Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 509: Two or three things

Starting from Fenghua Town to Makino City, if you want to take the official road, you have to walk 80 kilometers.

Normally, ordinary people travel faster. They start when the sun is just brightening in the morning and arrive before the sun sets in the afternoon.

But now, the official roads are full of crazy beasts, which makes everyone move much slower.

In one morning, we barely covered one-fifth of the total distance.

Fortunately, there were no soul beasts in the group of wild beasts blocking the way. For the well-trained White Tiger Army, this was not even a trouble, and the loss was only a small amount of physical strength.

Wang Xiaofeng guessed that most of the spirit beasts around Fenghua Town had been killed by them in the beast wave the day before.

Of course, it is also possible that they were taken away by the forces behind the beast tide.

So much so that it is now difficult to find even a few soul beasts in the surrounding area.

The number of animals is easy to recover, but the number of soul beasts, which appear due to the blessing of heaven and earth, is not so easy to increase. Just like everyone can awaken the martial soul, but the soul masters who can practice it only account for a very small part of the human population.

After this beast wave, it may take decades or even hundreds of years for the number of surrounding spirit beasts to be difficult to return to the previous situation, especially the spirit beasts that have passed the thousand-year age threshold. These will take time to appear.

However, the surrounding area should be gradually getting richer.

After all, Fenghua Town is an important transportation hub, and it is also close to the national border.

After the number of soul beasts is greatly reduced, merchants can reduce the cost of hiring soul masters and purchase more goods. More merchants will attract many people looking for opportunities to settle here.

This place may become a commercial capital in the future.

The gentle breeze took away Wang Xiaofeng's scattered thoughts, and his relaxed thoughts allowed the mental energy consumed by the previous battle to steadily recover.

Thinking about it now, it was still a bit reckless at the time. Assisting hundreds of people at once, even for ordinary people, was too exhausting.

"Boy, I see you have been carrying this girl on your back all morning. Do you want to take a rest?" Xue Hu walked over carelessly and walked side by side with Wang Xiaofeng. The smell of blood still lingered on his body.

"I think it's good this way, without bothering General Xue." Wang Xiaofeng weighed the sleeping Nidia on his back and adjusted her position slightly to make her as comfortable as possible.

Nitya has been in a deep sleep since her last coma, but Wang Xiaofeng did not wake her up.

He could feel that some wonderful changes were taking place in Nidia's body, and this change was for the better.

Nidia's body temperature has dropped to 15 degrees, but her vitality is getting stronger.

Wang Xiaofeng skillfully took out a Qi-boosting pill from the soul guide and stuffed it into Nidia's mouth.

This is one of the many types of pills obtained from Dai Mubai. It replenishes qi and blood, and is also rich in nutrients.

When the body changes, nutrition is essential. The more adequate the supplement, the shorter the change time will be.

Xue Hu is also a wonderful man. Wang Xiaofeng is doing his own thing. He is also talking about how he used to show his great power, killing thousands of people in battle formations by one person. He doesn't care whether you listen or not.

Just when Xue Hu was getting excited, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly said: "General Xue, as far as I know, the higher the level of a soul master, the stronger the pressure he carries, and in the story you told, something happened Several times, you used sneak attacks to kill several Soul Emperors who were trapped by the White Tiger Army.

Isn't that right? I admit that the soldiers of the White Tiger Army are infinitely close to an ordinary second-level battle soul master in terms of fighting experience and physical fitness. But to say that these soul warriors who are not even soul masters can surround and kill the soul emperor, even if they use that magical military formation, I think it will be difficult to even get close. "

Xue Hu waved his hand: "Boy, you don't need to play with your little tricks in front of a big boss like me. If you have any questions, just ask them directly. You have the prince's token in your hand, and your rights are equivalent to that of a lieutenant. Since you are fighting in the battle formation If you are interested, then I will pick something you can listen to and talk about it.”

"The evil spirit is the surface, the soul power is the basis, and the fighting spirit is the core. This is the essence of the battle formation. With the help of the battle formation, our White Tiger Army can connect the individual soldiers into a whole and form a military evil. This has the same effect as the high-level It is possible for a high-level soul master to compete."

"This is what is called, the strength of one person is short, but the strength of many people combined in one place is long."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin thoughtfully.

The battle formation relied on the evil spirit of the army to condense a massive amount of willpower and spiritual power to form the evil spirit of the army.

Junsha uses the will of thousands of soldiers as fuel, and the power it explodes can withstand the pressure of soul power released by high-level soul masters. Even soul masters with weak mental strength may be suppressed.

It is uncomfortable to think about one person facing the oppression of the will of tens of thousands of troops.

Even Dean Flanders would probably suffer a significant decline in strength if he was burdened with such a heavy will.

And at this time, if a soul master takes the opportunity to attack and kill him, he may be in danger of falling.

Naturally, the Tiandou Empire also has military formations, and they are not bad. The number of high-level soul masters is even greater than that of the Star Luo Empire. However, whether it is the overall quality of the soldiers at the bottom or the number of low-level soul masters, they are all one step behind the Star Luo Empire. cut.

Therefore, even if there are more high-level soul masters in the Tiandou Empire, they will not easily sneak into the army and assassinate the generals of the Star Luo Empire.

Afraid of being mobbed.

Wang Xiaofeng suddenly realized that no wonder Xingluo had been suppressing Tiandou in the fight. It turned out that this relationship was involved. I am afraid that the statement that Xingluo's battle formation was number one in the mainland was probably made at that time.

However, despite such a crushing force in the army, Xingluo has never thought of annexing Tiandou.

Wang Xiaofeng's thoughts quickly diverged, and he quickly locked on a few key words: Poison Douluo, Wuhun Palace, and the Three Sects.

The three Shang Sects are undoubtedly the three largest warlords in Tiandou. Regardless of the internal strife in the past, they will definitely be united in the face of the outside Star Luo Empire.

Although Poison Douluo was jokingly called the weakest Titled Douluo, the day he achieved the title, he poisoned a small town effortlessly with a snap of his fingers.

Poison Douluo's poison is simply the nemesis to Xing Luo.

Coincidentally, on the same day, the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire signed an armistice agreement under the witness of Wuhun Palace.

As far as Wang Xiaofeng knows, after friction occurs between countries now, there is no longer a rush to assemble the army. The duel method has been changed from large-scale legion combat to small-scale small group combat.

It seems that the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition also appeared during that time...

Xue Hu is not a qualified narrator. He gets confused while talking, and even talks about unofficial history.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't care, and was thinking deeply all the way.

As long as you look carefully, you will know that Xue Hu cannot tell him anything confidential to a Tiandou person. It is all very empty stuff and superficial. But for Wang Xiaofeng, it was actually enough.

The military evil can be summed up as follows: fly bricks with great force, and defeat ten enemies with one force. But it's not without its shortcomings. Although some shortcomings have been made up for in the extraordinary world, it will take a lifetime

Military formations are only suitable for fortifications and large-scale battles.

Then there is the fear of extremely large-scale destructive soul skills, and also the cavalry regiment composed of soul masters, such as the black armored army of the brother-in-law, which can only be used as a target.


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