Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 512: The Ultimate Spear Intention, the God-Killing Blow


Spears and claws intersect.

In the huge explosion sound like a collapse of the sky, the endless impact turned into ripples that spread wildly around the two people. From a distance, it looked like a huge mushroom cloud was rising in the sky!

The surrounding space was very fragile due to the black mist, and the aftermath of the confrontation between the two easily tore the space apart.

In the space around the two people, dense cracks spread out, stretching for hundreds of meters.

Clang, Clang, Clang~~~

The space is shattered like a mirror.

In the huge wave of the void collapsing and shattering, one black and one gold started a life-and-death fight in an instant.

There were hundreds of collisions every moment, and the scattered sparks flew out in all directions like meteors.

High in the sky, the rolling waves came one after another. The two fought for only a moment, but the space above the sky was almost reduced to chaos, and even the space's self-healing speed could not be repaired.

clank! !

After countless collisions, the Blood God jumped back, turned into a black light, avoided the golden spear, and stood in the sky.


A mouthful of blood as black as ink spat out, and there was a large hole that was transparent from front to back on his chest, with wisps of golden light constantly eroding the wound.

With such a serious injury, he did not panic at all. Instead, he observed his own wounds with great interest: "It's interesting that this world can give birth to a mortal like you who has the power of a gun and a god. However, the abilities of mortals also have their limits. Humans and gods The gap between them is even more difficult to overcome.”

He saw blood-like black mist coming from all directions like long dragons. The massive black mist enveloped his body. After a while, there were waves of trembling sounds in his body. When the black mist dissipated, His injuries were completely healed.

And his aura almost doubled after absorbing the black mist.

The black mist turned into bat wings as black as ink, setting off a frenzy of thousands of miles, and the endless resentment turned into a hurricane that blew violently.

"Have you seen it? This is the power of God's residence."

The Blood God took a deep breath and said condescendingly: "After you die, I will taste your soul."

The Blood God uttered endless words of coldness word by word, and the ferocious bat wings behind him flapped, causing an even more violent explosion.

Zhou Huaian stood in the sky, his expression as cold as stone, his red tassel dyed golden by the gunfire dancing wildly in the wind.

The Blood God's aura was far more powerful than him. He could be said to be the strongest person (god) he had ever seen in his life, but he did not show any emotion at all.

Most of this blood god's strength is blessed by the weird mist. He has no power, but he can't use it to full effect. How could he take such a silver gun and candle head seriously.

Zhou Huaian held the spear tightly, and his second, fifth, and sixth soul rings shone in sequence.

The blood god's body turned into a black light, and with the blessing of bat wings, he almost teleported and appeared in front of Zhou Huai'an. The sharp claws that did not look like humans tore everything in front of him into pieces.

"This is interesting!"

The spear amplified by the soul skill instantly emitted endless golden light, and sharp spear intent pierced the black mist.

Facing the angry blow of the Blood God, Zhou Huaian did not flinch at all, and the spear in his hand suddenly thrust out.

The moment the spear pierced out, all the endless golden light was restrained. The spear that was like a divine weapon just now was now like a wooden stick with an iron spearhead, very ordinary.

But just such an ordinary shot made the Blood God's face change color.

At that moment, the Blood God felt that this bloated demonic energy was so difficult to control.

Even though he saw through the secret of this shot, he couldn't resist it.


In the long-lasting chorus, the Blood God's arms flew far away under the tremendous power, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The Blood God spurted out blood. Only a trace of flesh and blood remained between his head and body, and his neck completely disappeared.

Zhou Huaian only fired three shots, but the Blood God did not block any of these three shots.

The spear intent condensed to the extreme cannot be resisted by the superficial scale armor.

But the Blood God smiled.

Endless black mist surged from all around again, wiping away the gun spirit and restoring his physical body.

"It's useless, I'm immortal."

The broken body was visibly restored to its original shape. No, not only that, it was stronger and more ferocious than before.

The crippled breastplate became more ferocious, and both arms were attached with shining black scales, which was completely different from before.

Not only will he not die, every time he recovers from an injury, he will be stronger than before. This is the power of a god.

And how many times can such an extreme attack be wielded by the insignificant mortal in front of him.

Mortal bodies have limits, and the growth of soul rings also has limits.

Zhou Huaian grinned, not caring about the three dimmed soul rings on his body: "Nothing is immortal. I have seen through your truth."

"You can't stop the next shot!"

The seventh soul ring shines, and the true form of the martial soul emerges.

The 1000% attack amplification turned the gun in his hand into light.

It's still the same shot.

It's still the gun spirit compressed to the extreme.

However, this shot greatly exceeded the Blood God's expectations.

Only by facing this spear can you feel Zhou Huaian's unparalleled skills in the art of shooting!

All will and belief were compressed into this shot.

The bat wings were torn, the sharp claws were split into two, the three layers of Gang Qi surrounding the body were pierced, and the indestructible Vajra body constructed of scales was broken at the same time!


The extremely intense crisis turned the Blood God's eyes red in an instant, and any luck he had had was completely gone.

'I can't catch this shot...'

Before the thought could pass through his mind, complete darkness descended.


It was as if the membrane had been penetrated, the blood god was extremely horrified, and there were no thoughts left in his eyes and heart.

It was just one shot, and it had already penetrated everything, the touch of true spirit hidden in His eyebrows, skull and statue.


Falling heavily onto the sand, Zhou Huaian couldn't help but kneel down on one knee, spurting out a mouthful of blood, staining the charred ground red.


The sound of explosions as fine as fried beans came from all over the body, which was the groan of the muscles and bones in the whole body being overwhelmed.

He drove the secret technique and used all his soul skills to the extreme, and then he could barely keep up with the Blood God's actions.

The last move pushed both body and soul to the limit.

"It's a pity that I wasted so much effort and got nothing in the end." The blood god in the sky turned into fly ash and dissipated between the sky and the earth. There was a trace of disappointment in Zhou Huaian's eyes, but more of a sense of relief.

"It's great! The last time I played so well was more than ten years ago." He took out a bottle of wine from the soul guide and drank half of the bottle in one gulp.

With the fall of the Blood God, the strange black mist around him began to slowly dissipate.

A frightening roar of a tiger could be heard from the distant peaks.

The golden light covered the mountains and accelerated the dissipation of the fog.

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