Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 516 News from afar

After knowing that the beast tide was man-made, Wang Xiaofeng knew that Soul Town City would most likely not be attacked by the beast tide.

This is a place where birds don't poop. Come here to drink the northwest wind.

After he came back and talked with Wang Daniu, he found out that it was beyond his expectation. Not only was Zhenhun City not affected by the beast disaster, it also received many fleeing civilians.

Sure enough, the so-called largest desert in the Star Luo Empire is still not enough when faced with the choice of life and death.

After returning home, Wang Xiaofeng's tense spirit finally began to relax.

Tian Tian is free at home, and his life is quite peaceful.

Every day I don’t dig holes with a hoe for some durable tree species around me.

Just use wood to make some handy tools and toys.

Or just walking with his little brother... It seems that after he manually gave him a semi-automatic training plug-in, his development at this stage is faster than that of a normal baby.

The walker was running wildly on the road, and Wang Beibei was like a demon king, driving chickens and dogs, causing a lot of trouble along the way. Wang Xiaofeng followed slowly behind, and the smoke and dust thrown up by the little guy were separated by his soul power.

On the way, people greeted him from time to time, and even grandparents brought him food.

Ever since it was known that he was Wang Daniu's son, this situation would happen every time he went out.

Every time, I would accept their thoughts with a smile, and then use my soul power to help them sort out some bad places in their bodies when their bodies were inadvertently touching.

Reciprocity is a courtesy.

After the little devil vented his energy, he quickly fell asleep.

Wang Xiaofeng took him out of the walker, put him in the stroller, and slowly pushed him home.

During the time when Wang Xiaofeng left home, Wang Daniu expanded the yard, and the extra space was filled with various types of flowers and plants.

Of course, the flowering period of most flowers and plants in October has passed, and now only green stems and leaves can be seen at a glance.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, He Li bent over and raised her head in the flower garden, "Hey, the little bastard finally fell asleep. It seems that he has to go out and walk around twice every day, otherwise the noise at night will give people a headache."

After waiting for a while, she found that no one responded to her. When she raised her head, she found that Wang Xiaofeng was already lying on the couch in the vegetable garden, his eyes closed tightly, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

He Li sighed inwardly, feeling a little worried.

Ever since her son came home, he had been basking in the sun and sleeping every day. If He Qiming hadn't said that he was in good health, she would have suspected that he was sick.

Could it be a heart disease caused by a broken love?

But I have only seen that falling out of love can make people feel painful, numb, and cry sadly. I have never heard that falling out of love can make people like to sleep in the sun.

It's really puzzling.

Wang Xiaofeng enjoys this kind of life.

Being able to practice while basking in the sun does not affect the consciousness's ability to enter the sea of ​​consciousness space and speed up learning.

Wang Xiaofeng felt that he was going further and further away from being a human being.

He thought that such a leisurely time would last until he broke through to level 50, but he didn't expect...

It was a nice day in early November and the sun was shining brightly.

As usual, Wang Xiaofeng took his younger brother, who no longer needed a walker, for a walk.

When he took the little devil home who was exhausted and sleeping, he found two strangers sitting in the pavilion next to the vegetable garden, but they were exuding familiar soul power fluctuations.

"Mubai, Zhuqing?" Wang Xiaofeng was stunned for a moment, then handed his younger brother to his mother and took him back to the house.

"Why are you here?"

"Shh." Dai Mubai, whose appearance changed drastically, gestured: "We slipped out in the name of inspecting the disaster area."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who was disguised as a woman.

Zhu Zhuqing said calmly: "Secret visit."

So that's the case, no wonder he came out with only a few guards.

We hadn’t seen each other for a while, so naturally we had endless things to talk about, and everyone talked about their recent experiences.

The process of Wang Xiaofeng's fight with the beast tide made Dai Mubai's blood boil. He wished he could fight side by side with Wang Xiaofeng and rush into the beast tide.

Unfortunately, the reality is that he can only stay in the palace, learning how to govern with his teacher, dealing with endless official documents, and scheming with ministers. This kind of life makes him very tired.

"Oh, I really miss our old days at Shrek." Dai Mubai sighed.

"I can have fun fighting in the big spirit fighting arena every day, and at night there is Fatty snoring, and..."

Zhu Zhuqing turned his cold eyes: "Any more?"

"There is also the fine wine brewed by Xiaofeng himself." Dai Mubai was full of desire for survival, "I am really not used to drinking the so-called century-old fine wine in the palace."

Wang Xiaofeng threw him a storage soul bracelet, "It has been prepared for you."

"200 liters of gourd wine is enough for you to drink for a while. Also, I have recently improved the instant series and breaking series of soul skills that I created before, reducing the overall soul power consumption by 10%, while maintaining the same power while optimizing The output route is clear, and the key and difficult notes are all in it, so even a fat person can understand it."

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing said in unison: "I know Mother Feng."

Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes: "Oh, also, although I have given you an original copy of the inheritance I received at the ruins, I have more free time recently, so I helped you translate it in Xingluo language. You You can compare it with those of experts and verify each other.”

"Ah this..."

Dai Mubai looked at the bracelet in his hand. He was really embarrassed to tell Wang Xiaofeng that the ancient writing experts enshrined by the royal family had only translated a small part of the copy given to him.

And there is no guarantee that the translation will be accurate to the original meaning.

Maybe this is the difference between ordinary geniuses and freaks.

"By the way, how has Fatty been doing recently? Have you practiced well?" Wang Xiaofeng felt a little embarrassed when he thought of the entrustment given by his dean before leaving. It seemed a bit inappropriate to push Fatty to Dai Mubai when he came to Xingluo.

Dai Mubai looked a little strange, "Fat guy, he might have to stay at my place for a while."

Zhu Zhuqing added: "He molested the little girl in the street and was being chased by the girl's elders."

"It's not really teasing, it's just that the fat man's way of expressing his love was too direct. He proposed in the street and frightened the little girl." Dai Mubai helped Ma Hongjun explain.

"It happened that the second aunt of my fourth aunt saw it and thought that the fat man was a deceiver. Then, a misunderstanding arose." Dai Mubai spread his hands, "So it is not easy for me to interfere in this matter. "

"And now, in order to avoid being chased, Fatty has gone to some remote mountain nook, and no one can find him."

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "Don't worry about him, let the fat man learn a lesson. As long as he doesn't kill him and doesn't affect his cultivation."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement.

When Dai Mubai saw this situation, he immediately expressed his condolences to Ma Hongjun.

Fatty, it’s not that I won’t help you, it’s really two votes to one, you can’t compete.

Everyone chatted from day to night, until they were about to say goodbye, Dai Mubai suddenly pushed Zhu Zhuqing away and handed Wang Xiaofeng a few mysterious pieces of paper.

"I have long seen that you have something on your mind, and I have been waiting for you to speak. I didn't expect you to say it now."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and took the paper.

The first one is a map of the Far North. Such a clear and standard map, except that there are no marked resources, is definitely taken from the war map produced by the royal family.

The second to fourth pictures are slightly abstract hand-made maps, which are a bit hard to read, but they seem to be maps covering a fifty-kilometer range in several areas.

The fifth picture contains some codes and their meanings.

This is?

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Dai Mubai with some confusion.

Dai Mubai lowered his voice, fearing that Zhu Zhuqing would hear him: "You know, I gave you, Xiao Ao and Fatty each a jade pendant before, as a testimony of the friendship between our brothers."

"Of course I remember. That was the first salary you received from the stingy dean. At that time, Oscar advised you not to buy these pieces of jade pendants. They were just used to deceive others. This kind of jade cost 5 Even a Gintama coin is expensive."

Wang Xiaofeng twisted his waist, and a strange-looking jade pendant swayed around his waist, "I'm still wearing it now."

"This is actually the emblem of our family. Few people know its meaning. It represents the friendship of the White Tiger clan." Dai Mubai shrugged, "I can only give out three yuan in this life, and it's all in your hands. .”

"I'll make a long story short. Two months ago, at the annual barter fair in the Far North, an identical jade pendant appeared. After spending a little money, it returned to my hands."

Wang Xiaofeng saw familiar scratches on it, "Could this be it!"

"The first time I saw you, I was sure." Dai Mubai's voice was a little low: "This is the piece on Xiao Ao's body."

"If you say that Oscar accidentally lost this jade pendant, maybe I still believe this reason."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Isn't that Oscar guy enjoying the blessings in the Qibao Glazed Sect? Tsk tsk, the sixteen-year-old auxiliary soul sect, Sect Master Ning can't wait to keep him as a treasure."

Dai Mubai shook his head, the veins on his fists were tight: "No, the empire's spies from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect have visited the accessible area several times, and there is no such person."

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Did you make a mistake? Is it possible..."

"I've confirmed it many times. I even know what Ning Rongrong had for lunch today, but I can't find Oscar's information."

The buzzing of insects around him disappeared in an instant, and the murderous intention blew through Dai Mubai like a spring breeze. His hair stood on end, and his body instinctively made a defensive posture. The soul ring rose from his feet.

Only then did he realize the value of leading a group of civilians in the beast tide for ten days and ten nights.

After all, what you see on paper is just cold data, and what others say is less than one percent.

Dai Mubai hurriedly advised: "Calm down, there might be a reason we don't know about."

He was really a little afraid of hearing the news that Wang Xiaofeng killed the Qibao Glazed Sect the next day.

"I'm very calm now." Wang Xiaofeng was silent for a while, "I will leave for the Far North tomorrow. Two months is too long, and the remaining traces may not still be there. Even I may not be sure. find him."

It is very difficult to find people in a place where you are unfamiliar with your life.

"Master is being watched by Wuhun Palace. Teacher Erlong and Dean have been restricted in Tiandou City. Teacher Zhao updated Wuhun Palace's wanted order not long ago... So, I can only ask you, Xiaofeng. .”

"If you encounter any trouble that cannot be solved, just go to the place marked on the drawing. These are the empire's intelligence stations, although they may not be able to provide much help." Dai Mubai looked unwilling.

Damn it, it would be great if we could break through the Soul King now, so we could use more manpower.

"What are you talking about? Oscar is not just your brother." Wang Xiaofeng turned to look at the room filled with warm lights: "Just let me stay for one more night."




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