Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 522 Winter Fair

Baidi City is located in the eastern part of the Far North.

The wide roads make it the only way from the central part of the Far North to various towns in the east, and its geographical location is extremely good.

Therefore, Baidi City, as one of the largest cities in the eastern part of the Far North, was selected as the host city for the Winter Fair this year.

At the city gate, dozens of heavily armed soldiers stood on both sides of the city wall, their sharp eyes constantly scanning passers-by.

The force of force brought by the soldiers deterred everyone from entering the city in an orderly manner, and no one dared to cause trouble.

Unlike Heping Town, there was no entry fee for entering the city this time. In addition, the city gate was built high and large, so the caravan quickly entered the city through the small gate on the right.

The caravan stopped in a relatively empty square, and Wang Xiaofeng and several other mercenaries received the other half of the contract payment from Victor.

Arriving at Baidi City also means that this employment is over.

"Doctor He, this is your reward, although it is not in line with your worth." Victor took out a bag of gold coins from his arms and handed it to Wang Xiaofeng, saying with a wry smile.

After coming out of Peace Town, they encountered several attacks from herds of beasts. The worst time was when we encountered heavy snowfall and were surrounded and attacked by a group of snowwolves.

The harsh environment and sudden incident caused five people in the caravan to be seriously injured on the spot and 17 others to be slightly injured. The two most seriously injured, their tracheas were bitten through and they were bleeding profusely, but in the end they were pulled back from the hell gate by Wang Xiaofeng.

Outside, in the ice and snow, humans and animals are fighting for their lives. But in such an environment, in a shabby carriage, a miracle of life was performed in an extremely small space.

Seeing the man he was familiar with come back to life from a near-death state, and the sound of his heart beating again, Victor felt that he would never forget it in his life.

"Without everyone's concerted efforts, I probably wouldn't be able to get out of the Far North Plains." Wang Xiaofeng did not refuse the other party's reward. He took the bag and weighed it. Judging from the weight, it should be about five hundred gold coins.

The lords of the Far North do not recognize the gold soul coin currency system of the Empire and Wuhun Palace, but use the ancient gold coin system from long ago.

Gold soul coins have low gold content, but are more corrosion-resistant and lighter. Gold coins, on the other hand, are heavy and difficult to carry, but have the advantage of high gold content.

A gold coin weighing 100 grams has a gold content of about 10%, which means that 500 gold coins are equivalent to five kilograms of gold.

Wang Xiaofeng was very satisfied. This part of the gold coins was not included in the previously agreed reward, so it was considered an extra gain.

"Then let's say goodbye here and see you again in the future." Wang Xiaofeng bowed his hands to Victor, picked up the sack full of medicinal materials, turned around, squeezed into the crowd, and then quickly disappeared.

"It would be great if I could meet you two years ago." Victor shook his head and led the caravan towards another street.

Wang Xiaofeng followed the crowd and walked slowly towards the end of the spacious street paved with bluestones, where the trade fair was held.

The mental power fluctuations that ordinary people can't feel slowly spread out, secretly and silently, which is an improvement compared to the previous few days. Even if the mental power is stronger than him, he still follows the mental power to grasp the source.

The disadvantage is that the scanning efficiency is not as unscrupulous as before. It is estimated that it will take three days to completely scan Baidi City without missing a single detail.

For example, a Contra who was invited by several families to garrison had a headache. He could only look at the cold hairs on the back of his hands, which should be aroused to stand up every five minutes, but he could not catch the troublemaker.

As he gradually approached the huge trading market, the surprise on Wang Xiaofeng's face became more intense.

For this trade fair, Baidi City obviously spent a lot of money and built another city directly in the city.

Looking at the behemoth that was like a bottomless pit, swallowing up the endless flow of people, Wang Xiaofeng also quickened his pace, and his body was like a fish, weaving through the crowded flow of people.

As he was walking, Wang Xiaofeng's expression suddenly changed. In his perception, several small black hands quietly passed through his cloak and were touching his waist, wrists and pockets.

Immediately, the soft sleeves of the robe were covered with a thin layer of soul power, and the palms stretched out from the crowd towards the belt were quickly flicked away.

Then, a tiny soul power needle would always be inserted into those palms, and a small red dot would slowly appear. It was painful, but not fatal.

Looking at those people holding their palms and gasping in pain, Wang Xiaofeng had a smile on his lips. He had seen this kind of stealing trick countless times.

The pain will last for about half a month and then disappear, which can be considered a lesson.

Without paying too much attention to these pitiful and hateful people, Wang Xiaofeng swayed slightly and finally passed through the crowded door. Under the inspection of the guards with venomous eyes like eagles, he walked in calmly.

Entering the trading floor, soft daylight pours down.

The noise from the outside world seemed to be cut off at this moment, and the distance of just a few meters was like a world of thousands of miles apart.

In the hall, expressionless and fully armed guards can be seen everywhere. These guards all wear the same style of metal badges on their chests, representing the power of the trade fair.

When Wang Xiaofeng was looking left and right curiously, a stout woman walked up to him: "Is this your first time at the trade fair?"

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the arm that was thicker than his thigh and nodded decisively.

"I'm here to buy something." He said, opening the money Victor gave him.

"I am a guard responsible for reception and guidance. I am not here to steal your money." The woman rolled her eyes, pointed at the purse and said, "It's only five hundred gold coins. This amount of money is only enough for you to pick up rags in the outer yard."

The trade fair covers a very large area, with neat counters arranged vertically and horizontally.

On the counter, there were countless rare items, at least many of which he had never seen before, and the prices he had seen in Tiandou and Xingluo were ridiculously high.

At this time, many people were stopping in front of these counters, and noisy conversations lingered among them.

To be honest, he really wanted to pick up rags here, but unfortunately, he was short of money.

Sure enough, it is difficult for a rich man to be a man without money.

"What about selling things?" Wang Xiaofeng said in embarrassment.

"If it's that garbage, then you can rent a stall for 500 gold coins." The female guard pointed to the counter in the middle, and then pointed to a small dark room in the corner with nothing to go into. "That's the treasure appraisal room. If your items are of high enough value, you can be selected to participate in the auction at tonight’s boutique fair.”

"Um, thank you." Wang Xiaofeng watched the other party leave.

Then, after a slight delay, he slowly walked into the so-called treasure appraisal room.

I thought it was just an ordinary small dark room, but I didn't realize that there was something special inside.

This large room was once again neatly divided into 20 separate small secret rooms, presumably as a measure to avoid exposing treasures and other people's identities.

The doors were closed between No. 1 and No. 15. Someone should be appraising treasures inside. Wang Xiaofeng randomly chose No. 16 and went in. As soon as he walked into the treasure appraisal room, the middle-aged man behind the appraisal table said.

"Friend, are you here to appraise the treasure, or to do a price assessment for auction?"

His sharp eyes glanced over Wang Xiaofeng inadvertently, but since Wang Xiaofeng was completely hidden in his thick and large black robe, it was difficult to see anything.

"Come for evaluation." Wang Xiaofeng's voice was a little high-pitched, like a little girl's.

"Please sit down." The appraiser casually pointed to the chair in front of the table.

After placing some instruments for inspecting the auction items on the table one by one, he said calmly: "Take out the things you need to evaluate."

The wide sleeved robe was swept on the table, and a wine jar suddenly appeared on the table.

The rich and somewhat spicy aroma of wine spread in the small room.

"Wine?" Looking at the wine jar on the table, the middle-aged appraiser was stunned for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, wine appreciation is not my area of ​​expertise. Please wait a moment, I will help you find a professional Sommelier.”

With that said, the middle-aged appraiser was about to open the small door at the back and another person came over. A thin and dark old man had already pushed the door open and knocked him aside.

He was intoxicated and inhaled the aroma of wine in the room, "Hahaha, I can smell this strong aroma of wine through three walls."

"The base is gourd old wine that has been stored for three and a half years. Well, it also contains tiger bones and Ganoderma lucidum that are over a thousand years old, as well as some medicinal materials that are over a hundred years old. It has been brewed for two years, and all the essence inside has been completely gathered in this jar. It's in the wine." The little old man put on animal skin gloves and gently stroked the wine jar with gleaming eyes. His nose couldn't help but twitch slightly: "What a good baby."

"The old gentleman really has a sharp eye."

I can almost figure out what's inside just by smell. Although I can't specify the age, it's still extremely powerful. Sure enough, there are masters everywhere, and they shouldn't be underestimated.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't deny it, and said in a casual tone, "I wonder if I can go to the auction tonight."

The little old man nodded crazily: "Of course, of course, such a top quality product is rare in ten years, so it's natural to get it, but it's just this amount, which is a bit small."

A jar of wine is only about five liters. If you subtract the debris inside, you may only drink a little more than three liters in your mouth.

"Okay, but I only have so much." Wang Xiaofeng took out two more jars of wine of the same size and placed them on the table.

"That's enough, that's enough, miss. The value of the items you are auctioning has reached the second-level VIP level for our auction."

"This is your seat number. The auction will officially start at five o'clock this afternoon. Please sign in and take your seat." The little old man carefully put the wine jar into the soul guide, and then took out a square piece from under the counter. , a waist badge as gentle as white jade, handed it to Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the waistband with the number 109 on it and nodded, "I will be there on time."




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