry about this.

He suppressed his desire to complain and asked about the situation here.

"It's a long story..."

After driving the others to clean up the battlefield, the team leader, who was suspected to be a fan of Wang Xiaofeng, happily introduced to his idol what happened during the beast tide.

Subtracting the highlight moments that this fan of his own added to himself, Wang Xiaofeng quickly restored the story.

To put it simply, there were not many troops on the east wall, so after holding on for an hour, it could no longer hold up. But just when it was about to fall, a group of reinforcements appeared.

Not only did he help them defend the city wall, but he also fought back the beast tide.

But now, the unfamiliar reinforcements went to support the west.

"Thank you for the information." Wang Xiaofeng threw the gourd at his waist, and the gourd instantly grew larger and stood in front of him.

"By the way, I remember the person in charge here is Liu Qiang. Where are the others? Why haven't I seen him?"

"He died, Commander Liu."

"Where's Wu Yan?"

"Mr. Wu also died. I am currently in charge of handling the funeral affairs. The captain of the eighth team, Lie Junhou, reports to you."

"I remember that the captain of Team 8 is not you."

"The captain died. I was just promoted." Liejun Hou scratched his clumps of hair in embarrassment.


Wang Xiaofeng paused.

Then jump on the gourd and fly to the north.

At this moment, any words of comfort are very pale.

Sure enough, no matter how many times he experienced war, he could never get used to it.


Sorry, I haven’t updated for so long. Let me talk about the recent situation. Recently, an epidemic broke out in Hainan. I transformed into Dabai and went to fight against the epidemic. I got up early and stayed up late every day to work on nucleic acid. This chapter was pieced together bit by bit in my spare time. , please forgive me if you feel a little fragmented when watching it, haha

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