Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 524 The trade fair begins

"Next time, wipe your eyes brighter. Others may not have such a good temper as me." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and walked out of the alley full of wailing.

The situation in Baidi City was even more chaotic than the cities he had walked in before. Just walking around the Beicheng District, he encountered seventeen thefts, five robberies, and three times he was forced to collect tolls by gangs who blocked the road.

Judging from this situation, he previously estimated that he could scan Baidi City in three days, and it is estimated that it will take two more days.

During the winter fair, the daily throughput of people in Baidi City is extremely terrifying.

Wang Xiaofeng originally thought that in such a remote area, the geographical location and climate would greatly limit the scale of the trade fair.

But when he appeared at the entrance of the trading venue again, the nearly huge flow of people and the noise and curses coming from the venue made him slightly sluggish.

It's obviously the afternoon, but the flow of people has not decreased but increased compared to the morning.

The Tiandou City auction pales in comparison to this winter trade fair.

However, the surrounding walls are still a bit monotonous. If it were Flanders, he would have hung advertisements all over the walls, even the toilets in the venue.

Wang Xiaofeng smacked his lips, tentatively squeezed into the terrifying crowd, and then stepped back helplessly under dozens of pairs of slightly warning eyes.

There are so many people, and there is no special passage, so it looks like there will be a queue for a while.

Jumping in line? He just tried it.

If you cut in line here, one second it will be a visual warning, and the next second you may be hit hard by dozens of pairs of fists.

People living in the Far North Continent are used to struggling with the harsh environment, and their tempers are quite bad.

It's almost normal here to pull out a knife from your crotch and stab someone after a disagreement.

So like him, the best solution is to queue up honestly and not to be the first.

But after all, there are only a few "honest" people like him.

There were a few soul masters who thought they were quite capable and wanted to jump in line and enter the trading venue early. Such behavior directly caused the displeasure of most people in the team.

It was just a verbal dispute at first, but then the two sides seemed to get angry and started fighting.

The scattered flames and frost immediately disrupted the order of the team, and the scale of the battle seemed to be expanding.

This opened Wang Xiaofeng's eyes a bit, and he criticized both parties in his mind. Before the guard could stop him, he took three steps and two steps at a time, took the opportunity to cross the large open space, and inserted himself into the front of the team. He quickly took out his identity card before others could react. , the staff immediately entered the trading venue after verification.

There were fewer stalls outside than in the morning, but there were many more tourists hanging out.

After passing through the crowded crowd and showing the No. 109 sign to the waiter at the counter, a tall and strong man led him into a side passage.

Entering the passage, the light was slightly dim. Walk along the corridor to the end, then turn a corner. Suddenly, a huge auction site appeared in Wang Xiaofeng's sight.

This auction venue was larger than any auction venue he had ever seen before.

The densely packed seats and the auction platform, which was almost made of bright crystals, were even more dazzling.

It perfectly demonstrates what the architectural style of the Far North is.

Big is good, white is beautiful.

The strong man led Wang Xiaofeng through the huge venue for nearly five minutes, and finally stopped five hundred meters away from the crystal auction platform.

"Here is your seat, and here is tonight's auction list, please take it." The strong man pointed to a seat, grinned at Wang Xiaofeng, and after Wang Xiaofeng sat down, handed him a brochure, and then Bow and leave.

This booklet is a commodity trading manual. The first two pages are the name of the sponsor and the trading rules, and the following are the products to be auctioned every night for the past half month.

The products displayed in the brochure are all provided by various forces and clans, and they have been promoted half a month before the start of the Winter Fair.

The tiger bone wine auctioned by Wang Xiaofeng will not appear in the brochure, but the occasional high-quality products like this are also one of the selling points of the auction.

There is still some time before the trade fair starts. Although many seats are still empty, there are also some people who came early like Wang Xiaofeng.

In several places, a group of people gathered together to discuss in whispers, discussing how to pool everyone's money to buy items, and then distribute them according to the proportion of their money.

Wang Xiaofeng opened the booklet and browsed the rules of the trade fair.

Different from ordinary auctions, the trade fair supports barter for goods, so there is a high probability that many of the treasures that appear here will not be sold. They only support exchange of equal value, so the probability of an unsold auction is very high.

For example, tonight's grand finale is a 15,000-year-old ice ape left arm soul bone.

The seller does not sell, only exchanges.

The seller's demand is: a fire attribute soul bone that is more than ten thousand years old, or a treasure of heaven and earth that can improve the cultivation qualifications without side effects.

Wang Xiaofeng took one look and knew that there was a high probability that this thing would not be auctioned. The seller was probably just looking for a place to advertise. Most of the time, this kind of bartering was a private transaction between the two parties.

He also feasted his eyes on all kinds of things. The simple introduction of the products in the brochure was just a popular science reading for free.

As time went by, the seats gradually filled up with people.

It was like hundreds of thousands of ducks clamoring in his ears, which made him feel distracted. Wang Xiaofeng could only put away the book helplessly and looked up at the bright crystal stage. At this time, a host was already standing on it with a smile.

"It's finally about to begin." Looking at the huge crowded venue around him, Wang Xiaofeng murmured in a low voice, feeling a little expectant in his heart.

Six soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black rose from the host's body. A small bell appeared in his right hand. The second soul ring shone brightly and was placed on the clock. The small bell began to shake gently.

The crisp chime of the bell slowly resounded in the huge venue, and as the bell rang, the extremely noisy noise in the venue gradually weakened.

Wang Xiaofeng only felt a little restlessness in his heart dissipating with the sound of the bell.

What a forceful means, what a domineering spirit. He had never heard of such a powerful spirit master. There were indeed many talented people in the Far North.

"Everyone, welcome to this year's winter trade fair. I think this trade fair hosted by Baidi City will not disappoint everyone." The host put away his martial spirit and smiled cheerfully in front of the eyes of countless people. road.

"Then I declare that the Baidi Winter Fair has officially begun."

As expected of the Far North Continent, people here speak simply and directly. Wang Xiaofeng clapped along, the lights dimmed and brightened, and the first auction item appeared on the stage.

It was a dark blue long sword that reflected a cold luster under the light.

"This sword is called Han Feng. It was forged by master swordsmith Silong using thousands of years of cold iron. It can be said to be like cutting iron like mud. If soul power is injected into it, it can even stimulate the energy of ice.

The host raised the long sword, and the sword shook. A faint cold air rose up, forming a faint white air. With a wave of his hand, the wooden man as the target was directly cut in half, and the smooth cut surface There was even frost on the mark.

He turned to look at the auction house and said with a smile: "The bottom price is 10,000 gold coins. Please go ahead."

As soon as he finished speaking, many people started to make quotations.

10,315,400 Wang Xiaofeng felt a toothache as he listened to the constant shouting of prices beside him.

Although the sword is a good sword, the starting price is a bit ridiculously high. In the Tiandou Empire, its value is about 2000-3000 gold soul coins, but in the Far North Continent it can be sold for more than 10,000 gold coins, and Prices are still rising.

No wonder those businessmen want to come to the Far North to do business. There are so many rich people.

The bidding gradually stopped after two minutes, and finally the Hanfeng Sword was successfully bought by a thin man for 21,300 gold coins.

After the first item was successfully auctioned, dazzling treasures began to appear on the auction table.

Treasure armor, gems, techniques, medicinal materials, etc., and even slaves.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the strong man who was pushed up in astonishment, and the host began to introduce his information.

Han Ya, 21 years old, thirty-fifth level soul master, martial soul ice iron bear.

I thought no one would buy it, but in the end, the price was as high as nearly 130,000 gold coins, which made Wang Xiaofeng feel outrageous.

Later, Wang Xiaofeng learned that this was a very special contract of selling one's body in the Far North Continent. The person who sold one's body sold one's body in exchange for cultivation resources.

It is similar to the worship position in the sect, but the conditions are not so extreme.

In the first hour of the trade fair, nothing too exciting appeared. The rare herbs that appeared occasionally were abandoned by Wang Xiaofeng because the price premium was too high.

Another item was brought up, and the host took the wine jar from a sturdy guard with a smile on his face.

oh? Finally it's my turn.

Wang Xiaofeng sat up slightly.

The three wine jars attracted a lot of attention as soon as they appeared. After all, most of the people in the venue had participated in more than one trade fair. They knew in their hearts that this kind of special product could be included in the trade fair without exception. They are all treasures.

"This wine is called tiger bone wine. It is brewed with precious medicinal materials. Drinking it can not only purify soul power and strengthen muscles and bones, but also has a very strong enhancement effect on certain aspects of men." The host pointed to the stage. He put the wine jar on the table and said with a smile: "The most important thing is that these three jars of fine wine will not have any side effects except that they are too mellow and make people intoxicated by the aroma of the wine."

As soon as the host finished speaking, there was a commotion in the auction house. Even the distinguished guests sitting in front of Wang Xiaofeng made some movements.

"Because brewing is not easy, the soul bone wine will be sold in separate jars at the request of the seller. The first jar of tiger bone wine has a minimum auction price of 10,000 gold coins."

"Twenty thousand!" Someone in the back seat of Wang Xiaofeng couldn't wait to shout loudly.

Price shouts rang out one after another in the venue, and in just one minute, the price of the first jar of tiger bone wine rose from 10,000 to around 130,000.

When the price reached this point, the outcry obviously became much rarer. After all, this was only the first altar, and there were two more after it.

The final price stopped at 143,200 gold coins.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was hiding under his cloak, was almost happy, but it was obvious that he was happy too early.

The prices of the two jars of tiger bone wine at the back were getting higher and higher amidst the fierce competition.

Three minutes later, the second jar of tiger bone wine fell into the hands of the old taster who helped him identify the wine at the time, and the transaction price was 159,600 gold coins.

The third jar of tiger bone wine was sold for 186,500 gold coins, and the person who bought it was a fat businessman with a big belly.

His whole body was covered with gold rings, gold chains, and gold jewelry that almost blinded Wang Xiaofeng.

An hour later, after admiring the beauty of the ten-thousand-year-old soul bone, Wang Xiaofeng followed the large army out of the trading venue through the secret passage with satisfaction.

Wait until dawn tomorrow, and he can go to the front desk of the trade fair with waist tag No. 109 to exchange for the gold coins obtained from the tiger bone wine auction tonight.

Minus the 5% handling fee, he can get gold coins.

The coffers that would starve a rat to death are filled again.

When Wang Xiaofeng returned to his accommodation room, he looked at his plump wallet, touched his chin, and began to empty his gourd space.

Selling things at this special time and in a special place can undoubtedly maximize profits, but tiger bone wine can no longer be sold. Things are rare and expensive, and if you sell too much, it will easily attract the attention of others and then do evil things.

However, he still has some "tasteless" by-products from his research, which he can sell.

For example, I originally wanted to develop a small medicine bottle that can replenish soul power anytime and anywhere, but it can indeed replenish vitality, but there is only a small amount of ginseng extract No. 31 that causes diarrhea.

Another example is that I originally wanted to develop a wound medicine that can be used in water, but unexpectedly discovered that Blue Sky Star Cream No. 72 has a mediocre therapeutic effect but a particularly good whitening effect.

There are just a few side effects: after application, the plaster will whiten the skin and make the application area very itchy, which needs to be tolerated for two minutes.

He has hundreds of useless items like this that are completely different. After withdrawing the money tomorrow, he will change his identity and take it to the appraiser to see if it is worth anything. If it doesn't work, just rent a stall outside. The trade will be so big. With the amount of people coming in, there should always be one or two scammers coming to buy it.

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