Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 525: Troubled Times

At dawn the next day, Wang Xiaofeng came to the counter of the trading venue.

"I want to set up a stall here, how do I calculate the cost?"

The hunky teller glanced at him, took out a huge roll of cloth from behind and spread it out on the counter, with the overall layout of the trading venue painted on it.

Each small square represents a stall, covering the entire map with small numbers written in each square.

“Nos. 1-100 are large stalls, mainly provided to chambers of commerce. The stalls behind No. 100 have different floor areas and different prices depending on their location.

Let me know which stall you are interested in, and I will also check to see if there is anyone renting the stall. "

The teller pointed to the square above and asked him to choose.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the field map. According to experience, the closer the serial number is to the front, the better, but the price will be more expensive.

He looked at it carefully, then pointed to the square that was close to the door but smaller than the surrounding area and said, "How much is the rent for No. 188?"

"Small stall No. 188? Wait a moment." The teller flipped through the registration manual. "You are lucky. The owner of stall No. 188 did not renew the lease last night, so this stall is currently unrented. Its price is 3 gold coins. one day."

"Only 3 gold coins? Someone told me yesterday that the rent for the stall here is 500 gold coins."

The teller showed a smile that didn't match his appearance: "The rental fee for the large stalls No. 70-100 is indeed 500 gold coins per day, but I think you won't be able to use such a big place."

Although 3 gold coins is not cheap, compared to 500 gold coins, it is undoubtedly very cheap.

After some explanation from the teller, Wang Xiaofeng realized that the rental fee included taxes and fees, which meant that he could earn whatever he sold without having to pay any extra money.

"My stall is still short of an employee. Do you have any ideas?"

"As long as it's a transaction-related issue, we can help you solve it here." The teller took out a piece of paper and asked Wang Xiaofeng to write down the requirements and salary for employees.

"You can speak Xingluo language, Tiandou language, the common language of the mainland, and more than three dialects of the Far North. The salary is one gold coin a day."

Perhaps because of the extremely high salary, it only took Wang Xiaofeng half an hour to hire the right candidate.

Although the agency fee of 20 gold coins is a bit expensive, the efficiency is great.

After the preliminary preparations were completed, Wang Xiaofeng took his temporary employee Gref to booth No. 188.

The booth is not big, only about ten square meters from side to side, and there are two shelves and a counter set up for free at the venue.

The stalls on both sides seem to be doing pretty good business. They sell some gadgets that were popular in the Tiandou Empire a long time ago. They are not worth much, but they seem to be just right for the residents of the Far North. Standing in front of the stalls Several people are selecting products.

Wang Xiaofeng was quite satisfied with the location of the stall. He took out the cargo box prepared in advance from the soul guide and placed it in the corner.

"I have put price tags on all the products, and the specific effects of each potion are written in the booklet. When customers ask, you just answer according to what is written on it."

Wang Xiaofeng waved the product brochure in his hand and said: "Our products are all about small profits but quick turnover, and we do not tolerate price bargaining. If you encounter customers who bargain, just tell them to get out."

Gref looked at the labels with several zeros on the glass jars in the box, and complained in his heart: I won't be beaten for selling such unscrupulous products. Is it too late to resign now? !

But when I thought about getting a gold coin if I persisted for one day, I could only nod my head and agreed: "I understand, boss."

Wang Xiaofeng patted Gref on the shoulder with satisfaction: "Very good, do it well, and I'll give you a red envelope when you're done."

Okay, I have other things to do, so you can lay out the goods first. "

"Okay boss."

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng leaving, Greif sighed.

Although he felt that his future was bleak and the young boss might fire him tonight due to poor sales, he still honestly took out the potions from the box at the back and placed them on the shelves in order.

Wang Xiaofeng watched in the dark for a while. It was not until Gref sold the first potion that he left with peace of mind.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't know whether these things would sell well, but if he sold one, he would have already recovered the stall fee, and he didn't insist on more.

Making money is just a casual thing, he will not lose sight of one thing or the other. Finding Oscar is the most important thing at this time.

The larger the winter fair and the more people it attracts, the more likely it is that Oscar will be spotted.

Yesterday, Wang Xiaofeng sneaked into the city lord's mansion to check the household registration, and found that the population management of Baidi City was a mess, and the data was old and inaccurate.

According to records, the total population of Baidi City is 7,300 households and 35,000 people. However, due to gang divisions alone, the population and accommodation in the northern district of the city, which is less affected by the transaction, have far more people than this number.

Hukou hiding and fleeing are very serious, and it is impossible for a floating population like Oscar to be registered on it.

So I can only use the old method, using my mental power to scan every inch and every corner, looking for the familiar soul power fluctuations.

Unfortunately, for three days in a row, there was no harvest.

But on the other hand, Wang Xiaofeng thought it was a randomly set up stall, but it suddenly became popular and was listed as the 37th must-visit stall at the trade fair by the good guys.

The potions sold not only have side effects listed, but also have miraculous effects in certain aspects. In addition, the boss will tell you to leave with a serious face as long as you negotiate the price, which inexplicably attracts many customers.

"Boss, the goods are almost sold out." Gref took out the last bottle of potion from the box and placed it in the container, saying busy but happily.

Unfortunately, Wang Xiaofeng, who was slumped on the recliner, did not stand up as excitedly as he imagined. His face still had the same dull expression, "Sold out when it's sold out."

Gref looked at Wang Xiaofeng's figure, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

Maybe this is the case for people who do big business. They don't like gold coins. To them, gold coins are no different from weeds on the roadside.

After putting away the empty box, he suddenly realized that this good job of earning one gold coin a day was coming to an end.

The last piece of Yuanqi No. 73 was sold, and Gref seemed to be relieved of his burden.

He took out a box full of gold coins from under the cabinet, which contained the money earned from selling potions today.

"Boss, I made a gold coin today. This plus the previous two days is a total of one gold coin. Boss, you should be right if you count."

Wang Xiaofeng grabbed the box with one hand and shook it casually. Looking at Gref with a flattering expression on his face, some thoughts came to his mind.

"Have you ever been to school before?"

Gref smiled: "No, I stayed in a caravan for a few years and learned it on my own."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin, "Really?"

Gref waited for a while and found that his former boss seemed to just ask casually. He turned around with some disappointment, but out of the corner of his eye he noticed something flying towards him.

He abruptly stopped his upper body, which had just turned halfway, and almost reached his waist, but luckily he caught the thing in the end.

Gref lowered his head and saw that it was actually a cloth bag. It was heavy and heavy in his hand.

"This is"

Wang Xiaofeng put the money box into the soul guide: "I said before that if you do well, you will get a red envelope. By the way, are you married? I still have a job here, but the location is a bit far away."

Gref replied decisively: "I can do it."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at him with a half-smile: "I don't know where the place is, but how much is the salary?"

Greif patted his chest and said, "Boss, you are a capable person and you keep your promises. Such a person is worthy of my following."

Your words would be more convincing if you didn't secretly open the purse to see how much money is inside.

Wang Xiaofeng threw a soul guidance ring to Gref: "Then I will give you a task first. Take the money and go to Shrek Academy in Tiandou City of the Tiandou Empire to find a person named Flanders. He will follow Tell me about specific work arrangements.

Okay, take the money and go home quickly. It's quite cold today and don't go out if you can. "

"Okay boss."

Gref carefully put the black ring in his hand into the middle layer of his clothes.

Although soul guides are very common among soul masters, they are very precious things to ordinary people.

"Boss, even if you don't tell me, I won't go out tonight. The weather is going to change at any time, and it suddenly got a lot colder." With a huge sum of money in his pocket, Gref tried his best to look natural. , to avoid being targeted by the garbage in the stinking ditch.

Watching Gref leave, Wang Xiaofeng smiled. It was an ordinary ring, but there was indeed a gourd symbol engraved inside the ring. I believe Dean Flanders would understand what he meant after getting the ring and put Gref in it. My husband is settled.

In fact, Wang Xiaofeng had no such idea, but he accidentally or accidentally learned about Gref's life experience while chatting with the teller yesterday.

He was originally an orphan, but luckily he was taken in by a caravan owner and managed to survive the most difficult years of his youth.

However, the good times did not last long, and the caravan business went bankrupt. He had no choice but to wander around looking for work. If Baidi City hadn't held a winter trade fair that needed a lot of manpower, he might have starved to death on the roadside.

It just so happened that he was going to build a breeding farm and a planting base on the outskirts of Tiandou City and needed people to manage it. Although he didn't want to say it, Gref, who was unfamiliar with the place, was very suitable for this job.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the heavy snowfall outside the venue and sighed, "It's been such a troubled year."

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