Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 521 Meeting Shui Yue'er by chance

The next day, Wang Xiaofeng got up very early. He planned to mentally scan the entire fifty kilometers radius today.

Victor's caravan will set off to the next city tomorrow morning. For this, he still needs to retain a certain amount of physical strength and energy. He cannot be too tired, otherwise he will not be able to run away if he encounters any dangers on the road.

The mysterious creature he encountered in the Siberian Mountains had clearly told him that anything could happen in the far north.

Work when the sun rises and rest when the sun sets.

In the winter in the far north, the daylight hours are very short. Around four o'clock in the afternoon, the sun has only its afterglow.

Just as the city gate was about to close, a dusty figure rushed into the city.

The guard at the door checked the ID tag and found nothing wrong. He mumbled a few words to come back early next time, let the person in, and then closed the city gate tightly.

"I couldn't find Oscar, and I was almost locked out. Huh, luckily I caught up, otherwise I would have had to wait until dark to climb over the wall and come in."

Wang Xiaofeng patted his cloak, which was stained with snowflakes from running too fast, and was about to find a restaurant to reward his internal organs when he suddenly felt that he had forgotten something.

After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that Victor had been promised to visit the coffin shop.

Although the doctor is just a fake identity, and he likes to visit medicine shops to collect medicinal materials, he just made it up so that he can wander around the city looking for Oscar.

However, since they all promised Victor to go take a look, Wang Xiaofeng still gave up the idea of ​​having a big meal and followed the location written on the note and asked for directions along the way.

"Pavilion of Rebirth, Pavilion of Rebirth, I found it."

The coffin shop is located in the corner of the town. A dried up stream vaguely separates the shop from the town.

A one-meter-high earthen wall surrounds the house. Two red lanterns are hung at the door. The three characters "Pavilion of the Past" are written on the plaque in vigorous and powerful fonts. The wooden board on which the words were carved has long been cracked and deformed, showing its age and vicissitudes of history.

The door is wide open and you can see directly into the yard.

The yard of the coffin shop is not very big, but it is not small either. There are roots, branches and branches of trees everywhere.

In front of the courtyard wall, there are a dozen large and small coffins arranged in a long row.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but the sun completely set into the mountains at this moment. The warm sunset disappeared, leaving only the darkened sky, and the atmosphere became depressing in vain.

"Are you here to buy a coffin?" The girl's words came from behind, and the clear voice dispelled the depressing atmosphere.

"No, I heard people said that rare medicinal materials are sold here, so I came to take a look." Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand and denied.

Turning his head, he saw that the person speaking was a girl with an oval face. She had a petite and plump body that even a heavy robe could not completely cover. She had short dark green hair and looked very energetic.

"Shui Yue'er?" Looking at the other person's surprised and guarded eyes, Wang Xiaofeng thought that he had only met the other person a few times, and now that he was in disguise, the other party should not recognize him, so he said: "I'm super If you like sugar water balls, can you sign it for me?"


Shui Yue'er skillfully left an elegant signature on Wang Xiaofeng's signature book.

Wang Xiaofeng solemnly put away the signature like a little fanboy, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"I didn't expect that there are fans of our Tang Shui Tuan in the far north." Shui Yue'er said happily, the smile on her face became much more sincere, and she took him into the Pavilion of Purity.

"Come in and sit down. You want to buy something, right? My unreliable father has just left, so you have to wait for a while."

Shui Yue'er seemed to have been holding it in for a long time. Seeing that he was young, she started chatting with him. After knowing that he was from Tiandou and came to the far north to find relatives, he became even more enthusiastic and even I took out the tea leaves that my father had collected.

Darling, tea in the far north is ridiculously expensive.

Wang Xiaofeng was not afraid that he, a little black guy, would show off his chicken feet, so he told some interesting gossip about the sugar-water dumplings that he had heard from Tailong and Jiangzhu.

Shui Yue'er listened with great interest, and from time to time explained to him how each piece of gossip came about, as well as the interesting things among the team members.

About half an hour later, a cursing voice came from the yard.

"Grandma's, I don't have money to buy it and it's a waste of my time."

A man with a somewhat depressed expression, probably in his fifties, walked into the room. When he saw Shui Yue'er and Wang Xiaofeng chatting, he was stunned for a moment, tugged the corner of his mouth, and showed an ugly smile.

"It turns out that Yue'er's friend is here. You guys talk about your business while I go get dinner first."

Shui Yue'er said quickly: "No, no, no, little brother He is here to buy something from you."

"Oh, you are a customer buying coffins, right?" The man's tone lost some enthusiasm, "The ready-made items are in the warehouse, ranging from 10 silver soul coins to 100 gold soul coins, there are various styles."

"It's okay to customize it, but the price is a little more expensive and it takes a few days."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, with a simple smile on his dark face: "I am a doctor, and I am traveling across the mainland. I like to study some rare medicinal materials and prescriptions. I heard from Uncle Victor that you have a batch of rare medicinal materials here. So come and take a look with your face licked."

Hearing Victor's name, the man's face softened a little: "I haven't heard anything about that kid for two years. I thought he was dead. I built a coffin for him."

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng's childish face, I didn't expect him to be able to afford his own treasure, but after all, he was introduced by an acquaintance, so it didn't hurt to take a look.

Moreover, he is a doctor at a young age and seems to have a good relationship with Yue'er.

"Since I am that boy's friend, you can call me Uncle Shui." After a brief inspection, Uncle Shui waved to him, "Come with me. It is a good thing for young people to gain experience."

He walked into the room and pressed the switch, and a door suddenly opened in the wall next to him.

Wang Xiaofeng followed and walked in.

The secret room is not big, only about seven or eight square meters, with three simple wooden frames inlaid on the wall.

There were about a dozen or three wooden boxes placed on the wooden shelves, but Wang Xiaofeng could see some traces of dust from the empty positions.

There should be more than that on the wooden shelves, but as Victor said, most of them have been sold.

Uncle Shui walked in and pointed to the somewhat empty wooden shelves: "These are some of the treasures I obtained from traveling around when I was young. They include not only rare medicinal materials, but also rare jade."

"It's a pity that I met two unfilial daughters. Now I can only sell them." Speaking of this, Uncle Shui gritted his teeth.

Shui Yue'er, who was huddled in the corner, said coquettishly: "Oh, my sister and I didn't expect that building a territory would cost so much money at first.

And it’s not like we agreed to buy your baby back when we make money. "

"Okay, okay, stop shaking. If you shake my hand again, you will tear it off."

After getting rid of my troublesome daughter, the space finally became less crowded.

Uncle Shui pointed at the wooden frame

Then he picked up the wooden box on the far left and opened it, only to see a three-finger-sized dried ginseng lying quietly inside.

From the overall appearance point of view, it is a bit unsatisfactory.

"This box is the Aoki Ginseng King from the year 1323. Unfortunately, the essence of the whole body was sucked away along with the soul ring. In addition, the people in the hunting team did not know how to deal with this kind of thing, resulting in this ginseng now. The efficacy of Ginseng King is only about 1%."

"This is the first time I have seen such precious medicinal materials." Wang Xiaofeng nodded in admiration.

"It's naturally rare to find such a good thing that can be regarded as a family heritage, let alone a life-threatening medicinal material like Ginseng King. Every one is used less."

"However, if it weren't for the serious loss of efficacy, I wouldn't have had the chance to get it."

Uncle Shui closed the box and opened another wooden box. Wang Xiaofeng stretched his head and looked around, only to see a dozen winding roots lying quietly inside.

"What is this?" Wang Xiaofeng asked curiously when he saw a medicinal material that he had never seen before for the first time.

"This is the rhizome of the century-old bone-washing flower." Uncle Shui explained casually.

Most people will only use the flowers of the bone-washing flower as an auxiliary medicine in medicine, and no one will use the rhizome. So this thing can only be regarded as relatively rare, and its value is almost zero.

Next, Uncle Shui showed other collections of medicinal materials, such as the 730-year-old Blood Essence Grass and the 120-year-old Immortal Flower.

Although the value of these collections may be high or low, the quality of this collection is comparable to that of a small family's collection room.

But if you think about it carefully, if you can suddenly train two soul sects who are only in their twenties and can use martial soul fusion skills, they are definitely not ordinary coffin shop owners.

"Okay, I've finished looking at the things, it's getting late, and we're ready to have dinner." After showing off his collection, Uncle Shui also started to catch up with people.

"I wonder how much these medicinal plants are worth."

"You want to buy it?" Uncle Shui said casually: "You can take it if you can afford one thousand gold soul coins for each rhizome and 250,000 gold soul coins for blood essence grass."

"Indeed, it's not very cheap." Wang Xiaofeng took out his soul guide and said with some embarrassment.

All the gold soul coins he had were used to build Calabash Village and Shrek's laboratory base. The only more than 10,000 gold soul coins he had left were the money he earned from gambling in the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

"Look, is it okay to exchange things for things?" Wang Xiaofeng took out a palm-sized black box from the soul guide: "I think this thing is enough to exchange for the medicinal materials in your hand."

"Good boy, don't talk nonsense." Uncle Shui took the iron box and his expression suddenly changed. The temperature on the surface of the box was very low, which showed that the contents inside were extraordinary.

He opened it carefully and saw a crystal clear, silver-white fruit with a faint shimmer appearing in his eyes.

"Is this Bing Ling Guo!?" Uncle Shui looked at it carefully, then seemed to remember something, and was so frightened that he almost threw the box away.

Ice Lingguo is a treasure comparable to fairy grass for ice soul masters. Taking it can temper soul power, strengthen the foundation, and even have a very low probability of evolving the martial soul.

And only icebergs that are more than a hundred years old will have the remaining energy to bear fruit once every hundred years when the age limit is exceeded. Icebergs will only grow in evil and extremely cold places, and the place where they are located is often accompanied by thousands of evil spirits. A soul beast of many years.

Therefore, although Ice Lingcao and Ice Lingguo are very precious, ordinary soul masters have never even heard of them, let alone know what they look like.

"Uncle has good eyesight." Wang Xiaofeng gave a thumbs up.

Uncle Shui closed the box with some reluctance. "This thing of yours is more valuable than everything in my room combined. I can't afford to replace it."

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged: "Exchanging things is originally for both parties to exchange for something they think is valuable. You can decide whether to exchange it or not."

"Change! Of course, I won't take advantage of the young man. I'll give these things to you." The man took down all the wooden boxes from the wooden shelf and stuffed them all into Wang Xiaofeng's arms.

Then, as if afraid that he would regret it, he pushed him out of the door without saying a word.

Shui Yue'er walked out of the kitchen with a spoon: "Hey, Dad, why did you drive Little Brother He away? I even wanted to treat him to dinner as a landlord."

"Eat this quickly, we will leave early tomorrow morning." The man threw the black box to Shui Yue'er and went back to the house to pack his luggage.

The iceberg fruit appeared once in Tiandou Auction House 30 years ago. It was the iceberg fruit produced by a 2400-year-old iceberg plant.

The transaction amount at that time was 45.6 million gold soul coins.

But before the next hundred years, the treasure land where the ice grass was located was destroyed.

Although I don't know how many years of iceberg grass this ice fruit is produced from, its value is definitely far higher than his current net worth.

And Wang Xiaofeng, who could take out Bing Ling Guo at will, also became unpredictable in his eyes.

In order to reduce trouble, leaving first is the safest way.

"This uncle drives people away without even finishing his words. It's true."

Outside the door, Wang Xiaofeng put the wooden boxes into the gourd one by one, then touched his belly and looked for a place to dispose of the internal organs.

He actually fell in love with the century-old bone flower rhizome and century-old blood essence grass inside. These two are common auxiliary drugs in many body-building prescriptions. In addition, Wang Xiaofeng felt a weak vitality from the rhizome of the former. If If you cultivate it well, you might be able to get a large area of ​​century-old bone flowers.

Both parties seemed satisfied with the outcome of this transaction.

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