Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 510 Temple

The hazy sky was gray and black, showing heavy depression.

The clouds overlapped and merged with each other, spreading out streaks of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

The earth was hazy, and the ruin-like city was silent and lifeless in the darkness.

The walls in the city are broken, everything is withered, and blue-black corpses can be seen everywhere, like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The streets that used to be bustling with people are now desolate.

The sandy dirt road that used to be bustling with people is no longer noisy now.

Only blood and mud mixed with minced meat and dust were left, indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

The mutilated head, the empty pupils seemed to have a trace of resentment left, looking lonely at the mottled rocks in front of it.


The lightning pierced the darkness, slightly illuminating the land abandoned by the gods, revealing the incomplete characters on the stone.


..Xue Hu stood on the hillside, looking at the city shrouded in darkness in the distance, and the information he saw in the file could not help but come to his mind.

Makino City has a permanent population of 14,000 people. In addition to being an important pass area with merchants and mercenary escorts, the population is about 20,000.

Because it is one of the important transportation thoroughfares on the border, in addition to the city lord who has the strength of the Soul Emperor and the permanent troops, there is also a Soul Emperor, two Soul Kings and a thousand elite soldiers stationed in the city.

The outer city wall is made of black rock, and the surface is built with wall bricks made from the sand and soil next to the black rock mine.

The most famous battle of Makino Castle was a hundred years ago, when it was surrounded by 30,000 Heavenly Fighters and attacked the city day and night. The general who guarded the place at that time relied on a solid city wall with 3,000 troops to hold on. Twenty days.

But now, the former glory has become history.

A soldier came over and said: "General, there is news from the reconnaissance team that no trace of any soul beast has been found within ten miles."

Xue Hu withdrew his gaze, pondered for a moment and said: "Give me the order to rest where you are for an hour. In addition, send two more investigation teams out to expand the investigation range by 10 miles."


The soldiers who received the order walked past Wang Xiaofeng in a hurry.

"Little madman, hurry up and eat. After eating, help us guide the way. Your mission is over." Seeing Wang Xiaofeng coming, Xue Hu took out a piece of black dry food from the soul guide. The dry food that could be used as a weapon turned into crumbs under his sharp teeth.

"I won't have any more food. I'll treat you all to drinks when you return in triumph."

For some reason, I always have a bad feeling when I see the black clouds flashing with red thunder.

Wang Xiaofeng suppressed the discomfort in his heart, picked up the gourd at his waist and poured it into his hand. A strange red crystal suddenly appeared in his palm.

The red light within the crystal core disappeared so quickly that no one had time to react.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes narrowed, and his strong mental power immediately locked the surrounding space.

Xue Hu covered his eyes with spiritual power, and the world suddenly changed in his eyes.

In the black and white space, the red streamer became very obvious and flew straight towards Makino City.

Xue Hu touched it and seemed dissatisfied with the situation.

But when it was about to fly out of the black and white space, the red streamer suddenly split into a stream of light and flew to the right.

Xue Hu looked along the direction where the trace of blood disappeared, and a lonely mountain range suddenly came into view.

Xue Hu grinned silently. His intuition, which had saved his life countless times on the battlefield, told him that the target he was looking for was there.

"Got you!"

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the crystal that turned into fly ash in his hand and smacked his lips in distress.

That red stream of light, which he called blood energy, was completely different from soul power and was of great research value.

After spending a lot of effort these days, I have only collected three and a half. The first three are all used to guide the way, leaving only half of the gourd. I will save some for the next research.

Wang Xiaofeng helped Nidiya behind him and submitted his resignation to Xue Hu.

"I have fulfilled the contract. I have brought you the road, so I will not disturb you. The next battle is obviously not something that a little person like me can participate in."

Xue Hu was a little surprised: "I was just thinking about how to persuade a genius like you to go back. I didn't expect that you are quite self-aware. That's fine. I don't need to waste any more words."

Wang Xiaofeng sighed secretly. This guy was pretending to be honest again. Anyone with a discerning eye could see his thoughts.


If it weren't for the fact that the crystals that hold blood energy can only be stored in gourds to prevent them from leaking, he wouldn't have to follow him to such a dangerous place.

It's okay if Shou Cheng goes against others, but if he messes with them, he'll mess with them. But if you still come to dance in front of someone else's base camp, you think you have too many lives.

Dare to make trouble on a country's territory, it is impossible without two brushes, a little shrimp like him still has to survive.

"Let's go, let's go." Xue Hu chased the two away impatiently, as if swatting away flies. "Brother Zhou Guogong's granddaughter, please take care of it for me, otherwise you will be spoiled for choice."

"There is no need for you to remind me." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand back, and their figures gradually disappeared into the crowd.

..The mountains not far from Makino Castle look unremarkable from the outside. They are just the same mountains that can be seen everywhere, but they are bare and treeless.

No one could have imagined that the underground of this huge mountain range had been completely hollowed out. The space underneath was dozens of meters high, supported by towering pillars of exquisite workmanship.

Countless fluorescent stones the size of washbasins are inlaid on the ceiling of the hall, like a real sky.

It took countless manpower and material resources to build the space below, but there is only a dilapidated temple inside.

I don’t know when this temple was built, but it is a standard temple.

Cong Temple, that is, a temple built in the wild, mostly worships gods of unknown origin. However, in Douluo Continent, even if most people believe in gods, they also believe in the angel gods enshrined in Wuhun Temple. Many wild gods are competing for their beliefs. It was destroyed by Wuhun Palace in the war and became history.

The wind passed through the air holes and echoed in the huge space, and it seemed that human voices were coming out.

It's like people singing and chanting mantras.

With a mournful tone.

Creaking... The old wooden door was gently pushed open, and the fairy-like and dreamy tone suddenly stopped.

Countless blood-red eyes opened in the darkness, and the monster was awakened.

Countless strange birds flapped their wings and emerged from the rock wall, and a black curtain covered the "starry sky".

Rats, bugs, wolves...all the creatures that can be seen on land appear here, with crimson eyes revealing madness.

A cold voice came from the darkness behind the door that even light could not penetrate, and all the noise was silent at this moment.

"He found me."


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