Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 518 Endless Mountains: Siberian

After entering the city, the caravan found a hotel that was still open and stopped to rest.

After entering, Wang Xiaofeng was slightly surprised to find that there were many people sitting in the hotel lobby.

After listening carefully to the conversation of these people, I realized that these people were caravans coming from other places, preparing to do business in the Far North.

It seems that there are quite a few caravans that have the ability to use the back door.

After completing the check-in procedures, as expected, we received a notice from the person in charge to gather in two days, so everyone dispersed and went to find their own rooms.

Every time a caravan arrives in a city or village, it stays for 1-3 days.

Traveling long distances is very demanding on your mental and physical strength, so taking a break is necessary.

Especially since they are about to leave the empire and enter the far north.

There are dangers on the road, and snowstorms may come at any time, so everyone in the caravan must maintain their mental and physical strength and make sufficient logistical preparations.

After Wang Xiaofeng put away his things, he said hello to the guy who lived with him, and walked out of the hotel slowly.

The weather is cold, many shops have been closed, and there are very few pedestrians passing by on the street. It may take until next spring for the bustling scene to return to the past.

When he went shopping at this time, in addition to admiring the unique buildings and scenery, Wang Xiaofeng also thought of going to a medicinal store.

His strength has now reached a certain level. Eating ordinary meals only satisfies the desire of the tongue and does not contribute to his strength in any way.

So Wang Xiaofeng turned his attention to medicinal foods that can provide a lot of energy.

It would be great if we could find some plants that are easy to grow, mature quickly, produce large yields, and are rich in energy.

The reason why powerful sects are attractive to independent warriors is because they have independently trained soul hunting teams, which can provide the sect with a large amount of energy-rich meat every day.

There are also some decoctions that can be taken for a long time to improve one's qualifications and sort out one's soul power. After countless people have continuously improved and perfected their cultivation techniques and soul skills over the years...

Therefore, as a religion on the surface, but actually the most powerful sect, Wuhun Temple is becoming more and more powerful, and can even compete with the two major empires.

"Ah, the harvest is meager." Wang Xiaofeng sighed as he walked out of the medicine shop.

There are not many pharmacies in the city, not to mention it is still the off-season, so there are only two pharmacies open. After shopping at the two pharmacies, Wang Xiaofeng found that most of them sold frostbite medicine and medicinal materials related to expelling cold and dampness. There were only a few other medicinal materials. The medicinal herbs that are very effective to his liking will have to wait until next spring.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head depressedly. He had given up looking for medicinal materials here.

There just weren't enough warm clothes in his hands. Just when he was about to find someone to ask about the approximate location of the clothing store, a slightly fat figure suddenly appeared in front of him with a smile on his face.

Before Wang Xiaofeng showed his displeasure, the fat man said with a smile: "Did this kid not buy the medicinal materials he wanted? I saw you went into two pharmacies in a row before, but you looked disappointed."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at this fat man who seemed to be trying to kidnap a minor, and said casually: "You have one?"

"I am a medicinal materials merchant who travels in the Far North. I dare not say anything else, but as long as medicinal materials grow in the Far North, I have them here." The fat man smiled.

"Oh, what's the price?"

Wang Xiaofeng had already regarded the fat man in front of him as a scalper.

Although the price may be higher, he won't lose money. He can just buy some seeds and study how to plant them.

Just kidding, even a centuries-old ginseng can be revived by the moon's slurry. If you plant some ordinary medicinal plants and sprinkle them with water, there will definitely be no acclimatization.

"It doesn't cost anything."

The fat man shook his head and said with a smile: "I won't mince words with you. When you checked in earlier, I asked you about the smell of several rare medicinal materials, so I wanted to hire you as the doctor of my caravan.

If your destination is to cross the Siberian Mountains and enter the Far North, we can go together. As a reward, as long as the medicinal materials are worth no more than five hundred gold soul coins, I can give them to you for free. It's okay, I can give you a 20% discount. "

Wang Xiaofeng frowned: "But I already have a caravan."

"Hey, let me tell you the truth, if there hadn't been some problems with the doctor in my caravan, I wouldn't have rushed to put an unfamiliar person into the team.

My friend, I think it’s your first time here, so you don’t know much about the horror of this mountain range. Starting from November every year, there will be snowstorms that cover the Siberian Mountains from time to time. At this time, only experienced and well-staffed caravans can successfully get out of the snowstorm. "

"I also know the caravan you are in. I can help you explain the situation and make sure there is absolutely no problem."

Wang Xiaofeng hesitated a little: "It's not impossible to join your caravan, but I need to inspect the goods first. You must have the medicinal materials and seeds I need."

After hearing the names of some medicinal materials mentioned by Wang Xiaofeng, the fat man immediately patted his chest: "These are some common medicinal materials, and our caravan has them in stock. I will pay half first and wait until we pass the Siberian Mountains to pay the other half. You see How about it."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded: "Okay, that's fair."

After making a verbal agreement, Fatty took Wang Xiaofeng to the warehouse rented by their caravan.

On the way, Fatty explained his somewhat reckless behavior:

"The destination of our caravan is the "White Emperor City" in the Far North. The annual trading conference will be held there in a week, so I need to hurry up and rush there, otherwise, I won't Find someone new to join.”

Wang Xiaofeng's heart moved and he said casually: "The auction conference? Didn't it just end two months ago?"

"You are talking about the Autumn Trade Fair in Ice Crystal City." The fat man smiled and said: "There is a trade fair every season in the Far North, but when it comes to the most grand and largest one, it should be held on December 1st. Winter fair.

Many treasures in the far north only appear in winter... Every year at the winter fair, some amazing items appear, attracting various forces to compete for them. "

After arriving at the warehouse, the fat man was indeed right. Their family was indeed in the medicinal materials business, and tons of dried medicinal materials, large and small, were piled on the ground.

After getting the seeds and hundreds of kilograms of medicinal materials, Wang Xiaofeng no longer hesitated and agreed to the deal with Fatty.

"Happy cooperation, you can call me Victor." Seeing Wang Xiaofeng put it directly into the soul guide, the fat man narrowed his eyes, then smiled and extended his hand to him.

"He Beibei." Wang Xiaofeng said lightly, casually shaking the other person's fat palm.




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