Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 519 Blizzard and Giant

In the valley made of ice and snow, a caravan was slowly moving forward. Finally, the caravan walked out of the valley and disappeared into the mountains.

In the slightly tilted carriage, Wang Xiaofeng sat cross-legged, and opposite him was the captain of the guard guarding the caravan.

This guy was originally not happy with Wang Xiaofeng who suddenly joined the caravan, but when he heard that Wang Xiaofeng was the doctor invited by Victor, he immediately changed his face and became very enthusiastic about Wang Xiaofeng.

As for the other two mercenaries invited by Victor, they didn't even look at them.

Even after leaving the city, he was directly invited into the carriage and treated well.

Naturally, the two arrogant mercenaries invited by Victor looked down on someone like the captain of the guard who was so picky about what he wanted to do. They would even despise him in their hearts for actually trying to please even a small doctor.

But as a person who often travels between the Far North and Tiandou, and crosses the Siberian Mountains several times a year, the guard captain is aware that making friends with the team doctors means taking responsibility for one's own life. This is his many years of experience.

At noon, the caravan found a leeward rock to stop and rest.

The surrounding rocks have traces of carbon fire burns. This should be one of the rest areas for passing caravans.

While the servants were lighting a fire to heat up the dry food, Wang Xiaofeng was not idle. After all, he still respected professional ethics when collecting money to do things.

A large pot of cold-repelling soup was cooked with hot water, and everyone, whether mercenary or servant, could get a portion.

When Victor saw Wang Xiaofeng being so positive, he thought that he had indeed seen the right person. Having a doctor in the caravan would really make people feel at ease.

Then, while Wang Xiaofeng gained everyone's favor, he also inadvertently found out the situation of the caravan.

Victor wasn't lying, there was something wrong with his caravan.

On the last trade trip, we encountered a landslide, and many old people and experienced caravans died in that natural disaster.

It took more than half a year before I managed to recover somewhat.

No wonder Victor, who has such a huge warehouse, has such a small caravan.

With this kind of team configuration, if you just want to get out of the Siberian Mountains, there should be no problem, after all, the experience is there.

But I'm afraid that I have to deal with dangers from the dark, such as other forces taking advantage of others.

At this time, Victor, while drinking broth, took out a yellowed map from his arms and read it carefully.

"What is this?" Wang Xiaofeng, who was keeping warm at the side, asked curiously.

"Map of the Far North."

Victor pointed at a red dot and said with a smile: "This is our destination, Baidi City.

Then according to our speed, we should be able to get out of the Siberian Mountains in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. "

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "After walking all morning, except that the temperature is a little lower, Siberian is not as scary as you said."

"Haha, we are only walking on the edge of the mountain range. Naturally, there is not that much danger. The danger is inside the mountain range. It is said that there are hundreds of thousands of year soul beasts there, and there are more than one. Even the titled Douluo dare not involve them.

As for blizzards, that's just a rule of thumb. It would be best if there weren't any. "

Victor drank the broth in one gulp and wiped his mouth casually, "Let's go, we can still walk a little longer while it's not dark."

The sky darkened very quickly, and around four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was completely dark.

"Everyone light the torches and walk forward. We are almost at the shelter." Victor's voice came from outside the car.

Scattered firelight illuminated the darkness, and the trees on both sides looked like monsters with teeth and claws, as if they were about to devour the group of people.

"For the soul beasts in the Siberian Mountains, the light of fire will attract them, so it is my working time." The head guard smiled and jumped out of the carriage: "Doctor He, sit tight in the carriage and don't take it easy. Come down."

"I understand." Wang Xiaofeng smiled, and just as he was about to speak, there was a sudden commotion outside the carriage, and a series of exclamations sounded out.

In the panic, the guard captain's voice directly overshadowed everyone.

"Attention everyone, a blizzard is coming, everyone get out of the car! The grooms keep an eye on the horses. Please be careful not to scatter, lest you lose your way."

With the backbone, everyone was not so panicked and started to act in an orderly manner according to Victor's instructions.

"I didn't expect it wasn't a curly beast but a snowstorm. It's really unlucky that it happened on the first day." The groom's face changed slightly, but he didn't panic much. He opened the curtain and said to Wang Xiaofeng: "Mr. Doctor Don’t worry too much, as long as you take good protection, a snowstorm of this magnitude will not have much impact on the caravan.”

Everyone connected the convoy with iron chains and arranged them in a circular shape connecting end to end.

Everyone hid in the middle, and after about a dozen breaths, the howling wind mixed with ice and snow suddenly swept down from the sky.

Some thinner people were shaken by the strong wind, and they were so frightened that they quickly grabbed everything around them.

The wind and snow extinguished the fire, and darkness suddenly enveloped everyone. Amidst the howling wind, no one could feel the presence of anyone around them.

Wang Xiaofeng squatted on the ground. Under his loose robe, gourd vines tied his body tightly to the ground.

From time to time, hard objects hit the robe on the body, and the crackling sound was quite strong, almost as hard as an adult man hitting hard with a hammer.

This is still the result of having the carriage as the outermost protective circle.

His expression also changed slightly. He didn't expect that a small snowstorm could be so powerful. If it encountered a bigger one, wouldn't it be able to sweep people away directly?

The coldness, darkness and strong wind lasted for who knows how long.

Faintly, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly frowned in the darkness, turned his head and glanced at a distant place in an unknown direction. There seemed to be some strange red lights flashing there, and there was also a vague sound. .

Wang Xiaofeng blinked his eyes, feeling the blizzard around him that seemed to be weakening. He hesitated for a long time, and finally his curiosity overcame his reason. He put away the gourd vine, bent over against the snowflakes and cold wind, and headed in the direction of the red light. Pass quietly.

After bending forward in the dark forest for several minutes, the rough trees finally disappeared, and the entirety of the strange red light appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's sight.

With the help of the weak red light, Wang Xiaofeng was somewhat shocked to find that the red light was actually a huge eye.

The outline looks like a humanoid, with a huge body moving forward in the ice and snow.

The place where Wang Xiaofeng is lying is a cliff, and the height of this cliff is only as high as his knees.

"What a huge creature, even the Titan ape has such a momentum."

Wang Xiaofeng held his breath and lay on the ground, not daring to take a breath. He only dared to use his peripheral vision to watch the huge figure gradually move away in the darkness, until it finally dissipated completely.

"Ah, what an amazing creature. I wonder if I will have the chance to see it again in the future." Wang Xiaofeng changed out of his underwear that was completely wet with cold sweat.

The wind of the blizzard has weakened a lot, and we have to go back to the caravan quickly, otherwise it will be bad if we find that no one is there.

Wang Xiaofeng thought so, and then he heard people calling him from a distance.

"Whatever you are afraid of will come to you." Wang Xiaofeng made a good excuse in his mind and scratched his body a few times casually before walking towards the caravan.

"Doctor He, are you okay?"

The servant quickly told Victor the news of Wang Xiaofeng's return. Victor hurriedly came over and asked with a hint of joy.

"It's okay. My head was accidentally blown off and hit a tree just now. If I hadn't been awakened by your voices, I might not have woken up." Seeing the sincere smile on Victor's face, Wang Xiaofeng shook his head.

"This is also a blessing among misfortunes." Victor looked at Wang Xiaofeng's robes that were scratched in several places by branches, and smiled happily: "Dr. He, please go into the carriage first, and I will sort out the blown goods. Then take the time to get to the next resting point.”

Looking at the team that started to organize the goods in an orderly manner, Wang Xiaofeng nodded, knowing that what he had to do now was not to cause trouble to everyone, and got into the carriage decisively.

After a while, a servant brought a thick robe.

Wang Xiaofeng touched his nose. He was indeed a big businessman with more than 20 years of business experience.

It's hard not to feel good about this.




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