Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 513 Farewell

The dark forest seemed to swallow up the remaining sunlight, and walking in it even thought it was night.

And when a black fog enveloped them, the forest they just walked through became dangerous.

"This fog is not formed normally." Wang Xiaofeng lifted up the slightly slipped mask, took out a strange-shaped container, and poured the gourd filled with fog into the container.

He has repeated this action a dozen times.

Although he can make the gourd bigger and suck in all the surrounding black mist to clean up these weird things.

But his intuition sounded an alarm. If he did this, there would be dangers that he could not cope with in the next second, so he took it very seriously.

He discovered that the black mist might be some kind of special product, so without disturbing the black mist, he used a gourd to absorb it bit by bit, preparing to take it back for research.

The cramped environment was unsettling. Wang Xiaofeng put away the samples and walked forward cautiously, with only his lonely footsteps in his ears.

As he walked, he thought about his situation and the information he could summarize so far.

He went back along the way he came, but a sudden black mist shrouded the forest.

He has been hanging around here for about an hour.

These fogs are very weird. Even if you use the fourth soul ring to enhance your eyesight, you can only see objects ten meters away at most. The farther away you are, the harder it is to see clearly.

According to the distance he walked, he had already passed through this small forest and reached a high slope, but the road had always been gentle.

So now there are only two possibilities.

First, his five senses were suppressed and affected by the black mist, causing him to keep spinning in circles.

Second, the area shrouded in black mist has turned into a unique space, and he and Nidia have been trapped in a different space.

Or maybe both?

A gust of wind blew, and the branches and leaves rustled. Faintly, Wang Xiaofeng heard a weeping whisper in the black mist:

"Son, son"

Wang Xiaofeng looked around cautiously. Even if he used soul skills, his perception was severely suppressed, which forced him to be careful.

A familiar person walked out of the black fog, making him stunned.

"Son, don't you recognize me?"

The man's hair was a little messy, his face was handsome and handsome, and his deep eyes were full of vicissitudes and gentleness.

His tone was so gentle, with the touch of reunion after a long separation.

Wang Xiaofeng never thought that he would be able to meet this man in this way, and it seemed like he was back to the time a month ago.

At that time, he was still happily standing in the yard, using his mother's majesty to direct the men to repair the fence.

The young man had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was so moved that he raised his fist and blew the man's head open.

There was a bang, and his head exploded like a watermelon, but no blood burst out.

Only bright red worms jumped out, squirming and jumping on the ground.


Wang Xiaofeng waved his hands in disgust when he saw this scene.

What the hell is this!

Wang Xiaofeng resisted the urge to wash his hands and peel off the skin, and rushed forward again, carrying the wooden stick he picked up casually, and opened and closed it.

He Li, who walked out of the black mist, and the baby in her arms had their heads blown off one after another. Countless bright red worms jumped out, which was extremely horrifying.

The reunion of relatives was simply an illusion. Something was reading his memory and was embodied by the black mist.

After Wang Xiaofeng defeated these monsters, the originally peaceful black mist suddenly became riotous.

Whether it was a wolf or a giant snake, all kinds of spirit beasts jumped out of the black mist and attacked Wang Xiaofeng.

"The bloodthirsty tiger, the human-faced demon spider, the cock-combed phoenix-tailed snake, and even the titan ape are there. Fortunately, they are not real."

Wang Xiaofeng enlarged the gourd around his waist to protect Nidiya behind him, then stepped on Shunpo, dodged within a few inches, and then punched the soul beast in front of him to explode.

The good news is that these monsters created by the black mist are all superficial. In addition to being unable to use innate soul skills, their attack power and speed are only equivalent to ordinary soul beasts that are more than a hundred years old.

The bad news is that he only now realized that the black mist not only suppressed his five senses, but also reduced the content of the surrounding spiritual energy to an extremely low level. That thin spiritual energy could not allow the body to condense more soul power.

It is equivalent to having an empty Lamborghini engine, but using gasoline filled with 90% water, and it cannot run at all.

If this continues, the soul power in his body can last for ten minutes at most, and he will run away with Nitya.

Unless it was a last resort, Wang Xiaofeng still wanted to hold on as long as possible. Apart from the excessive consumption of soul power, holding on in place didn't have many problems.

And once the escape begins, a major problem becomes apparent.

His perception was too low, and there were too many enemies, so some attacks might not be able to be avoided, so he couldn't guarantee Nidia's safety.

The gourd vines that suddenly sprang out from the ground promptly tied up several fog beasts that wanted to attack from the left.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't even look at it. He kicked the stone at his feet with a single kick. The stone as big as his head instantly split into dozens of pieces under the huge force. Like a shotgun, he shot directly through several heads of fog. The body of the beast.

The fog beast disappeared like smoke, and the threat on the left was neutralized before it could appear.

"The damn black mist, if you can upgrade it to another level and gain new abilities, you won't be so passive, right? This mist doesn't seem to be as thick as before."

This didn't seem to be an illusion. At this time, Wang Xiaofeng could already see the trees 20 meters away, and the speed of the black mist transforming into fog beasts had slowed down.

After a while, Wang Xiaofeng lowered his fist in confusion, and he actually finished the killing.

Although there is still thick black fog 50 meters away, the surrounding light fog no longer generates fog beasts.

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a while, maybe the monster controlling the black fog couldn't take him down in a short time, so he left.

Or General Xue Hu solved the problem of controlling the beast tide.

Anyway, things are going in a good direction now.

"Hey, that kid over there has been carrying it for so long. Why don't you put Wenxiu down for me quickly?"

I didn't notice when this person appeared!

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the man walking out of the black mist behind him in surprise. He was about forty or fifty years old, with some white hair on his temples. He was dressed in simple Chinese clothes that were low-key and elegant, but a little tattered and stained with blood. He seemed to have just been Had a battle.

"Okay, I take back my previous thoughts. This is obviously a different person." Wang Xiaofeng sighed, gathered his soul power and rushed forward.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I thought it was a monster mimicked by the mist."

Wang Xiaofeng had a pig-headed face and kept bending down to apologize.

Zhou Huai'an touched his swollen face and cursed in his heart that this kid was so cruel, but he was also a little surprised that such a level has such strong physical strength. If he can continue to grow, when he breaks through to the title Douluo, It is not impossible to catch the Clear Sky Hammer empty-handed.

Wait, didn't I come here to let Wenxiu break off the relationship with this guy? Why did he suddenly agree with this guy?

Zhou Huaian coughed lightly and waved his hand: "You brat, the beast tide issue has been resolved. Don't you want to go home? Go back quickly. By the way, don't come looking for Wenxiu in the future."

Hearing that the beast tide had been resolved, Wang Xiaofeng straightened up happily and smiled, but the last sentence made him freeze in place.

"What do you mean by your last sentence?"

"It means I don't agree with you two."

Zhou Huaian's expression changed, and the pressure of being a titled Douluo continued to weigh heavily on Wang Xiaofeng.

Huge pressure came down overwhelmingly. No, not only the body, but also the spirit was under tremendous pressure. Wang Xiaofeng felt that every part of his body was being squeezed from space, and his legs could not help but tremble.

"I don't care about you kidnapping my granddaughter. After all, young people like to do ridiculous things when their heads are hot. I understand that."

"But it has only been three months since you came to Xingdou. Look where you took Wenxiu to. Don't you know how dangerous those places are? But you still joined in without hesitation!"

"It doesn't matter how much you want to waste your own life, but why did you bring Wenxiu with you! That ancient site in the Southwest Military Region had six soul saints in it before you entered. Don't tell me that you don't know! And this time Beast Tide, you actually broke in on your own initiative."

"Perhaps to the second prince, you are a good brother who can be relied upon with confidence. To the thousands of civilians you saved, you are a hero."

"But for me, you don't deserve the confidence that I can leave my granddaughter to you."

The heavy words penetrated Wang Xiaofeng's heart like sharp thorns, and he could no longer bear the momentum from the titled Douluo. His face turned pale and he knelt on the ground on one knee.

Zhou Huaian walked up to Wang Xiaofeng with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "You are only 16 years old this year. You have such cultivation at the age of 16. Even for me, I have to admit that I am far inferior to you at this age.

You will meet better people and more beautiful scenery in the future. What you call love now is just the self-impression of young people. "

The pressure on his body suddenly disappeared, and Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but fell to the ground, gasping for air.

"Let's go, don't show up in front of Wenxiu, otherwise, I'm afraid I will kill you for Wenxiu's sake."

The astonishing killing intent almost froze the surrounding space, which let Wang Xiaofeng know that the person in front of him was not joking, and he might really take action.

It was the first time in his two lives that he met his parents. He didn't expect to be denied by the other parent so directly. This made him a little confused and painful, especially since he did not protect Nitya well and left her in a coma. He There's no way to refute it.

I do seem to be a bit bad.

Thinking that the only relationship in his more than thirty years of life had ended, Wang Xiaofeng felt so painful that he could hardly breathe. The dual physical and mental torture, and the fatigue accumulated in the past few months, suddenly pushed him to the limit.

But he still steeled himself and stood up tremblingly.

A man should behave like a man.

"I, understand." Wang Xiaofeng gasped, leaning against the big tree to maintain his standing position, and said intermittently: "I will leave, but I hope you can give this to her. This is originally mine. I wanted to give her a birthday gift, but it seems I have no chance now, so I’ll just treat it as my last gift as a friend.”

Wang Xiaofeng placed an exquisite gift box on the ground, and then took a deep look at Nidia, who still looked very beautiful even after being in a coma for several days.

Like a sleeping princess waiting for the prince to wake up.

Maybe I really am not a prince riding a white horse. Wang Xiaofeng smiled mockingly and used his soul power to support himself and leave.

The limping figure disappeared into the thin to almost dissipating fog.

"You still have some backbone." Zhou Huai'an snorted coldly. He raised his hand and slapped Nidia. Nidia snorted, lowered her head and spat out a mouthful of blood. The slender worm twisted in the blood, and then He was reduced to ashes by the will of a gun.

Nidia moved her body and slowly opened her eyes.

"Grandpa, why are you here?" Nidia shook her head in a daze, and then her expression changed.

"Stop looking for it, I've told that kid to get lost." Zhou Huaian patted Nidia's shoulder and used some soul power. The warm soul power made her feel better.

"After being out for so long, your grandma is so anxious that she can't sleep well. She keeps nagging your name all day and night. It's so noisy that my head hurts."

Nidia bit her lip. She knew that she could not change her grandfather's will. She would try to find a way to escape later.

"When Xiao Fengzi left, did he leave any words behind?"

"There's nothing, let's go home quickly." Even though he said that, Zhou Huaian couldn't help but glance aside.

Then this little move was caught by Nidia, and her sharp eyes spotted the gift box lying on the ground not far away, and she quickly walked over and put it into the soul guide.

"Now that you've found me, I won't say anything." Zhou Huaian sighed, obscuring the soul bomb that was about to be launched in his hands behind his back, "However, I still have to say, that kid is not a good person. match."

"Yes, yes, he is a bad guy who specializes in deceiving beautiful girls." Nitya replied perfunctorily.

Zhou Huaian couldn't hear the perfunctory tone in his tone, but he couldn't say anything. The person he talked to like this last time had been forced by him to stop talking to each other for the rest of his life. He didn't want to make such a mistake again.

You have to keep a closer eye on her in the future. No, I can't keep an eye on her all the time. Wait, let her go to the family trial. With Wenxiu's talent, it will definitely be the highest level of difficulty. She will definitely not be able to get out within three years. .

Wonderful, I am so smart.

Zhou Huaian proudly touched his beard, which was not thick.

"Bad Xiaofeng, bad Xiaofeng, thank you for remembering that tomorrow is my birthday. I won't punish you the next time we meet."

Nitya was a little happy thinking about what the gift in the gift box was, not knowing that her future had been clearly arranged.

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