Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 515: Wandering thousands of miles away, Deng Ran’s family is here

This beast wave disaster caused by unknown forces was finally suppressed in time with the cooperation of the Star Luo Empire's Duke Zhou Huai'an and the soldiers.

Those who violate the empire will be punished no matter how far away they are.

As soon as the notice with the royal seal came out, cities close to the border naturally cheered, and controls in all aspects were lifted one by one.

Businessmen appeared on the empty roads, and busy farmers appeared on the weed-covered farmland again. Everything was developing in a good direction.

People walking out of their homes felt the long-lost smell of fireworks, with happy smiles on their faces.

Along with the announcement comes Imperial Missions.

The empire released a batch of tasks in the Spirit Halls in various cities.

The content of the mission is to deal with the remaining infected soul beasts in the border, and to burn and bury the corpses of the soul beasts. The reward is said to be very generous.

Just one day after the mission was issued, the number of soul masters entering Xingluo territory increased by 200% the next day.

I believe that in the near future, civilians who were forced to leave their homes to avoid animal disasters will be able to go back soon. Of course, it is not clear whether their homes will still exist after they return.

Zhou Huaian and Xue Hu were rewarded by Emperor Xingluo for their meritorious service in the suppression. However, Xue Hu had a straightforward temper and asked the emperor directly in the main hall if he could have his rewards distributed among all the soldiers.

Fortunately, this is not the first time he has done such a stupid thing. Today's Emperor Xingluo is also a relatively easy-to-talk person. Not only did he agree to his unreasonable request on the spot, but he also made the decision. On this basis, he increased the rewards allocated to the soldiers. A grade.

Each soldier can receive ten more gold soul coins.

The ministers in the main hall shouted in unison that the emperor was wise.

The soldiers were rewarded, the ministers were flattered, the emperor was happy, and the ending that satisfied everyone was achieved at this moment, which is really gratifying and gratifying.

"So this is the reason why you came back early?" Zhu Zhuqing put down the book in his hand, with a hint of helplessness in his cold eyes.

Emperor Xingluo rarely summoned all his ministers for a commendation.

Logically speaking, Dai Mubai should take this opportunity to get to know as many neutral ministers as possible. Not to mention wooing them, he should at least leave a good impression. After all, these might be his ministers in the future.

As a result, this guy came back right after finishing.

Dai Mubai leaned on the chair and sighed heavily: "I don't like that kind of environment. Didn't you see that those ministers were arguing so hard in the hall over the small amount of relief funds? It was so ugly."

"How much materials and money were spent on the war against Tiandou twenty years ago. However, due to the intervention of Wuhundian, the success fell short. The overdrawn economy has not recovered yet. There was also the emergence of Toungoo Province in the east twelve years ago A once-in-a-century drought occurred four years ago.”

Dai Mubai covered his head and quickly begged for mercy: "Okay, stop reading, stop reading. I already know the current financial situation of the empire."

After saying that, he sighed again, "I'm thinking, maybe Xiaofeng is right. I'm only suitable to be a prodigal who waits for death or a general who charges into battle. The position above tens of millions of people is not suitable for me."

"Oh, it would be nice if we didn't have this bullshit tradition. Davis is working hard on the outside, and I'm just messing around in the background waiting to die." As he spoke, Dai Mubai's confused eyes suddenly lit up.

..."Put away your idiotic idea." Zhu Zhuqing cast his gaze on the flying butterflies outside the window and said calmly: "The premise of daydreaming is to first defeat Davis and Zhu Zhuyun at next year's coming-of-age ceremony."

"Now, we are just cats kept in captivity at home."

The autumn rain comes quickly and urgently.

When Zhou Huaian returned to Zhou Mansion in a carriage, the raindrops had already formed a rain curtain and splashed on the glazed tiles in accordance with the wind.

The rainwater gathered into water flow, flowing down along the dark red spire and black exterior walls that were mottled and convex due to the erosion of time, and presented a shiny black oil-like texture in the increasingly dim skylight.

But the thick exterior wall of the mansion not only isolates the sound of wind and rain outside, but also isolates the cold breath that comes with the autumn rain.

In the lobby, candlelight illuminated all corners, and coupled with the blazing stoves and braziers everywhere, the entire mansion was filled with light and warmth.

Zhou Huaian did not stop in the lobby and walked straight to his study.

As soon as he sat down, before he could take a sip of the steaming ginger tea that the servant had just brought, a little old man pushed the door open and barged in, shouting: "Zhou Huaian, Wenxiu locked herself in the room as soon as she came back. She hasn’t eaten for a day. Tell her, did you make her angry again?”

Seeing his father's appearance of coming to accuse him, Zhou Huaian felt like he was surrounded by thousands of bees, making his head buzz.

He could only hold his forehead and say helplessly: "I just came back, can you let me drink some water first?"

The little old man jumped on the chair next to him and stared at him: "Okay, let me see how you can quibble."

Zhou Huaian drank the tea in one gulp, and then said calmly: "She blamed me for separating her from that brat, so she hasn't spoken to me since she came back, and she's still having trouble with her now."

The little old man shook his head and thought for a while, and then he remembered who he was talking about, and said doubtfully: "Why, I have seen her little boyfriend too. There is no need to be picky about his strength and character. There is no problem at all in getting married. "

"No, I don't agree even if it's a marriage. That boy is just a troublemaker. He is indeed affectionate, righteous and capable, but he is not someone worth trusting."

"It's a pity. I'm quite optimistic about that guy." The little old man rolled his eyes, "What are you going to do about Wenxiu? Let's agree first. I won't be your lobbyist."

Zhou Huai'an curled his lips, the little girl has such a bad character because she was spoiled by you.

Zhou Huai said confidently: "Wenxiu's level has improved very quickly recently. When she breaks through to level 50 and obtains the fifth soul ring, I will take her to the ancestral temple. Young people's love comes and goes quickly. Hurry. After two or three years, Wenxiu won't even be able to remember what that kid looks like."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

灏忚丸ご涓澶╋纪鐔彔笛愬樊散gui癙鍑獵攛气滃凡缁?9绾y暒甛绻umber涔柚揩锛彽UM涔壣ancunxianchain夌涔涔唔 hook Adze霃鳳界湅鍒版垜综合ㄥ多紴闂ㄥ卙獙屽皝鍙鍙獙猴銆?\\/p\u003e

涓嶈屼鬉笛狋纴鏂囩敐庝箞鑳 borrow an umbrella 镙风碂髫嬭嚜henbian 殑鈬欬欭嬜henbian殑鈬欬鬉锛屾垞鐜板湪恏closure 铡ㄦ姧钖╁拹Key丸懆锛山妸娹犻偅涓澶цˉ姹ょ粰飣栬揉ャ嗗?\\/p\u003e…珏忚丸ご涓戈silida矟涓戈 returned to the 娨庣伐鐏鄄勮窇鍑he 浼蚚?\\/p\u003e

阃緷harass 鹇鄄勮繛 forge ㄦ樊瀹夐兘鎷︿just attached忥纴鍉ュ缑鍙卑卑彸彸gall嬶纴锽冨杻阆掳玬终偅澶цˉ姹や笉鄄缁欐果Is this the case?\\/p\u003e



骞歌獍鄄嬧槸锛寃鏄锲犱negative鍏界伨镄嫫叧绯紴獩娷娷chain変笉灏戜汉鎷栧淺Fu鍙g鯲紑浜嗛晣棴 effect 焄屽 Send锔涓浜涙埧瀛愮┖浜嗗嚭ワ纴鍙捙浠ュ畨烃杩掎簺谹皯銆?\\/p\u003e


涓嶈协鏌粬镄勶纴姣悿傜椋熛鈌椋熺洂chen杩掎簺簏灁姣懇澶x殑缂 coax 彛銆?\\/p\u003e

骞 insects椂杩掎簺涓滆タ閮秸杩囧线鄄勮屽曃乜愯緭Key屾潵銆?\\/p\u003e

噙幇鍦ㄥ嵆鏉厎湁涓涓や釜涶嶆枞搔鏏 drama 殑鏉ュ仛涔板齽锛屼篃鍙鏄鏉姘隘撖锛岄毦浠ユARCzan 蒩综合啙峰Read and mourn What's wrong?\\/p\u003e

鍏麺焄forgeㄨactually 骞多鬉缂 coax 皯椋翺唛屼絵鏄鍦ㄨumbrella read 珓瀛桡袆锷1忿锛屼鬉鏄璀﹁壴洴鎷夋ARC 雱彽NH鄄鴴樻枟锷涘緢寮heng?\\/p\u003e

The key is the key to the success of the project.\\/p\u003e

The taboos are removed, the slips are made, the boundary is Ning, and the taboos are removed.


钖勭苅西搩μ竴涓嫔瓙鎽嗗湪妗嬂欐搐ラ涶Naoe喅锛屽煄Read 怮殑浜眜眹屽叏涶嶅燂纴退 Return to Qiong鍩庡焄涓毲ごalkaline powder娌★耀娉曪纴鍙鑳糯經娄娄综合枞枎揄庛?\\/p\u003e

曞惎鏄庺鑴鑴氭妸鐜嫔ぇ鐗涜涪缁欎 Jian浠栥?\\/p\u003e

杝eソ鐜嫔ぇ鐗涘湪瀹 fall 棽锞锞纰锛屼簬鏄渚擟搴洿煄氄涓氲夫浠栬В鍐draw ramming绱銆?\\/p\u003e


阒charge厜鍒氩垰鍒卒第爞殚锛倀澶xtanchen stubble粡椤湪浜嗗煄闂ㄥ彛锛倀湅鈌韬鍓嶏UA镡欐揀揀桢梆浜Hung Slip Adze Lian Qiong锷涘哜溴庺枡枆枓曛堃鈬下注夭鈏戠幇鍦ㄥFuhuan犱 slippery 涓鍦嬬纴Huanhuanhuanjia slippery defect佽ょ湡灁板湪寮ㄩ噷锛屽四灉锲犱negative鐜板\\/p\u003e

钑村戈戈 effect姏镄勫0K wide pet intercourse鄄揶殑鐩栦綇浜嗇鏉邜殑鐜澧娨拰浜ゆ祦0锛屾竻妤氱殑浼抲埌浜昘涓戜Monkey Keyworm湹月屻?\\/p\u003e

钬滃ぇ瀹 Chop Chua璺纺潃鎴 play纴鍒玺夈魄浼朚悗戈帇澶xtan悂楂懠氓澹溹溴宁︾潃浼椾Han珏卞线鍩庡栬 Egg铡综合?\\/p \u003e

涓嶆槸鍙chain帹雹婕灃狠钘鍗婹四岄晣榍礄酄澶栬 actually 镄勩蠗杩縸纴鍏麄綄涔熼殣钘忥機涓嶅皯镄啫嵄闄╃殑鍦版nan adze屾語鞞村洜涓 coax 簲疂Key屾诲湪昆楥anti-read 勋袆浜欉鍦ㄥ皯鏁like?\\/p\u003e…铓浠ョ帇澶x Tan鏏域槸宁︾潃浼椾Han Hao \\/p\u003e

Forge珘Hydrogen laser drilling

湇欑屼Jian Juanchan╋纴鐜嫔ぇ鐗涘Fu锌鏀鏏杩樼畻涓嶉投敄勪紬洜洖鍒板鄄Read屻?\\/p\u003e

鍩庝富宸粡娲码汉铡画绻鐞垢昆撹缮 chain夊悂楂榰浼掓秷玭甛屽湪姝やguiGURA秧纴杩欙玘镞╁嚭酅Argon娲淲缮玸玺人暓娈pad椂邂quenching?\\/p\u003e

锬滃綋鍒濅negative浠涔堜 fine鑴戣嬴鐑鎶婅 umbrella涓箸ヤ綔玺ヤ笅鏉ュ憿锛熲濆仛浜嫔彧chain変笁鍒咙儹搴︾殑鐜嫔ぇ鐗涙综合娣刮殑獙游 Jane鍙f皵锛屾墌鐣ユ樉鐤Cha俪鄄勮Han Tao锛岃 egg閖戣楥死 chain Hao


鐜嫔ぇ鐗涙涶浜嗘弶鐪shoulder锛屽啀娆c湜钖戦偅涔椤湪鄄 1瓙澶涟涜涜涜笇韬囷袆韬褰事?\\/p\u003e


鐜嫔皬椋庢湁浜涘press 描鄄勶仄思蜾釜鎷浂图锵 Cutpol婭紒钬?\\/p\u003e

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钬滃洖鏉ュNH濂 elder sister Xiaogu Jian锛尭鋷涔徟patient Nao侊苟涓婃c浵瀹 fall 噷鄄勩苋洮戝ㄆ觻姗?\\/p\u003e

钬滃晩銆捗囈渇珏偏叱鴾椤涓涓嬶纴钬滃ス锲炲Duo Jian銆南?\\/p\u003e


鐜嫔ぇ鐗涜佹啕鐜嬩 simply锛屼第鎷新 simply鎷緈嚜宸卞 effect ying愮殑 inlay ╄唨锛倀动瀛╂ faint人粡铡噙埍鎯咃袆鎸掶桡纴gallium 鎴愰尼The trickling rainbow drives the beach away?\\/p\u003e


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杩欑珷鏄鏄熸枇枓宁濡囷墆锐捤粨狔纴杩掎竴髞村彂鐢綶 simply 寰博 Hydrogen 簨鎯咃纴瀵 Send 鞔锟斤拷把寰博樊甛屽行紴鐩搩搩戶涔︾殑涔﹀常浠鴴谉鍒板緢玶bian瓑鏏综合灎韬锛夈?\\/p\u003e


Pingqiangge Umbrella

绁濆ぇ瀹瀹Han Huan揿仴洴洴纴2023涓囦簨椤 coax 埄銆?\\/p\u003e

锽槧2枟碟玟箣棠桠麺﹁峰ぇ瀹湹锹钘忥?)鏂楃祥涔嬭濭鑺︽渶镞╁皬璇anc濿鏂综合緷狠 chain鹇銆?\\/p\u003e

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