Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 520 Peace Town

The shelter turned out to be a huge cave, which Wang Xiaofeng did not expect.

The uninjured servants started to make fires to cook, and the guards cleaned the animals in the caves and laid traps around them.

Most people who are injured only have bruises when their bodies are hit by objects. They can apply snow and ice and apply some ointment to remove blood stasis.

Only a small number of seriously injured people need Wang Xiaofeng's treatment.

Especially the unlucky guy in front of him, because the guard beside him didn't hold his weapon tightly, and then the sharp blade blown by the wind was inserted directly into his stomach.

It was a complete disaster.

"You're lucky, the wound was sutured within my area of ​​expertise."

Wang Xiaofeng picked up a sharp scalpel and punched the other person unconscious in front of his horrified eyes.

"Who would use such an inconvenient thing?" Wang Xiaofeng put away the scalpel and pulled out the blade from the injured person's stomach.

There was no blood flowing out, and he had already used his soul power to seal the blood vessels near the wound.

Wang Xiaofeng lightly scratched the wound with his fingers, and his soul power and mental power penetrated into the body, and the situation inside was immediately clear to his mind.

It seems that wearing thick clothing is beneficial. The wound is not deep and does not damage the organs, so it will be easier to handle.

Rinse the wound with saline to disinfect and disinfect, then thoroughly clean the wound of foreign matter and necrotic tissue, and finally suture the skin and muscles in layers.

The whole process didn't take more than 10 minutes.

When Wang Xiaofeng opened the simple curtain and said the next step, the injured in the queue didn't even react.

By the time Wang Xiaofeng finished dealing with all the problems, the vegetable soup in the pot was boiling.

Victor scooped up a bowl of soup with his own hands and handed it to Wang Xiaofeng: "Doctor He, Gao!"

He had just visited the injured and treated their wounds very well.

As a businessman who often deals with medicinal materials, the people I deal with the most are either colleagues or doctors.

After traveling all over the country for so many years, it is not like he has never seen doctors with better skills, but the skills are so good and so fast that only a soul master can do it.

It is comparable to a healing soul master using healing soul skills.

Wang Xiaofeng took it with a smile: "It's just some eating skills, it can't compare to the healing soul master."

When it comes to treating trauma, the therapy department does have unparalleled advantages.

There was no talking all night, and early the next morning, everyone set off again.

Since experiencing that blizzard, Victor's team has not experienced any trouble again.

At noon the next day, the monotonous trees finally began to decrease, and by the afternoon, they were replaced by endless plains of ice and snow.

The guards couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. As long as they left this mountain range, the chance of encountering a spirit beast would be greatly reduced, and they no longer need to be worried.

"I'm very lucky this time. I only encountered one of the three disasters in Siberian." The guard captain also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Three disasters?" Wang Xiaofeng asked curiously.

"Blizzards, beast tides, and bandits." The guard captain raised three fingers. "Blizzards often occur in winter, beast tides often occur in spring, and bandits are always there."

"Mr. Victor hates robbers the most. It's okay to meet someone who understands the rules. You can just spend some money to send them away, but you are afraid of encountering that stupid young man.

If the battle is won, the caravan's goods and personnel will inevitably suffer losses, and compensation will have to be paid. If you lose, you will lose all your money. Anyway, no matter you win or lose, you will lose. "


Transporting goods in the far north is no different from hanging your head on your belt. If you are unlucky, you will end up dead.

Natural disasters are already troublesome enough, and now man-made disasters are added to the mix. It's no wonder Victor hates bandits.

After the caravan walked out of the Siberian Mountains, it gradually accelerated its pace. After nearly two hours of driving along the way, it finally saw a gathering place of humans.

Within a city wall built entirely of ice, there is a looming town.

"Finally arrived, Peace Town."

Seeing the crowded place, everyone who looked tired just now suddenly became energetic and their pace became a little faster.

After approaching the city gate, the soft snowflakes under our feet have turned into a loess avenue.

“When you walk on this road, you enter the scope of Peace Town, and you can’t be considered safe until here.

Most of these towns today are dominated by powerful forces, and as long as you give these forces enough money, they will provide you with protection. "

The captain of the guard smiled and taught Wang Xiaofeng common sense about the Far North.

About ten minutes later, the caravan stopped at the entrance of the town, and Victor got off the carriage to pay the entrance fee.

Wang Xiaofeng was attracted by a big tree on the left side of the door.

The big tree turned pitch black, and its crown spread out in all directions, with teeth and claws spread out. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, there was a touch of coldness.

There were several frozen corpses hanging between the branches, swaying in the breeze and making a creepy creaking sound.

The head guard followed Wang Xiaofeng's gaze and said with a smile: "This is probably Doctor He's first time seeing such a scene, so don't be afraid. This is a laying tree, and the people hanging on it are all unruly people, so , please don’t do anything in the town, that laying tree has the soul king hanging on it.”

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged: "It looks like I can sleep well tonight."

There were no blind guards looking for trouble, nor did the rich second generation look for trouble. After paying the entry fee, the caravan entered the town smoothly.

In the middle of the street, there were many businessmen traveling with their motorcades.

There are various stalls on both sides of the street, and some children are playing and laughing on the street.

This peaceful and harmonious atmosphere is almost completely different from the deserted Supreme City.

The caravan stopped at the entrance of a yard and watched everyone unloading the goods skillfully. This should be Victor's stronghold in Ping'an Town.

"Doctor He, the caravan will rest here for a day and will set off the day after tomorrow. Where do you plan to go next?" Victor handed Wang Xiaofeng the identity tag brought by the soldier at the door.

The identity card is equivalent to a temporary residence permit with a validity period of three days. It also means that there is a relative safety period within three days. The caravan has one per person.

"I plan to walk around the city first to see if there are any rare and precious medicinal materials." Wang Xiaofeng replied.

Victor said without thinking: "Precious medicinal materials? Then I recommend you to go to the Pavilion of Purity. As long as you have enough money, you can buy rare medicinal materials there that are difficult to see outside."

Wang Xiaofeng wondered: "Why doesn't this sound like a medicinal material store?"

"It is indeed not a medicine shop, but a coffin shop." Victor did not lie and explained the situation.

"That store was opened by a friend of my father's, but something happened recently. I needed money urgently. I have almost sold out all the things I have, but there are still some good medicinal materials that I can't find the right price for a while. Take action, but he doesn't want to sell it cheaply.

If I hadn't been short of funds, I would have bought them all. "

When Victor said this, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly became interested, "Okay, give me the address and I'll go over and have a look."

Two hours later, Wang Xiaofeng lay on the bed exhausted.

He walked around Peace Town several times and scanned back and forth with his mental energy several times, but he couldn't find Oscar's aura.

It would be great if it was in Xingluo or Tiandou. At least the bounty could be posted in Wuhun Hall.

In the far north, a town is a force, just like a feudal vassal, which is very chaotic.

In such an unfamiliar place, one can only search town by town and use this old method to find people.

"Oscar, Oscar, the information about the Mirror Beast I gave you was to let you use the power of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect to hunt the Soul Beast. But I didn't expect that you would break up with Ning Rongrong just now. Just break up. , why can't you think about it? You still have your brother Feng. Don't let anything happen to you, otherwise, I will never let myself go in this life. "

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