Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 517 The tallest city in the world

In the evening, at the dinner table.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at his father who was clearing the dining table, his mother who was washing dishes in the kitchen, and then at his grandfather who was coaxing Beibei in the living room.

After hesitating for a while, he said: "Dad, Mom, I have to go on a long journey tomorrow. It may take a long time, probably..."

"You're leaving tomorrow? That's great." He Li put down the dishcloth and cheered excitedly.

"I'm going to help you pack your bags now."

Wang Xiaofeng had a dull face as he watched his mother abandon the unwashed dishes and skip up the stairs, probably helping him pack his things.

"Ahem, it's not that your mother dislikes you." Wang Daniu coughed lightly: "She just, uh, thinks there's something wrong with you sleeping in all day, and there's a big gap between you and the son she thinks of."

Well, lying in the sun and practicing with your eyes closed does look like you are sleeping in a lazy way.

Wang Xiaofeng explained weakly: "Actually, I was practicing."

Wang Daniu nodded: "I believe that if your son is not diligent enough, he will not be able to reach the 17-year-old level 50 cultivation level. This cannot be summed up by a simple word "talent"."

"However, your cultivation method still challenges your mother's understanding. In our impression, cultivation means meditating, and lying down means resting."

Wang Daniu actually felt that it challenged his three views, but as a father, he would never show timidity in front of his son.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "I know, I'll leave tomorrow morning."

He thought that there would be a scene where mother and son love each other for thousands of miles, but it turned out that he was just overthinking it.

"By the way, there is one more thing." Wang Daniu took out a letter from the storage soul bracelet and handed it to his son.

"Yes, the letter from xx, in addition to sharing the news of his wife's pregnancy, also complained about the recent heavy workload of Wuhun Palace, which left him with very little time to go home.

You were mentioned in the last letter.

It is said that according to your plan, the village academy and ancestral temple have been renovated, a new library has been built, and the dirt roads in the village have been repaired...

However, because I hired all my own people, I still have some gold soul coins left after finishing it. I asked you when you have time to go back and take a look. "

"I'll go back when I'm done with what I'm doing." Wang Xiaofeng nodded, and then saw his father hand over a thumb-sized gourd wood carving.

Wang Xiaofeng took it and said with some confusion: "Isn't this your most precious token of the village chief?"

"What kind of token is this? It's just a toy I carved when I was a kid. I said it was a token just to scare you." Wang Daniu said nonchalantly.

"Who made you so curious as a child? Everything in your hands would be broken within five minutes. This is proof of my lost childhood. If it breaks, it will be gone."

Wang Xiaofeng stared at Wang Daniu with squinting eyes, "So, why are you suddenly giving me this thing now?"

Wang Daniu nodded seriously, "I just think that the change of village chief still needs a sense of ceremony, but the verbal transfer is just too boring."

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips, and his father began to lose his temper again.

"Our Calabash Village is close to the Star Forest, so the position of village chief has always been held by the strongest soul master in the village. The last village chief was my father, your grandfather. Now, it's your turn."

"Maintaining the status quo of the village is the limit of my ability, but you are different, son."

Wang Daniu patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder, as if conveying some kind of inheritance.

"Your thinking and vision are far beyond mine. Under your leadership, Hulu Village will definitely be able to create a new future."

Wang Xiaofeng shook off Wang Daniu's dirty hands on his shoulders, picked up the rag and wiped the table.

"The more you talk, the more exaggerated it becomes. However, while you are not in the village, I will keep an eye on the village for you."

From then on, next to the jade pendant of extremely poor quality, there was an ugly little wooden sculpture on Wang Xiaofeng's waist.


There is a road to wealth in the north of the Tiandou Empire.

It connects the Tiandou Empire with places outside the territory, and brings huge benefits to Tiandou every year.

Every April, countless caravans gather in the Tiandou Empire, and then take advantage of the high temperature to embark on this road to wealth.

The caravan went north along this road, selling goods and purchasing local specialties, and finally reached the end of the road: the Far North.

Then, at the end of summer, before the cold wave comes, he returns to the territory of Tiandou with a large amount of wealth and special products from the far north.

The environment in the Far North is harsh and the temperature is extremely low. Only from April to October every year the temperature is above zero. Only during this period is the road to wealth relatively safe.

If you encounter robbers, you can use money to eliminate disasters, but if you encounter natural disasters, it will not show mercy.

However, this also has a consequence. When the caravan brings more goods, people will inevitably shop around, and profits will inevitably decrease due to backstabbing among peers.

After all, things are rare and valuable.

Although you can still make a lot of profits, humans are creatures that are never satisfied.

For example, in summer, a merchant may only exchange a pound of salt for a pound of gold, or 10 pieces of iron for a pound of gold.

But in winter, this ratio can increase five times.

Of course, what they need at this time is not salt, iron or the like. However, this does not affect the transaction. As long as you can afford the money, we can get you anything you want.

Many money-grubbing businessmen, driven by huge profits, deliberately miss the months from April to October when caravans come and go intensively.

In November, when the temperature begins to drop significantly, we take the caravan to the far north.

The north wind howls.

A large group of people roared past the road, bringing up yellow dust along the way. There were constant laughter and curses along the way.

After this group of people disappeared, a caravan slowly appeared.

The first few people on horseback were the caravan's guards. They held the caravan's flag high to warn Xiaoxiao.

The carriages in the middle were occupied by important people in the caravan, and there were several guards in different clothes following the carriages.

These are people from the mercenary group, and their cultivation level is not low.

At the end of the team, and the largest in number, were some servants in the caravan who were responsible for washing, cooking and setting up tents, servants pushing carriages filled with goods, and a few people who paid protection fees to use the "car" Ordinary civilians.

In this team of people whose faces were covered with dust, a man who was following closely behind the carriages and horses and wearing a tattered woolen hat suddenly raised his head slightly.

The dust-covered face, except for a pair of black eyes that could be seen clearly, was almost completely covered by the dust. At a glance, it looked almost the same as the dull-faced civilians next to it.

"It is indeed a border fortress that was given the reputation of "the tallest city in the world" by Emperor Tiandou. Its scale is really staggering. It is far beyond the comparison of those cities within the Tiandou Empire..." Looking at the people who were walking away from him. Wang Xiaofeng whispered in admiration as he approached the towering city wall that became increasingly larger.

The team got closer and closer to the city wall in the drizzle of snow. When they were about to approach the huge city gate a few hundred meters away, Wang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes and glanced at the empty space on the city wall. There seemed to be faint energy fluctuations there.

"Sure enough, there are large weapons and equipment. The information given by the intelligence point is indeed correct. The northern border at this time does not allow caravans to pass. Fortunately, I listened to their suggestions and got into this "backed" caravan. otherwise..."

Wang Xiaofeng saw that the previous group of caravans had been surrounded by the army. Judging from the excited expressions of the soldiers, they were afraid that this group of caravans would not be able to get out of the city gate unless they received an astonishing fine.

When they were still about a hundred meters away from the city wall, Wang Xiaofeng's caravan finally came to a slow stop. Two men got out of the carriage in the middle, then waved and led the group toward the city gate.

The two men seemed to be quite familiar with the officers and soldiers in the city. Judging from the way they laughed and chatted with the officers and soldiers, it must not have been their first time in the tallest city in the world.

After the two of them talked with the guard for a long time, the guard with a cold face moved his hand, as if something had been stuffed into it. Then he nodded hesitantly and made a gesture to the back. The door was blocked. The stubborn Jumajiao and other things were moved away by several officers and soldiers.

"No wonder the fare is 100 gold soul coins. It's really worth the money." Wang Xiaofeng was very satisfied with the deal and followed the caravan into the city unhurriedly.


Note ①: In the first two chapters, Zhou Huaian said that the protagonist is 16 years old, which is correct, because the age information they can collect is only an approximate age. Only those closest to him know the exact age.

Also note: The protagonist is currently 17 years and 6 months old.

Another note: The opportunity for the protagonist to break through to level 50 was due to the pressure of Zhou Huaian's momentum, but he was too exhausted at the time to notice it.




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