Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 523 The Adventures of Oscar

The far north continent, endless ice fields.

Pieces of velvet-like snowflakes fell from the sky and fell on the ground that was already covered with white snow.

The cold wind, which is almost visible to the naked eye, shuttles continuously through the gaps in the glacier, and the sound of whining echoes throughout this vast world that seems to be made of ice, snow, cold wind, and ice crystals.

In the distance is a huge rolling mountain range with almost no end in sight, as thick as a dragon's spine, covered with old snow, which still seems to be reflecting the faint light of crystal clear light.

It stretches for thousands of kilometers from east to south and is composed of countless mountains and valleys. It is like a barrier created by nature, separating the Far North Icefield from the human Tiandou Empire.

In the ice field, the winter wolf crouched forward in the wind and snow, leaving behind paw prints, which were covered and submerged by the drifting snow in the blink of an eye.

The frost tiger lurked in the snow, revealing only a pair of dark and wild eyes, patiently waiting for the prey to approach...

If nothing unexpected happens, it will have a full meal as long as it waits ten seconds.

Unfortunately, it didn't notice that a dark shadow appeared in the sky above.


A huge torrent of frost crashed down, completely turning all life within fifty meters into ice crystals. Before the Winter Wolf and Frost Tiger could react, their lives were frozen here.


The shadow enlarged in the snow, and after a while, a huge creature slowly landed.

It was a ferocious giant beast with a cold white body. There was a pair of wings on its back that seemed to be enlarged and widened like bat wings. The fascia was obvious and tough and powerful.

The white scales on the body that look like ice crystals are very smooth and beautiful, reflecting a layer of bright light. In addition, these scales are arranged tightly and orderly, and fit into each other layer by layer without revealing any gaps. It looks like Has strong defense.

It was very large, just lying lazily on the ground, and the whole thing looked like a heavy tank.

Dragon, this is the unified name that humans give to this powerful creature, which represents beauty, power and ferocity.

And now this giant beast is obviously a frost dragon.

The five-hundred-year-old winter wolf and the seven-hundred-year-old frost tiger had completely turned into two irregular ice crystals. They slowly walked in front of the prey and enjoyed it happily.

Until, only cold blood and broken ice crystal fragments were left on the ground.

It looked around, and the surroundings had become a place of silence. The aura of the world's top predator had scared away the surrounding creatures.

It shook its head with satisfaction, unfolded its folded dragon wings, and flapped rapidly at the same time.

Ice and snow energy moved around its body, and its heavy body suddenly became lighter. When the dragon's wings shook, the entire dragon was ejected directly from the place, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

The surroundings were calm again, with only the sound of the north wind whistling.

Ten minutes later, a huge shadow came again, and its cold and cruel vertical pupils swept around. Unfortunately, except for animals such as snow rabbits and ice kraits that shivered under the power of the dragon, it found no other creatures.

It was somewhat annoyed and sprayed out dragon breath again to freeze the surrounding life. It flapped its dragon wings and left here without looking back.

The dragon's breath is not an ordinary skill, but a dragon's signature that is extremely effective and extremely difficult to resist. Any creature must take it seriously. It is equivalent to a big move.

By magnifying the move on ordinary animals, you can see how angry this dragon is.

Half an hour later.

Not far from where the giant dragon was standing, the flat snow suddenly rose up, and a head slowly stretched out.

By coincidence, I was at the back of my position, avoiding the attack range of the dragon's breath jet.

He looked around cautiously, and all he saw were irregular ice crystal fields and lifelike ice sculptures. He didn't let down his guard until he confirmed that there was no sign of the giant dragon.

He put away the white fur blanket used for camouflage and warmth and revealed his face.

If it weren't for his instantly recognizable peach blossom eyes, no one would have believed that this bushy-bearded uncle was the long-lost Oscar.

The biting cold wind and scattered snowflakes all fell on Oscar's body, making him shiver.

"This dog lizard has been chasing me for five days, just to see you take a bath."

As he said that, Oscar sighed, "Fortunately, Phantom Gut has enough reserves, otherwise..."

Then he groped for the snow beside him, and then as if he had caught something, he lifted up the snow beside him with force, and then put it into the soul guide.

It was a piece of camouflage cloth sewn from the fur of a Breathing Beast, and I spent most of my savings on it.

There was a strong man lying in the snow. He was curled up, his expression was painful, and there was an unnatural purple color on his face. It looked like the situation was not good.

Oscar pinched Renzhong hard and said, "Brother Hao, are you still alive?"

Haote said in a daze: "Run away, run away quickly."

Oscar took off his gloves and touched his forehead.

So hot it can be used as a heater!

After taking off his heavy coat and untying the bandages, the three hideous wounds on Hot's chest had become eroded by the erosion of ice energy.

The good news is that the wound is no longer bleeding.

The bad news is that energy has begun to eat away at your internal organs.

"No, the little sausage can no longer suppress the injury. We must find a high-level healing soul master to remove the ice energy from Brother Hao's body.

According to the marks on the map, we should be at the border of the endless ice field now. At this point in time, we can only find the advanced healing soul master by walking northeast to Baidi City. "

After making a sausage and stuffing it into Hot's mouth to stabilize his condition, and then applying some gold sore medicine to the wound, Oscar looked up at the sky.

The sky was a bit dark at this time, and the wind and snow were showing signs of intensifying, so it was not suitable to continue on the road.

Oscar then took out a strange-shaped small shovel from the soul guide and began to dig a hole in the spot.

At this moment, Oscar once again felt that the most correct thing he did when he came to the Far North was to spend 100 gold soul coins to learn wild survival skills from a senior hunter for half a month.

This seemingly simple survival technique saved his life countless times in just half a month.

Oh, and thank you to Brother Feng for the engineer shovel, it’s really useful.

An hour later.

A half-meter-deep snow cave appeared on the ice sheet.

There is a layer of wooden boards inside the hole, and the snow wall is fixed with some branches.

Although it is only a pothole less than four square meters wide, it is already a good place to serve as a temporary shelter.

After compacting the surrounding snow and checking it back and forth and finding that there was no problem, Oscar dragged Hot into the hole and then covered the hole with a wooden board.

After a while, the gradually increasing wind and snow covered up the traces, and it was impossible to tell that there was a cave entrance from the outside.

After covering Hot with a blanket, Oscar crawled into the cold sleeping bag.

In the darkness, there are many thoughts.

He and Hot met half a year ago.

At that time, he opened a sausage shop in a border town. While inquiring about the mirror beast, he learned hunting skills and looked for companions who could help hunt the soul beast.

Then one afternoon, I met Hot, who had just been fired from the caravan. He went to the store and ordered the cheapest hot dog buns.

As the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor, Haote is famous in the mercenary world.

It's not because of his strength or reputation, but because he seems to be plagued by bad luck, and it can infect others.

As the literal meaning describes, every caravan that forms a team with him or hires him will encounter some unpleasant things more or less, such as being hit by inexplicable bird droppings while walking on the road. I suddenly tripped over my left foot on a flat road.

It's not a big deal, but it's disgusting.

Therefore, he can't make every order for a long time. Occasionally, some small caravans who are greedy for cheap will hire him.

If Haote hadn't been kind-hearted, he would have thought this was a curse from the gods and didn't want to affect others.

With his strength, it is easy to make money.

Hot's story is not a secret, and it is even a drunken joke among the mercenaries who licked blood from their swords. Therefore, after hearing about his deeds, Oscar decisively listed him as the first choice for the captain of the mercenary team.

With Oscar's intention to befriend him, his relationship with Haote developed by leaps and bounds. Within a few days, Haote agreed to form a mercenary team with him and make a lot of money together.

From then on, things suddenly went smoothly.

The mercenary team not only gathered the number of people to form a standard seven-man team, but two months ago, they also received news from a broker about the appearance of a suspected mirror beast in the Thousand Needles Forest of the Far North Continent.

So the mercenary team took on its first mission after its establishment and went to Thousand Needles Forest to help its employer obtain soul rings.

By the way, help Oscar check the authenticity of the Mirror Beast news.

The first mission of the mercenary team went very smoothly. After wandering around Thousand Needles Forest for three days, they managed to obtain the 300-year-old snow ape soul beast. The ten-year-old kid got the soul ring he wanted. He was very satisfied. They also gave each of them five gold coins.

Just when Oscar thought that good luck would favor him, reality gave them a hard time.

They encountered a fairly spacious river in the depths of Thousand Needles Forest. They were just about to make a fire to cook and rest for a while as a temporary camp, when they saw the ice dragon that had just emerged from the bath.

Hot, the strongest, decisively broke off and bought time for the others, but this ice dragon whose age was unknown was too strong.

A breath of frost shattered everyone's combined soul attack.

Haote was the first to fall. The Snow Demon Bear Wuhun's proud defense did not even block a claw in front of the ice dragon.

It is unclear what happened to the others. Oscar, who had hidden early, could only take Hot, who was still breathing, on the road to escape.

During this period, I was lucky enough to encounter the mirror beast mentioned in the news. Unfortunately, the age of that beast was too young, only a little over a thousand years old.

Other than that, he was running around to avoid the ice dragon, and before he knew it, he ran out of the Thousand Needles Forest and came to the Endless Ice Field.

Thinking of winter, Oscar couldn't help but think of days gone by.

"It's such a cold weather, everyone should be eating delicious food."

When he was in the academy, every winter, Xiaofeng would always buy a few lambs from farmers in surrounding villages, and then use his soul power to groom the lambs.

Every night, a special utensil called a copper hot pot is placed, with slices of mutton, vegetables and fruits placed around it.

At that time, Fatty always grabbed things very quickly, but unfortunately he, with the lowest level of cultivation, could only beat himself.

The restaurant is shabby and a little leaky, but as long as you cook some fat and tender lamb, add it with Wang Xiaofeng's secret dipping sauce, and finally dip it hard with the steaming lamb meat, roll it up When you take one bite of it, it feels so good.

What a pity, what a pity! This way of eating called hot pot should be promoted in the Far North. In comparison, what he has eaten in the Far North for most of the past six months is rubbish.

The laughter of his former companions seemed to reach his ears. When he wanted to listen carefully, he could only hear the howling of the cold wind outside the cave.

Oscar sighed deeply and hugged himself tighter with his hands.

Everyone, I miss you so much.



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